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TexSyn is a library for procedural texture synthesis. Textures are defined by code fragments, compositions of TexSyn functions. Generally, TexSyn programs will be automatically generated and optimized using a “genetic programming” system. As a result, TexSyn contains some quirky design choices, reflecting that it is not primarily intended for direct use by human programmers. TexSyn was built as a component of a larger project aiming to simulate the evolution of camouflage in nature, as described in the ALIFE 2023 paper Coevolution of Camouflage.

January 4, 2025

Belatedly, a 2 year old screen shot

I made some additions to the README for TexSyn (see here) hoping to make it a little bit easier for other people to build and run this simulation of camouflage evolution. In that process I ran across some screen shots from my laptop during a run on January 26, 2023, perhaps this one? Nothing special, just showing what my screen typically looked like. On the right are two command shells, macOS Terminal app windows. The top one is running PredatorEye (python3 40) and the bottom one running TexSyn (caffeinate ‹ texsyn ~/Pictures/camouflage_backgrounds/bare_trees_blue_sky ~/Desktop/TexSyn_temp 0.2 20230125 512 512 400 20 — compiled to run class EvoCamoVsLearnPredPop). On the left are two “tournament images” showing the current and previous evolution steps. Again, not much of note, although the bottom-most prey has a camouflage pattern that is doing a moderately good job of blending in with the “sky behind branches” background image.


September 30, 2023


I followed up on an idea described in the Future Work section of Coevolution of Camouflage. A typical simulation run produces many hundreds of files containing “tournament images” — a part of the background overlaid with three camouflaged prey. Initially they were saved every 20 simulation steps. As the size of runs and populations grew during this project, that would have led to 600 image files per run. (When run lengths reached 12000 steps, these images were collect only during the final 2000 steps.) That seems a lot to store. Worse, it is a lot to sort through by hand to find a few good quality “representative” images. This was the procedure used for all previous camouflage-related posts below. It is not lost on me that there is some tension between “find a few good quality” images and “representative” images. I do not want to overstate the quality of camouflage generated by this techniques by “cherry picking” results.

In a sense, this is what led from a model based on Interactive Evolution of Camouflage — with a human predator in the loop — to the current Coevolution of Camouflage model. I worried that a system with a human in the loop, especially the researcher/author, could be seen as having some bias that might drive the action of the human predator. As of earlier this year camouflage was being produced untouched by human hands. And now: results can be selected automatically. This new auto-curation selects candidate images by an objective method — based on the static quality metric (SQM) see March 13 — intended to select most good quality images. Nonetheless, the final culling is still made by a human.

The rules for auto-curation are subject to further refinement. My first try was selecting tournament images where all three prey have “high” SQM, above some threshold. But I found that toward the end of a run, this selected too many images, lots of which were of “only OK” quality. Since SQM uses only the pre-trained generalist predator, it is not fine-tuned for a given environment. So I combined SQM with the ability of prey to “fool” the fine-tuned predators for a given run. Currently the criteria is to select tournament images where both all three predators have SQM scores of 100% and all three predators were fooled by all three prey. (That is: all three predators failed, selecting a location which is outside all prey.)

So for example, here are three hand-selected images from a run (ID redwood_leaf_litter_20230929_2222) where auto-curation selected 134 candidates from the last 1000 steps (11000 to 12000).

20230930a_step_11546 20230930a_step_11643 20230930a_step_11786

August 20, 2023

Oops! Probably trivial lack of backward compatibility

Starting around June 17, 2023 I made a series of code clean up changes to TexSyn to convert the library to be strictly “header only.” That is, TexSyn no longer needs to be built in the make/cmake sense. It just needs to be included from other C++ source code (with #include "TexSyn.h"). Installation is just copying source code to your local file system. That was finished by August 4. More recently I made some more tweaks and finally noticed that the unit test suite was failing. This was doubly annoying since as part of the cleanup of main.cpp I think I removed the code that caused it to exit if the test suite failed. So I don't know which specific commit made it fail.

It was failing in UnitTests::historical_repeatability(). These were just a series of calls to sample colors from simple texture synthesis examples, to verify that they continues to return exactly the same result as when the test was created. It compared a newly computed color value with one that had been captured into the source code a year or two ago when the test was written. The nature of the failure was that there were now tiny discrepancies between the newly computed value and the historical result. Perhaps caused by something like a change in order of floating point arithmetic operators? The differences were on the order of about 10⁻⁷ (10^-7 or 0.0000001). Typical frame buffers only resolve down to 8 bits per primary, to one part in 256 (0.00390625). The numerical errors were less than 1/1000 of that, which would be exactly identical as seen on the screen. I decided to just adjust the epsilon used in the test suite to count the new results as matching and let it go at that without tracking it down to the specific commit.

August 8, 2023

“Coevolution of Camouflage” paper at ALIFE, poster at SIGGRAPH

On January 27, I submitted a draft of my paper Coevolution of Camouflage for review by SIGGRAPH 2023. On March 5 the reviews came back and seemed unpromising. Meanwhile, the 2023 Artificial Life conference had extended its submission deadline to about a week later. So I withdrew the submission from SIGGRAPH on March 7, and spent a busy week reformatting the paper, and incorporating some of the feedback from the first round of reviews. One change was to implement the “static quality metric” (which had been described in the future work section) and included a graph of it over simulation time (see March 13). I submitted the revised draft to ALIFE on March 8. It was accepted for publication on May 1. I gave my presentation at the ALIFE conference in Sapporo, Japan on July 27. Two weeks later I gave a poster about the paper at the SIGGRAPH conference in Los Angeles, California.

Update: In my paper, I forgot to cite this authoritative survey on the whole field of biological camouflage, so I will mention it here: Innes Cuthill. 2019. Camouflage. Journal of Zoology 308, 2, 75–92. Also note this interesting ICCV 2023 preprint about camouflage quality metrics which was posted on September 7, 2023: Lamdouar, et al. 2023. The Making and Breaking of Camouflage. arXiv:2309.03899. Similarly this work on camouflage metrics: Troscianko, et al. 2017. Quantifying camouflage: how to predict detectability from appearance, BMC Evol Biol.

presentation at
        ALIFE 2023 in Sapporo, Japan   poster session
        at SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angeles, California, USA

March 19, 2023

Use SQM to measure variance between runs

This SQM chart compares two runs differing only by initial random number seed. Run A (ID redwood_leaf_litter_20230319_1128) and run B (ID redwood_leaf_litter_20230322_2254) track along a similar curve during the 12,000 simulation steps. In both cases the population average SQM improves strongly until about step 5000. Then it continues to improve at a much slower rate. However my subjective opinion is that run B (red plot) actually produced the more effective camouflage, even though run A (blue plot) gets higher scores on almost every simulation step.

SQM A/B comparison

Shown below are six tournament images from run B (ID redwood_leaf_litter_20230322_2254). Both runs described in this post are similar to the one on January 16 except these use the per-predator fine-tuning dataset.

20230319b_step_11446 20230319b_step_11526 20230319b_step_11706 20230319b_step_11746 20230319b_step_11839 20230319b_step_11859

This run A (ID redwood_leaf_litter_20230319_1128) seemed to produce slightly less effective camouflage, while getting higher SQM evaluations in the plot above.

20230319a_step_10260 20230319a_step_10754 20230319a_step_11814 20230319a_step_11894 20230319a_step_12198 20230319a_step_12527

March 13, 2023

Static quality metric for camouflage

I finally implemented a static quality metric for objectively measuring camouflage quality. The lack of one, or why it would be good to have one, has been discussed before: e.g. see December 18, 2022, December 15, October 31, and May 18. This new metric is useful for comparing runs, or plotting their progress, as below. It is however flawed because its ability to detect camouflage is not “strong” enough. It is prone to saturate/clip at the top of its range, long before the camouflage itself has achieved excellent quality. This is then a first prototype of a static quality metric, subject to future refinement.

The basic difficulty is measuring quality in this setting is the back-and-forth nature of coevolution. For example, if predation success drops, does that mean prey are getting better, or that predators are getting worse? More concretely: how can quality be assessed? This simulation evolves in response to relative fitness. In a tournament the worst of three prey is eaten and replaced. This says nothing about the absolute fitness or even the population rank of that losing prey. The three prey in the tournament might have been ranked the top three in the population, all that is measured is relative rank in the tournament.

Fortunately there is a fixed point in this simulation. Predators derive from one standard pre-trained neural net model for a find conspicuous disk task. They quickly diverge from it, first by addition of low amplitude noise, then by fine-tuning on specific self-supervised examples from the current simulation run. By itself, that FCD6 pre-trained model has some basic ability to do prey-finding (see for example March 25, 2022). So a prey camouflage pattern can be evaluated by asking: how frequently does the standard pre-trained find the prey? To test this, an image is made, like a tournament (prey randomly placed on random background) but with only the prey under evaluation. The pre-trained predator looks at that image and predicts a position, which either hits or misses the prey. A hit earns a score of 0 for the prey (found by predator) and a miss earns 1 (fooled predator). That score is averaged over 10 trials, each with a new random image. Shown below is a comparison of two runs, one on an easy background (red) and one on a hard background (blue). For both, every 100 simulation steps, it shows the static quality metric averaged over the prey population, and the highest individual metric found in the population. The max values are nearly always at 100% quality, meaning at least one out of the 400 prey can hide from the pre-trained predator on 10 out of 10 trials.

Regarding the metric saturation issue, note that both runs have very similar metric scores at the end of the 12,000 step run. But a subjective view of the camouflage results below suggest to me that it produced better, more effective results for the easy background (leaf litter) than for the hard background (yellow on green).

Static Quality
        Metric: easy versus hard

The partial run shown below uses the same static quality metric, but using an average over 100 trials per value, instead of 10 trials per value as above. This adds some addresolutionitional  for the single metric value seen in the max/top/green plot. But it did not seem useful, given the 10X cost. The average/ lower/blue plot is an average of metrics across the whole population of 400 prey. Worth noting that this partial run on the “hard” background was doing significantly better when stopped at step 5300 than the run pictured above. These runs were identical except for random seed. This backs up in objective form subjective judgements of earlier runs (e.g. February 4) about the variability between otherwise identical runs.

Static Quality
        Metric: 100 trials per prey

Images below from the “easy” run (ID oak_leaf_litter_20230310_1812) in the first chart above (red and orange plots).

20230313_a_step_11191 20230313_a_step_11951 20230313_a_step_12293 20230313_a_step_12616 20230313_a_step_13281 20230313_a_step_13680

 Images below from the “hard” run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20230311_2127) in the first chart above (blue and green plots).

20230313_b_step_10222 20230313_b_step_10754 20230313_b_step_11381 20230313_b_step_11571 20230313_b_step_12122 20230313_b_step_12920

February 12, 2023

Sage leaves

While out walking, I'd seen these plants in a neighbor's yard, perhaps Mexican Bush Sage (Salvia leucantha)? The brilliantly green textured leaves in the mid-afternoon sunlight seemed like an “easy” background set for camouflage evolution. Indeed, this run (ID sage_leaves_20230212_1634) quickly settled on noise textures of leafy green and shadowy black. It then toiled to optimize the spatial features of the texture to better “melt” into this background. Some of these individual prey camouflage are quite good.

20230212_step_10203 20230212_step_11343 20230212_step_11723 20230212_step_12103 20230212_step_12920 20230212_step_13528

February 4, 2023

Playing the odds

I suppose I should just be happy that the dataset-per-Predator redesign (January 31) can produce moderately effective camouflage from this “notoriously” hard background set. I made two more runs. (They now take only 4.5 hours, due to some more code tweaks, down from 33 hours a few days ago, about 7 times faster overall.) Today's runs were identical to the three described yesterday except each has its own unique random seed. The examples below are from the second of those runs (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20230204_1607). As in many recent simulations with this background, the vivid yellow of the blossoms is missing from the evolved camouflage, apparently replaced with a deep red.

Back on September 30, 2022 I posted about “Reliability: what is the likelihood of camouflage?” There is not enough data here, but roughly 2 of 5 runs produced “moderately effective” camouflage (aka “not embarrassing” or “good enough to share publicly”). This may be an approximation to what a “hard” background means: that given a certain level of “evolution power” (in these cases: 400 prey, 40 predators, and simulation 12000 steps) a run on a hard background might have a likelihood of less that 50% of producing effective results.

20230204_step_5140 20230204_step_8701 20230204_step_10868 20230204_step_11629 20230204_step_11978 20230204_step_11998

February 3, 2023

Persistently troublesome yellow flowers on green

After the nice results on January 31 using the new fine-tuning-dataset-per-Predator design, I returned to this especially “hard” background set. I tried three runs differing only in random number seed. The first was especially disappointing, the second one was mildly disappointing, this third run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20230203_0802) shown below is “just OK.” The second run did a better job of combining yellow and green into camouflage patterns. In this third run there are fewer yellows and more orange/brown colors — also a seemingly inappropriate overlay of soft white spots.

20230203_step_10320 20230203_step_11006 20230203_step_11260 20230203_step_11720 20230203_step_11786 20230203_step_12000

January 31, 2023

Fine-tuning memory now owned by each predator

That’s what I'm talking’ about! An architectural change both speeds up the simulation and improves quality of its results.

As described on January 28, this background set was proving difficult even for “extra large” camouflage evolution runs. Which was especially disappointing after sinking ~33 hours into a (CPU only) simulation run. I made a couple of changes to the simulation architecture, all on the PredatorEye side, which seem to be producing noticeably better results, while running significantly faster. This “extra large” run (ID bare_trees_blue_sky_20230131_1512) took about 6.5 hours (CPU only), so roughly 5 times faster. This speed up appears to come from using smaller datasets for fine-tuning each predator's convolutional neural net.

Summary of the changes over the last few days: previously the fine-tuning dataset had been a resource shared by all predators in the population (40 predators in an “XL” run). Now the fine-tuning dataset is repacked as a class, and each predator instance has its own fine-tuning dataset. The old shared dataset collected tournament images from previous simulation steps, labeled by most accurate predator, up to a max size of 500. Now each predator “remembers” only images from tournaments in which it participated. The max size has been set down to 150. (A test run indicated that they could reach as many as 300 before a predator dies.) This limit is not about saving memory, but to focus fine-tuning on recent simulation steps, so the predators learn from current rather than historical state of the simulation. I also reduced the minimum dataset size needed before fine-tuning begins, from 50 to 25. This is meant to prevent overfitting when there are just a handful of examples.

My concern had been that with a shared fine-tuning dataset, that bad choices by a single predator could be spread through the predator population. Now predators learn only from their own experiences, which seems a more plausible model of nature. Each predator has different “life experiences” — and so learns different hunting strategies — and through evolutionary competition with other predators, the better strategies tend to survive.

Commentary on results below: primarily what jumps out at me is that many of these camouflaged prey have a reasonable color scheme, they pick up the blue of the sky and the bright/dark beige/brown of tree bark shaded by sunlight. (Recall that in this 2D model, these photos should be interpreted as 2D color patterns, not 3D trees.) In contrast, earlier results (see January 28) had a lot of extraneous hues. This run also had many “wrong colored” prey (see the bottom prey in the fifth image below with pinks and greens.) but it did include many examples like these, unlike the previous runs. This background set includes large and small branches. These effective camouflage patterns lots of high frequency “stripes” as well as some larger low frequency features.

20230131_step_10279 20230131_step_10377 20230131_step_10461 20230131_step_10621 20230131_step_11381 20230131_step_11590

January 28, 2023

Extra large run on “bare trees blue sky”

I like the results from “extra large” runs (as described on January 1) but they requite a lot of compute. Using CPU only, the entire simulation takes about 33 hours. I'm a patient guy, but that is a long time. I tried an XL run on this “hard” background set, which resisted previous attempts to evolve camouflage (see November 29). Even these XL runs leave something to be desired in camouflage quality. I made one run (ID bare_trees_blue_sky_20230125_1535) was disappointed and decided to try another. Shown below are examples from that second run (ID bare_trees_blue_sky_20230126_2318). In the second image, the upper right prey is low quality (too green, features too large), but the other two prey seem pretty good to me. They seem related to, but better than, the prey in the first image. Generally the prey are too multi-hued or specifically too green. Ideally I expected them to be sky blue and the brown/black or light beige of the tree bark.

These lackluster results have me thinking that it may be a mistake for all predators to share the same pool of fine-tuning examples. If, for some reason, one predator goes “off the rails” and pursues the wrong prey, those errors in judgement can get into the shared training set for fine-tuning. Then the bad targeting choices can spread through the population. I could make the fine-tuning dataset a local property of each predator. That would prevent the cross-contamination. It probably would significantly slow down the rate at which the per-predator fine-tuning dataset fill up.

20230128_step_11856 20230128_step_12796 20230128_step_13011 20230128_step_13027 20230128_step_13035 20230128_step_13047
January 16, 2023

Redwood leaf litter, à la moderne

This run (ID redwood_leaf_litter_20230115_1730) uses modern parameters (changed since the last run with this background on November 4) for a normal sized run (20 predators, 200 prey in 10 demes). These results (from step 5868 through step 6814) are generally effective camouflage. Some “melt” into the background very well, I especially like the third image below, upper right prey. On the downside, these textures seem to use only two colors, as if one “species” of spatial pattern dominated the population, and variation between individuals came down to the choice of two colors for it to modulate. This contrasts with an interactive run on October 19, 2021 which discovered some very effective multicolored camouflage for this environment.

20230116_step_5868 20230116_step_5878 20230116_step_6057 20230116_step_6347 20230116_step_6557 20230116_step_6814
January 15, 2023

Big run with backyard trees

This run (ID backyard_oak_20230113_2254) was “extra large” (as on January 1 and January 6, with doubled populations and doubled length of run) using this background set last seen on December 11. It did an acceptable job discovering effective camouflage which generalized well over the diverse images in this background set. The set includes 12 photos of limbs and leaves of an oak tree, and bits of sky, shot on sunny and cloudy days.

20230115_step_5936 20230115_step_6902 20230115_step_7682 20230115_step_7942 20230115_step_12241 20230115_step_12413
January 11, 2023

Revisiting kitchen granite

This background was last used on November 6. Those results seem comparable to this run (ID kitchen_granite_20230110_1758). This was a “normal” sized run (200 prey in 10 demes versus 20 predators) and was run for the normal 6000 steps. (Compare these results with an interactive run from June 6, 2021.)

I want to be transparent on negative results, so after this run, I thought I would just try the same run again, with a new random number seed (20230111 versus 20230110). That second run (ID kitchen_granite_20230111_1819) did not, in the language of this blog “produce effective camouflage.” It was bad. Cartoonishly bad. So bad that I don't want to post images here lest they be taken as typical. Should anyone need to see them, contact me directly. The point is that results of this simulation range from amazing, to mediocre, to cringey. I want this blog to record the latter so as not to sweep bad results under the rug.

20230111_step_5576 20230111_step_5861 20230111_step_6159 20230111_step_6303 20230111_step_6726 20230111_step_6734
January 6, 2023

Big run on MBTA flowers

This run (ID mbta_flowers_20230105_1114) follows up on loose talk on December 19 about a longer simulation for this flower bed background set. Like the run on January 1, this run is twice as big (400 prey, 40 predators) and twice as long (12000 steps) as what had been typical before. These results seem good if perhaps not amazing. The spatial frequencies of the camouflage patterns are similar to the background, picking up greens, pinks, and reds. In some of tournament images not shown here, there were some attempts at “whites” but actually sort of a dingy beige. This background set may have intermediate “stationary-ness.” It has green, red, pink, white and black regions, some of them quite large. Evolution is trying to find a camouflage pattern with most of those, that can look plausible next to any of them.

My intuition is that stationary backgrounds, fine granular patterns like sand, are “easy” for camouflage evolution, and large homogeneous regions are “hard.” Probably impossible if the homogeneous regions are bigger than prey size. I suspect these “MBTA flowers” are intermediate on that scale.

20230106_step_11019 20230106_step_11204 20230106_step_11643 20230106_step_11689 20230106_step_11995 20230106_step_12032
January 1, 2023

Better beans from bigger run

As I mused on December 19 and 31, I tried using a bigger run to evolve camouflage for a “hard” background set. In this run (ID bean_soup_mix_20221231_1317) I doubled the simulation length and population sizes. Simulation steps increased from 6000 to 12000. Prey population increased from 200 prey in 10 sub-populations (demes/islands) to 400 prey in 20 sub-populations. Predator population increased from 20 to 40. The tournament images below are from the final ⅙ of this extended run, from step 10000 to 12000. Many of the effective prey camouflage patterns had a similar motif: what appears to be a wavy undulating “surface” — seemingly bright at the crests and dark at the troughs. This motif bears some similarity to rounded beans in the background with shadows between them. Overlaid on this undulating surface are two (occasionally three) colors. One color is a dark red similar to the kidney beans in the background. The other color is white or gray or yellow or green — each of which echo colors found in the background. A few other camouflage patterns are seen, like the green and grays pattern in the upper left of the first image below, and a swirl of brown and yellow-green in the lower left of the eighth image below.

20230101_step_10210 20230101_step_10450 20230101_step_10561 20230101_step_10750 20230101_step_10950 20230101_step_11134 20230101_step_11210 20230101_step_11571 20230101_step_11861
December 31, 2022 🎉

Beans with questionable camouflage

While dialing in on a robust set of parameters for the simulation, I've been revisiting older background sets, such as these assorted dried beans, previously seen on April 21. This run (ID bean_soup_mix_20221229_1711) had “just OK” results. A rerun with a different seed (below) was no better. I have decided to try an experiment with a larger, longer run. I will double populations of predators and prey, and double the number of simulation steps.

20221230_step_7144 20221230_step_7358 20221230_step_7524 20221230_step_7858 20221230_step_8004 20221230_step_8168

Another run (ID bean_soup_mix_20221230_1727) identical but for the random seed (20221230 versus 20221229). No better, perhaps slightly worse:

20221231_step_5623 20221231_step_6399 20221231_step_6467 20221231_step_6596 20221231_step_6790 20221231_step_7068
December 28, 2022

Jan's leaves, done better

This run (ID jans_oak_leaves_20221227_1717) uses new settings (predator starvation threshold = 40%) for this background set seen previously on December 3. These results are of pretty good quality while maintaining some diversity of types in the population.

20221228_step_5964 20221228_step_6623 20221228_step_6662 20221228_step_7095 20221228_step_7574 20221228_step_7742
December 19, 2022

Flower beds and a bounty of solutions

Using the most recent parameters (December 15) I made another run (ID mbta_flowers_20221218_1757) on this flower bed background, set last seen on November 3. What struck me was the variety of different kinds of camouflage patterns in the population as it approached step 6000. I let it run until step 7000 collecting interesting pattern variations along the way. Then I had a hard time picking out the six “best” so below are 12 interesting tournament images. I hope they convey a bit of Darwin's phrase “endless forms most beautiful.” Given how robust and varied this population seems to be, it would be interesting to try a similar run, but allow it to run for much longer, say 15,000 steps?

20221219_step_5278 20221219_step_5814 20221219_step_5920 20221219_step_6086 20221219_step_6296 20221219_step_6376 20221219_step_6472 20221219_step_6482 20221219_step_6496 20221219_step_6661 20221219_step_6764 20221219_step_7000
December 18, 2022

Finally yellow flowers! And the difference a seed makes

OK, now I feel pretty confident about “predator starvation threshold” being set to 40%. This background set has been my nemesis. I have noted previously that some background sets (environments) seem harder than others. This discussion is purely subjective, since I cannot measure camouflage quality objectively. But it seemed clear that for some backgrounds effective camouflage evolved easily. While for other backgrounds evolution could find only disappointing, mediocre quality camouflage patterns. I think this run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20221217_1826) produced the best quality camouflage I have seen on this “hard” background. Compare these results with the runs on November 7, September 30 and an older interactive human-in-the-loop/human-as-predator run on May 31, 2021.

20221218_step_5396 20221218_step_5641 20221218_step_5947 20221218_step_6753 20221218_step_6826 20221218_step_6933

Poor results from a “bad seed”
: the effective results above were from the second of two sequential runs. The first run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20221216_1704) performed noticeably worse (below). First of all, the evolution of camouflage seemed slow to get started. There were lots of uniform color prey (that is, just a disk with a single color) even at step 2000 (of about 6800). Typically, by step 2000, candidate camouflage patterns are beginning to spread through the population. Eventually other camouflage patterns emerged, but their spatial frequencies where too high or too low. The colors were mostly greens, some muddy greenish yellows, and a lot of red, which is clearly out of place in this environment of bright greens, yellows, and black shadows. Importantly this first run (below) and the second run (above) used all the same parameters except for random seed. This is cautionary evidence about how sensitive this simulation can be for tiny differences between runs. In fact those seeds were adjacent large integers derived from the date: 20221216 and 20221217.

20221218b_step_6156 20221218b_step_6650 20221218b_step_6726
December 16, 2022

Oxalis sprouts with newest parameters

Essentially a “regression test” for the newest parameters, with predator starvation threshold set to 40%. This run (ID oxalis_sprouts_20221215_1650) on an “easy” background set moved very quickly toward effective camouflage. Even by step 1000 the prey were becoming noticeably cryptic. By step 6000 the population seems well-converged near this theme of green spots over multicolored “confetti” over black.

20221216_step_5016 20221216_step_5444 20221216_step_5607 20221216_step_5719 20221216_step_5909 20221216_step_5997
December 15, 2022

Gravel, and now loosen predator starvation threshold

I tried a run using 50% for the predator starvation threshold on this background set. In the past I have had good results with it. But that run (ID michaels_gravel_20221213_1633) produced low quality “disappointing” results. I suspected I had overshot the best value for predator starvation threshold when I increased it (on December 11) from 35% to 50%. I decided to split the difference and try again with 42%. But since that threshold is applied to the number of successes over the last 20 hunts, I figured 40% was a better value. The second run (ID michaels_gravel_20221214_1837) found a variety of several effective camouflage patterns, shown below.

Without the ability to objectively measure camouflage quality, this is just speculation, but it seems as if “predator starvation threshold” has a optimal value for camouflage quality somewhere around 40% and then falls off on either side. At one end, predators die from starvation on every hunt, so are always newly reborn: randomized with no fine-tuning. At the other extreme, they never starve, even if they are incompetent hunters, so never get replaced by potentially better predators. In either extreme case they fail to provide a useful fitness signal to drive evolution of prey camouflage. I need to do more testing to see if this new value of 40% generalizes well across background sets.

20221215_step_5867 20221215_step_5892 20221215_step_6830 20221215_step_6916 20221215_step_7166 20221215_step_7182

Isolated prey with effective camouflage, chosen without regard to other prey in the tournament.

20221215t_step_5415 20221215t_step_5567 20221215t_step_5871 20221215t_step_6194 20221215t_step_6412 20221215t_step_6514 20221215t_step_6557 20221215t_step_6574 20221215t_step_6726 20221215t_step_7172
December 11, 2022

Backyard oak, again tighten predator starvation threshold

I made two runs on this background set which had not been used before: twelve photos of a California live oak (Quercus agrifolia) in our backyard, taken under various sky conditions. Between the lighting variation and the contrast between grey limbs and green leaves, this seems to be a moderately “hard” background for evolving camouflage. The first run (ID backyard_oak_20221207_2244) produced disappointing results. For the second run, shown below (ID backyard_oak_20221210_0354) I decided to again tighten the predators starvation threshold. This was last done on October 31 when I changed it from 20% to 35%. It is now increased to 50%. This parameter controls how many hunts must be successful (of the 20 most recent attempts) for a predator to avoid death by starvation. This increases the selection pressure between predators because they must be better at hunting to survive. Better predators force prey to find more effective camouflage. And indeed, the second run seemed to better handle the challenging background set, finding camouflage patterns that generalized pretty well across the disparate images.

20221211_step_6270 20221211_step_6427 20221211_step_6596 20221211_step_6707 20221211_step_7087 20221211_step_7209

Here are individual prey with effective camouflage, chosen without regard to other prey in the tournament.

20221211t_step_7297 20221211t_step_5795 20221211t_step_5884 20221211t_step_5888 20221211t_step_5928 20221211t_step_5947 20221211t_step_6023 20221211t_step_6137 20221211t_step_6251 20221211t_step_6308 20221211t_step_6574 20221211t_step_6594 20221211t_step_6631 20221211t_step_6916 20221211t_step_7182 20221211t_step_7213
December 3, 2022

Jan's oak leaves

Today we have a guest photographer. Thanks to Jan Allbeck — who not only does nice nature photography around her home and campus near Fairfax, Virginia — but also takes requests! She posted a photo of this mostly oak leaf litter (white oak?). I asked her to create a “background set” for this project. This run (ID jans_oak_leaves_20221202_1555) produced acceptable camouflage along with a few superior results. The matching of color palette was generally excellent. But too many of the textures had features that were too small (too high frequency) making them too conspicuous in this environment.

20221203_step_6112 20221203_step_6460 20221203_step_6560 20221203_step_6731 20221203_step_6830 20221203_step_7124

These are isolated good quality prey from tournaments were the others were less effective.

20221203t_step_4560 20221203t_step_4750 20221203t_step_5757 20221203t_step_6100 20221203t_step_6130 20221203t_step_6251 20221203t_step_6276 20221203t_step_6283 20221203t_step_6360 20221203t_step_6452 20221203t_step_6554 20221203t_step_6592 20221203t_step_6610 20221203t_step_6677 20221203t_step_6800
November 29, 2022

Bare trees, surprisingly hard

I took these photos expecting it to be an “easy” background, solved by a noise pattern with light gray, dark gray, and sky blue. It was not, which says something about my inability to predict the difficulty of a background set. I made two runs, neither produced effective results. This second run (ID bare_trees_blue_sky_20221128_1907) might have been slightly better. Some prey textures had roughly the right colors, there were a lot of greenish patterns, and far too many had rainbow colors.

20221129_step_4691 20221129_step_5928 20221129_step_5966 20221129_step_5985 20221129_step_6156 20221129_step_6213

As with recent runs on what seem to be “hard” backgrounds (e.g. November 19 and November 6) when I look through the results I see isolated examples of good, or at least promising, camouflage quality. The question for future research is: for certain (“hard”) backgrounds, why do these seemingly superior camouflage candidate fail to reproduce faster and so dominate the prey population? Or conversely, why (in these cases) do predators seem to preferentially(?) go after these promising camouflage patterns?

20221129t_step_3800 20221129t_step_3971 20221129t_step_4313 20221129t_step_4522 20221129t_step_5550 20221129t_step_5586 20221129t_step_5738 20221129t_step_5814 20221129t_step_5890 20221129t_step_6023 20221129t_step_6251 20221129t_step_6508 20221129t_step_6517 20221129t_step_6593 20221129t_step_6821 20221129t_step_6866
November 22, 2022

Leaf litter by Plum, et al.

A new background set of fallen leaves, late in the afternoon, from trees in a neighbor's front yard. They are most directly under a plum tree, with other species (birch?) mixed in. This run (ID plum_leaf_litter_20221121_1819) uses the same “Halloween” parameters as other recent runs. I have been thinking a bit about why some backgrounds seem “easy” for camouflage evolution while others are “hard.” As mentioned on November 19, large areas of distinct colors (e.g. orange berries and green leaves) appear hard, forcing evolution to find compromise textures that work on either. On the other side of the fence is a background like this, with a palette of similar colors and a relatively stationary distribution of colors and frequencies. The six tournament images below are from simulation steps 6324 to 6821.

20221122_step_6324 20221122_step_6464 20221122_step_6514 20221122_step_6677 20221122_step_6755 20221122_step_6821

These isolated prey “thumbnails” show many excellent camouflage variations:

20221122t_step_4161 20221122t_step_4579 20221122t_step_4693 20221122t_step_5206 20221122t_step_5263 20221122t_step_5301 20221122t_step_5339 20221122t_step_5410 20221122t_step_5510 20221122t_step_5643 20221122t_step_6321 20221122t_step_6422 20221122t_step_6541 20221122t_step_6574 20221122t_step_6752 20221122t_step_6754 20221122t_step_6935
November 19, 2022

Trouble with orange pyracantha

This run (ID orange_pyracantha_20221118_1944) produced disappointing results, as did a similar run the day before on the same background set. They were similar in this regard to recent runs with the “yellow flower on green” background set (see November 7). Perhaps the common issue is large areas of nearly uniform colors: orange berries (or yellow flowers), green leaves, and inky shadows. Yet looking back through the images of the run, there do seem to be various promising patterns combining all three prominent colors, with reasonably disruptive edges. My sense is that prey evolution is able to discover effective camouflage, but something on the predator side is amiss. Either the promising camouflage is perceived as conspicuous, or the conspicuous patterns are perceived as cryptic. One thing I noticed in this run is that the in_disk metric for predator fine-tuning was especially high, up to 85% while 65-70% is more typical. The predators were “convinced” they were doing the right thing while to me it does not seem they were.

As usual, the tournament images shown below were selected (by hand) for cases where all three prey were at least “OK” quality. Below these, I include thumbnail images of single effective prey camouflage from other tournaments.

20221119_step_4617 20221119_step_5033 20221119_step_5168 20221119_step_6885 20221119_step_8225 20221119_step_8606

These are isolated prey cropped out of tournament images where the other two prey were of lower quality. It seems that higher quality prey evolved, but for some reason, did not survive to dominate the population.

20221119t_step_4294 20221119t_step_4807 20221119t_step_5027 20221119t_step_5268 20221119t_step_5358 20221119t_step_5814 20221119t_step_6895 20221119t_step_7087 20221119t_step_7315 20221119t_step_7752 20221119t_step_8252 20221119t_step_8262 20221119t_step_8276 20221119t_step_8478 20221119t_step_8702
November 17, 2022

Rerun on hedge

This run (ID huntington_hedge_20221116_1437) used the “Halloween” parameters with this background set: top-down views of a trimmed hedge (last seen on May 15). These images were from step 5700 to 6900. Some of these are fairly effective (my favorites are the second, third, and sixth images) but many of them are simple two-color camouflage patterns. They probably would have been more effective if they incorporated more colors of the background (compare to this interactive run on July 29, 2021). The very “edgy” patterns do a good job of obscuring the circular edge of each prey disk.

20221117_step_5700 20221117_step_6308 20221117_step_6342 20221117_step_6604 20221117_step_6804 20221117_step_6878
November 13, 2022

Dry stacked rock wall

This is a retaining wall in a neighbor's front yard, possibly made from local native stone. There is a lot of that red and white jasper(?) in the soil around there. I did two runs on this background set, the first of which crashed early inside a TensorFlow call. Fortunately this subsequent run (ID rock_wall_20221112_1555) was fine and produced good results. I had expected the camouflage to do a better job of incorporating the dark shadows between rocks, but the color matching was good as was the disruptive quality of the textures. These examples were at the end of the run from step 5400 to 6500.

20221113_step_5415 20221113_step_5510 20221113_step_5681 20221113_step_6354 20221113_step_6370 20221113_step_6495

Some “thumbnail” images of single prey showing how they manage to match many of the rocks in the scene while disrupting their circular boundary.

20221113t_step_4199 20221113t_step_4427 20221113t_step_5054 20221113t_step_5301 20221113t_step_5415 20221113t_step_6061
November 9, 2022

Rerun “tree leaf blossom sky”

New run (ID tree_leaf_blossom_sky_20221108_2018) using “Halloween parameters” on this background last seen on September 26. This run looks to have mostly converged on two types of camouflage patterns. One is a pastel confetti which is busy enough to melt in most places and colorful enough to pick up many of the hues in the backgrounds. The other is in the teal/aqua/blue-green range which may be trying to split the difference between blue sky and leaf green. Note in the fourth image (step 5947), the prey at bottom center is a different type seems quite good, a blobby boundary between two other color noise patterns. These images are from the last quarter of the run, steps 4600 to 6600.

20221109_step_4655 20221109_step_5498 20221109_step_5738 20221109_step_5947 20221109_step_6562 20221109_step_6612
November 8, 2022  🗳

Rerun maple leaves

I really like the results from this run (ID maple_leaf_litter_20221107_1515) especially toward the end of the run between steps 5500 and 6500. An earlier run with this background on September 18 produced effective camouflage with a very different “graphic style.” These appear to be composed of many layers of blobby noise shapes. The earlier run had edgier patterns which nicely mimicked the hard edge colored leaves. In both cases the patterns were busy enough to disrupt the prey disk's edge, helping them “melt in” to the background, and overall the colors match the background well.

20221108_step_5694 20221108_step_5786 20221108_step_5838 20221108_step_6098 20221108_step_6107 20221108_step_6128
November 7, 2022

Rerun yellow flowers

I tried two runs with this background set using the “Halloween parameters.” I continue to get disappointing results. I don't know why this background seems especially “hard” for camouflage evolution. It seems like it should be easy to find an effective mix of flower yellow, leaf green, and shadow gray. I think the earlier September 30 run actually did a better job. I'm pretty sure the “Halloween parameters” are better, but this background seems hard to get right, and so it maybe just be luck of the draw (random seed, etc.) whether any given run produces good camouflage. The two recent runs were yellow_flower_on_green_20221105_2334 and yellow_flower_on_green_20221106_1326. Six not-great tournament images from the end of the latter run are shown below. The patterns tend to be yellow-on-dark-gray, green-on-dark-gray, or occasionally yellow-on-green. Almost none were yellow-and-green-on-dark-gray which probably would have worked better.

20221107_step_6042 20221107_step_6232 20221107_step_6894 20221107_step_6897 20221107_step_6947 20221107_step_6962
November 6, 2022

Rerun kitchen granite

This run (ID kitchen_granite_20221105_0743) seemed to teeter on the edge of greatness, then fell short. There were a few really excellent camouflage patterns with good match to the background and that “melted in” due to nicely disruptive edges. I have included some of these as “thumbnail” images below showing isolated prey. When selecting the larger step/tournament images to post here, I try to find images where all three prey are of high quality. So a single high quality prey with low quality neighbors would normally get passed over. Perhaps the important question is why these good camouflage patterns got eaten by predators and so failed to spread across the population. My vague sense is that this is somehow a failing of the predator side, which sometimes “goes off on a tangent” and stop making sense. I don't know how to characterize this failure mode, let alone how to fix it. Maybe this should go in the Future Work section.

20221106_step_1981 20221106_step_2660 20221106_step_4294 20221106_step_4779 20221106_step_6042 20221106_step_6053

These show some of the higher quality, but apparently doomed, types of prey camouflage mentioned above. If the “gene frequency” of these patterns had increased and spread through the population, I'm confident extremely effective camouflage would have evolved. Now, if I only knew how to make that happen.

20221106t_step_3230 20221106t_step_4769 20221106t_step_5009 20221106t_step_5339 20221106t_step_5586
November 4, 2022

Rerun redwood leaf litter

Retried the current simulation parameters on the redwood leaf litter background set (ID redwood_leaf_litter_20221103_1742). These results are disappointing. The colors match well, but the spatial patterns are quite off. See, for comparison, an interactive run back about a year ago on October 19, 2021 which produced some very effective camouflage patterns.

20221104_step_5415 20221104_step_5964 20221104_step_6028 20221104_step_6041 20221104_step_6074 20221104_step_6506
November 3, 2022

Rerun flowers

I'm collecting sample images for a report. These are from late in a long run (ID mbta_flowers_20221102_1519) — an update of the run on October 8. These seem to me to be in the “OK but not great” level of quality.

20221103_step_4845 20221103_step_5244 20221103_step_5358 20221103_step_6213 20221103_step_6745 20221103_step_7125
November 1, 2022

Gravel run with newest parameters

Using the updated parameters described on October 31 — predator starvation threshold and prey population size — I made another “gravel” run (ID michaels_gravel_20221031_1250). See earlier interactive run on May 17, 2021.

20221101_step_5681 20221101_step_6289 20221101_step_6384 20221101_step_7049 20221101_step_7592 20221101_step_7604
October 31, 2022  🎃

Adjust predator starvation threshold

A few days ago I wrote a note “looks like too many mediocre predators are surviving too long.” So I tightened the predator starvation threshold — increasing Predator.success_history_ratio from 0.2 to 0.35 — meaning they must have 75% more hunting success to survive. I prefer these new results.

(Also note that starting on October 28 I increased the prey population from 120 to 200 — from 6 sub-populations (demes) of 20 individuals, to 10 sub-populations of 20 — as an experiment to increase search power and so camouflage quality. While it almost certainly will provide “better” evolution, it did not make a difference here. So I tried the starvation threshold change, which did improve recent seen poor performance. I will keep both changes in place going forward.)

Such adjustments are hard to evaluate in the absence of an objective metric for camouflage quality. Certainly they appear subjectively better than recent runs (see e.g. the run on October 16). One of the objective metrics I watch is the in_disk fraction during fine-tuning. When it is high (near 0.8) it suggests the predators are doing a good job of finding prey. But that can just as well mean the quality of the prey is low, due to inept predation, so it is easier to find prey. Conversely, when in_disk is low (near 0.5) it might mean predators are doing a poor job, or it can mean that they are doing a good job, leading to high quality camouflage which makes the prey hard to find. My impression is that latter case corresponds to this run. I didn't collect enough data to plot, but it looks like in this run (ID oak_leaf_litter_2_20221030_1220) the in_disk metric got up into the low 0.70s during the first ~1000 steps, but then sunk down to around 0.5 toward the end, while still producing the effective camouflage seen below. Perhaps analogously, the predator starvation rate (likelihood per simulation step) was about 0.072 at step 1000, then fell to 0.0195 by step 7000.

20221031_step_5548 20221031_step_6004 20221031_step_6289 20221031_step_7467 20221031_step_7567 20221031_step_7600
October 16, 2022

Evolution history over simulation time

I was trying to visualize the evolution of camouflage patterns during the course of a simulation. The images below are from a 6000 step run (ID oak_leaf_litter_2_20221015_1705) using a new background set showing leaf litter under oak trees at the edge of a street in our neighborhood. (Mostly coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia) plus other debris. This recent background set is similar to an earlier one from August 2020, seen e.g. here and here.)

Also significantly, I have stopped saving these tournament/step images with the “crosshair” annotation showing each predator's prediction. I decided they were a bit distracting. And when I was trying to make a point about camouflage quality, I prefer the viewer not have hints like the annotation. Instead I now record the predator prediction, along with prey position, as text in a log file. My intent is to write a utility that can look at a run's directory after the fact and generate annotated images as needed.

Normally the images I post here are from late in a simulation run, whereas these hand-selected images are from simulation steps 969, 1710, 2368, 3420, 4864, and 5564. Image 4 might be the best overall. I've noticed that recent runs seem to “peak” around then, between steps 3000 and 4000.

20221016_step_969 20221016_step_1710 20221016_step_2368 20221016_step_3420 20221016_step_4864 20221016_step_5564
October 8, 2022

Flower bed

I took these photos during a family trip to Boston in July: white, red, and pink flowers (maybe Impatiens walleriana?) over green leaves in dappled sunlight. We got off an MBTA Green Line train at Northeastern station. These flowers were in a planter at the street corner.

These images begin near step 4000 of the run (ID mbta_flowers_20221007_0806). The candidate camouflage patterns seem to be primarily based on TexSyn's “phasor noise” operators. The feature size is smaller than, say, the flower diameter in the photos. Perhaps it is a compromise with higher frequencies which can better disrupt the prey boundary? The colors seem good but not ideal. Some of the patterns are just two colors, others are three or more in layers. In the second image (step 4422), the bottom prey has a promising structure with pink over green over black (dark gray/green). Later in the run, the three color patterns were green wiggles over pink wiggles/stripes over black.

20221008_step_3933 20221008_step_4422 20221008_step_5529 20221008_step_7030 20221008_step_7163 20221008_step_7391
October 6, 2022

Oxalis sprouts

This background set is from last December, young sprouts of oxalis, pushing up from damp ground. I assumed it would lead to camouflage patterns with bright green spots over dark brown, as I saw in a May 31 test run. Early in this run (ID oxalis_sprouts_20221005_1436) there were a few textures of green noise with purple spots, as in the first image below (step 2644). Later in the run, multicolored textures came to dominate, with green/black backgrounds. Some of these are surprisingly effective, see the lower right prey in image 4 (step 6232).

20221006_step_2644 20221006_step_5320 20221006_step_6004 20221006_step_6232 20221006_step_6364 20221006_step_6382
October 3, 2022


This run (ID michaels_gravel_20221002_0847) produced pretty good results on background photos of loose gravel in a neighbor's yard with differing shadow angles.

20221003_step_3705 20221003_step_4313 20221003_step_5092 20221003_step_5263 20221003_step_5420 20221003_step_5504

I actually made two runs because the first (ID michaels_gravel_20221001_1748) suffered an unexplained crash shortly after step 3667 pictured below. I have been letting the runs go for 5000 to 6000 steps, so this one felt unfinished, despite having evolved quite cryptic camouflage patterns:

September 30, 2022

Reliability: what is the likelihood of camouflage?

I recently made four runs on on this set of background photos. This run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20220929_1002) found some effective camouflage patterns. I found the three previous runs disappointing. I made small tweaks to the model between runs, but I wonder if they made a difference. Is there a set of parameters to this simulation model that will reliably lead to camouflage formation? What is the likelihood of camouflage formation?

20220930_step_4780 20220930_step_5273 20220930_step_5776 20220930_step_6093 20220930_step_6094

First disappointing run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20220926_1738):

20220930_20220926_1738_step_6289 20220930_20220926_1738_step_6388 20220930_20220926_1738_step_6403

Second disappointing run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20220927_1649), which seems to have fallen in love with TexSyn's LotsOfSpots texture synthesis operator:

20220930_20220927_1649_step_4123 20220930_20220927_1649_step_4218 20220930_20220927_1649_step_4256

Third disappointing run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20220928_1032). Some of these patterns are interesting and complex, but just not great camouflage:

20220930_20220928_1032_step_5852 20220930_20220928_1032_step_5928 20220930_20220928_1032_step_6004
September 26, 2022

More code cleanup, another run

I've been moving informal clumps of prototype code, originally from a Jupyter notebook on Colab, into more formal Python modules in .py files. This was my first project in Python, so I did just about everything wrong at first. I have been slowly working to “make code less wrong.” (I once worked with Andrew Stern at UCSC. He was especially amused when I made a git commit with that message.) After each big refactor I, do another test run. The one below (ID tree_leaf_blossom_sky_20220925_1228) uses photos of small trees in a parking lot with sky in the background. As a reminder, this model is purely 2d so these background are just a flat 2d color texture, that just happen to look like trees and leaves and blossoms. In this model they are as just flat disks on flat backgrounds.

It seems like the model struggles to handle all the constraints imposed by these backgrounds, such as the lumpy distributions of colors and spatial frequencies, while simultaneously being sufficiently “disruptive” at the border of each prey disk, so as to hide their edge.

20220926_step_1444 20220926_step_4864 20220926_step_5567 20220926_step_6077 20220926_step_6130 20220926_step_6143
September 23, 2022

Adjusting predator population model

Using the latest simulation architecture I tried a run with another background: smooth colored pebbles pressed into concrete tiles, bordering a neighbor's yard. The results were not as vivid as in the previous run, so I tried some adjustments. I made three such runs making adjustments between. The results below are from the third run (ID pebbles_in_concrete_20220922_1213). For historical context, see an interactive June 28, 2021 run on this same background.

I changed how the fine-tuning dataset was curated. Originally it was a strict history of the previous n (=500) simulation steps as training examples. Now new data is inserted at a random index. This means that sometimes the overwritten entry may be relatively recent allowing an older entry to persist. So the sampling of history is stochastic and “smeared” further back in time. This provides more memory without adding fine-tuning cost.

One of the metrics I watch has to do with performance of the Predator's deep learning model during fine-tuning. It is a custom metric called in_disk() I pass into the Keras/TF training calls. It is similar to the standard widely used accuracy() metric but takes into account the finite size of prey disks: it is the fraction of training examples when the model predicts a position inside a prey disk. When I used a single Predator this value got well up into the range from 80% to 90%. With a population of predators — and “death by starvation” — typical values rarely reached 70%. My theory was that too much random noise was being injected into the model by creating “offspring” predators, after too frequent starvation. I reduced the Predator.success_history_ratio from 0.33 to 0.2. Now starvations happen on about 1% of simulation steps. (Down from the previous two runs which had rates of 6% and 9%.) Indeed this allowed the in_disk metric to peak up to 78% around simulation step 3000. It seemed to have fallen off (65%) by step 6000.

I see some disappointing results from the predators. In the first image below, the yellowish prey in the upper left looks to me like the most conspicuous, but none of the three predators chose it. The one at the bottom center looks especially good to me. Similarly in the third image, the prey in the lower left seems quite effective camouflage, but all three predators attacked it as most conspicuous. Note also that the last two images show “predator fails” where all three predators miss all three prey.

20220923_step_2632 20220923_step_3147 20220923_step_4446 20220923_step_5377 20220923_step_5966
September 18, 2022

Not a fluke

I tried a new run, using the same parameters as in the September 16 post, but with a different set of background photos. I had been holding that background constant for some time while tweaking code and various parameters. The upshot is that the previous run was not just a lucky fluke, but rather the simulation model seems to be operating well and producing effective camouflage for a given set of background images. The photos used in this run are of a steeply sloped embankment in front of a neighbor's house, taken last December, showing fallen leaves from a Japanese maple, plus moss, sprouts, and bare soil.

In the first image below, very early at step 187, the prey are moving toward a rough match to the background: several colors with hard edges, although the black background is darker than the bare soil in the photos. By the second image, at step 2360, a background close to the deep moss green has been found. Thereafter these elements remix and refine to produce high quality camouflage. Again I let this run (ID maple_leaf_litter_20220917_1121) go overnight. It seems to have reached a “evolutionary stable state” — making only small improvements on an otherwise consistent phenotype — by the last image at step 7600.

20220918_step_187 20220918_step_2360 20220918_step_3743 20220918_step_3971 20220918_step_5947 20220918_step_6745 20220918_step_7372 20220918_step_7562 20220918_step_7600
September 16, 2022

It seems to work — for some values of “it” and “work”

I have been building toward a version of this camouflage simulation using a population of predators versus population of prey. Things fell into place a few days ago and I tried a test run. It really did not perform well. I decided that too much noise was being injected into the system by the new “predator starvation” aspect of the model. So I dialed back the likelihood of predator death, leading to less frequent replacement by naïve offspring, and better quality predation overall. The next test run (ID tiger_eye_beans_20220915_1010) did pretty well.

This first image (simulation step 1577) shows when prey evolution has begun to discover patterns with about the right complexity and frequency to match up with the background. More conspicuous colors, like the blue on on the right, are attracting the predators. This allows the more cryptic colored prey to survive:


These six images, from step 2458 to 3338 exhibit apparently high quality camouflage. A metric I watch for in these experiments is the occurrence of steps(/tournaments/each of the images below) where all three of the prey seem well camouflaged. It is common for a given simulation step to have one or two well camouflaged prey, but usually there is one that is poorly camouflaged: conspicuous. (For example the blue one just above.) In each of the six images below, all three prey seem to have good camouflage quality. Quite a few of these were generated during run tiger_eye_beans_20220915_1010. This suggests to me that the simulation is “well tuned” and running as hoped.

20220916_step_2458 20220916_step_2475 20220916_step_2717 20220916_step_2835 20220916_step_3230 20220916_step_3338

That period of effective simulation described above persisted from roughly step 2000 to step 3500. I had been using 2000 steps as a standard simulation length. With a population of predators (currently 20) additional training steps will likely be required. It may be that 3000 steps is a good simulation length for the near future.

Around step 3500 I began to see a new type of pattern appear on prey. It was simple and geometric, one or two layers of a square wave texture (from TexSyn's Grating operator). To my eye, these were clearly more conspicuous than the organic, disruptive examples shown above. But the predators seemed blind to these grid patterns and preferentially went after the older more organic patterns. I let the simulation continue to run overnight. The images below are from around step 6700.

20220916_step_6764 20220916_step_6783

Update to the September 12 post: I changed the criteria for “predator starvation” from two sequential predator fails, to ⅔ of a predator's last 10 tournaments being fails, to ⅔ of a predator's last 20 tournaments being fails. This leads to somewhere between 5% and 7% of simulation steps resulting in “predator starvation” and replacement in the population with a new offspring.

September 12, 2022

Inching closer to infrastructure for population of predators

It has been a long series of “oh, one more thing” steps as I close in on the ability to co-evolve a predator population against the prey population. I am now running with a small population of 12 predators.

I randomly select tournaments of size 3. (Which correspond to the three predictions shown as crosshair annotation in the images below.) I added a new Tournament class to encapsulate these. This provides a home for the bloat that had been accumulating in the write_response_file() function of the “predator server”.

I gave each Predator a history of recent tournaments it participated in to keep track of its successes, sort of a win/loss record. This is the same concept (with the opposite sense) of “predator fails” mentioned previously. If a predator predicts a position which is not inside any prey disks, then it has failed to detect/hunt prey and “goes hungry.” This is what will drive “death by starvation” for a Predator who is unable to catch enough prey. My plan is to remove that Predator form the population and replace it with a new one. The current starvation criteria is two tournaments/hunts in a row without success. This criteria will probably be adjusted later on. However after yesterday's batch of changes, while everything else seems to be working as usual, the “starvation” counts are way too high. I suspect I broke something. Currently that success history is being logged and does not otherwise affect the simulation.

20220912_step_5890 20220912_step_6087
September 8, 2022

Properly jiggling Keras/TF models

My vague plan for using a population of predators assumed they would start out similar but with slight variations. I thought I would create a small number (10-20?) of Predator instances, initializing each of their Keras/TF models to my standard pre-trained model (20220321_1711_FCD6_rc4), and then “jiggle” them a bit.

I recently started displaying the predictions of three Predators (a prototype tournament). It became obvious that despite the initial randomization, all three Predators produced the same initial prediction. That is, the three crosshairs would be drawn exactly on top of one another. (Which gets repeated for the first 50 simulation steps for “reasons”.) I tried debugging this, and accomplished some useful cleanup/refactoring, but the three randomized models stubbornly continued to produce exactly the same predictions. The randomization is performed using utilities from TensorFlow to add signed noise to all parameters of a deep neural net model. It closely follows this stackoverflow answer.

It turned out to be a quirk/feature of TensorFlow: eager mode and tracing. Basically each time I called tf.random.uniform() I got the same set of random weights. That is explained in another stackoverflow answer. (I am a heavy and unapologetic user of google and stackoverflow as coding resources.) The fix was to simply add a “@tf.function” decoration to my function for jiggling the weights of a model. Although now, TF warns me that I am doing too much re-tracing, which is computationally expensive. Since it happens only occasionally, I am not worried about the performance hit, but would like to eventually silence the warning.

Two images from near the end of a test run with three Predators now correctly randomized from the very beginning of the run:

20220908_step_3724 20220908_step_4104

(Even without my intended initial randomization, I noticed multiple identical Predators would diverge once I started fine-tuning their Keras/TF models. They started out the same, then were all fine-tuned using exactly the same training set of images accumulated during a run. I am not sure where that divergence comes from, possibly the non-determinism of training Keras/TF models using hardware parallelism? This is an interesting question which I plan to ignore for now.)

September 4, 2022

Predator response: now “best of three”

After what felt like a very long dry spell of working on boring infrastructure issues — I have finally returned to work on the camouflage evolution model itself. I had previously abstracted the visual hunting CNN model into a Python class called Predator. That allowed me to instantiate several of them, and fine tune them in parallel. I used this to mock up a three-way tournament of predators. I now rank the three predators on accuracy. This is based on the semi-self-supervised nature of this model: having generated each image procedurally, I know exactly where each prey texture is located. Each predator predicts an xy position where it thinks the most conspicuous prey is located. So I determine which of the three prey is nearest that location, then measure the aim error. That is: I assume the predator was “aiming” at that nearest prey, then measure the distance — the “aim error” — from the predator's estimate to the prey's centerpoint. I treat this aim error as an accuracy metric, with zero being best. I measure the accuracy of each predator and sort them, so the first listed predator is the “most accurate.” That “best” predator is used to drive (negative) selection in the evolution of prey camouflage.

Shown below are four images from late in an extended test run (ID tiger_eye_beans_20220903_1401). In these I draw crosshair annotation of the “prediction”/“estimate” produced by each of three Predators. The one in black-and-white is the one judged most accurate (least aim error), green is second best, and red-ish is third. Note that in three of the four images, all predators agree on (all crosshairs are within) a single prey. While in image number three, the “white predator” chose one prey, the “green predator” chose another, and the “red predator” was between them, missing all prey: a “predator fail.” In the last image (number four) the leftmost prey seems quite good.

20220904_step_4750 20220904_step_4427 20220904_step_3800 20220904_step_3705
August 31, 2022

Working toward population of predators

While there is a lot wrong with the images below, I just wanted to note that I have been running tests with two active predators in parallel. This is in preparation for maintaining a population of predators. Both start as a copy of the pre-trained “find conspicuous disk” model (20220321_1711_FCD6_rc4). Then each is fine-tuned on the collected results of the current camouflage run. Then each one generates a “prediction” — an estimate of where in each input image the most conspicuous prey is probably located.

Previous logging convinced me that they started out identical, and that they then diverged during fine-tuning. But it was hard to interpret this. Sometimes the distance between the two estimates was tiny, sometimes it indicated locations on opposite sides of the image. So I made the PredatorEye side send the estimates back to the TexSyn side for visualization. In the first image below, both predators have estimated positions inside one prey (the flat grayish one in the lower right). In the second image, one predator chose the orange striped prey on the left, while the other predator chose the flat black prey on the right. This is the learning-based predator equivalent of the idea that “reasonable people may have differing opinions.” Both predators has “good aim” — selecting a position well inside one of the three prey — they just had differing ideas about which is most conspicuous.

Note that by the time of these images, this run had badly converged, losing most of the prey population's diversity. Which is why all the prey patterns are just stripes (gratings). Also note that the green crosshair in the center is not yet used.

20220831_step_5265 20220831_step_5356
August 24, 2022

Goodbye to Rube Goldberg: running locally on M1, sans GPU

I was working toward running my simulation on a remote Win10 at SFU graciously lent by Steve DiPaola. I wanted to test that my pre-trained “find conspicuous disk” model (20220321_1711_FCD6_rc4) would read into TensorFlow running on Windows. This had failed the first time I tried it on macOS on Apple Silicon, so I wanted to do a reality check by reproducing that error. It stubbornly failed to fail. I then tried using that pre-trained model with a handwritten test calling model.predict() and that worked too. Then I rebuilt TexSyn and PredatorEye to run in “local mode” which also worked! (“Local mode” is “non Rube Goldberg mode” with both predator and prey running on the same machine.)

My only theory about why it failed in the past, yet worked now, might involve the optional Rosetta facility in macOS. It “enables a Mac with Apple Silicon to use apps built for a Mac with an Intel processor.” The original error seemed to be complaining about x86_64 code embedded in the TF/Keras model. Perhaps that was before I installed Rosetta on my M1 laptop. Perhaps installing it allowed TensorFlow to run any pre-compiled x86 code in my saved model.

Some bad news with the good. As described on July 17, I ran into a known bug in the TensorFlow-Metal plugin, essentially a memory leak (of IOGPUResource). I assume that is why my first attempt at a local-mode run, hung after about 90 minutes. So I wrapped: with tf.device('/cpu:0') around the call for fine-tuning, and it ran fine. Running locally is about 4x faster than “Rube Goldberg mode since even CPU-only TensorFlow is faster than the communication delay imposed by Rube Goldberg mode. The CPU-only mode seems to be very stable. Unlike time-boxed Colab, locally I could let it just keep running. In about 25 hours of computation, I ran for 8000 simulation steps. In Rube Goldberg mode, 2000 steps was about all I could get in a 24 hour Colab session. Running CPU-only, macOS's Activity Monitor app shows the Python process peaking up between 600% to 700% of a CPU. TexSyn averaged about 20% of a CPU. Some OK-but-not-great images from near the end of the 8000 step run are shown below.

As I suggested in my June 4 talk, I next want to look at using a small population of predators. I want them to jointly co-evolve against the population of prey. I think there to needs to be more dire consequences when predators fail. They should survive only if they are successful, forcing them to compete with each other on “hunting” ability.

20220824_step_7866 20220824_step_7771 20220824_step_7695
August 19, 2022

CMake build, access to new hardware.

Today I got a CMake build of TexSyn working on my laptop. I have not tested it cross-platform but hope to get to that soon. In the past, I have used CMake to build other projects, but not previously written a CMake build script from the ground up for my own code. I had been stuck for a while getting my build to correctly link to OpenCV. Today I discovered CMake's find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED) which somehow does all the magic. I had planned to eventually make TexSyn buildable with CMake, since it previously built only on macOS using Xcode. CMake offers the possibility of cross-platform builds.

This has become more urgent since, as described on August 2, I am not able to run the predator model either locally on my laptop (because of a bug in the TensorFlow-Metal layer) or on Colab (because of a disconnect bug there). My old friend and former coworker Steve DiPaola generously offered remote access to a Windows 10 machine with an NVIDIA GPU in the iVizLab he directs at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver.

So since I returned from SIGGRAPH 2022 a week ago, I have been working in parallel on provisioning that machine with tools and libraries I need, and working on the CMake build, which I will need to build TexSyn on the Win10 machine. This has been moving slow since I am a complete newbie on Windows generally.

August 2, 2022

Colab troubles

On July 21 I said “Until [the TensorFlow-Metal plugin issue] is fixed I will need to return to go back to my inconvenient ‘Rube Goldberg’ contraption using Google Colab.” Oh — if only it had been that simple. For reasons I do not understand, the Colab side of “Rube Goldberg” which had been working well for months is now getting very frequent momentary disconnects, and long before completing a camouflage run it disconnects permanently. I reported the temporary disconnects here: Frequent disconnects while busy running in Google Colab #2965. I am now waiting for response to that, while looking at a third alternative, now that I have problems running both locally on my M1 laptop, and in “Rube Goldberg” mode using Colab in the cloud.

Update on September 5: as mentioned on August 24, I moved to running this project locally on my laptop, an M1/“Apple Silicon” MacBook Pro. It is running CPU-only because of the tensorflow-metal bug mentioned on July 17. However even without GPU acceleration, the overall speed is faster because of the significant communication delay caused by “Rube Goldberg mode.” So yesterday I went back to Google Colab Issue #2965 on Github to post a “so long and thanks for all the fish” message. I decided to test one more time, and managed to diagnose the problem, or at least narrow it down. It works fine using Safari browser, but the “frequent disconnect” problem remains using Google Chrome browser under macOS Monterey on Apple Silicon as described in this comment on Issue #2965.

July 25, 2022

TexSyn now “officially” version 2

Nothing changed, but I realized it had been reporting the wrong version number (0.9.7) for a very long time. The slides for my GPTP talk referred to the 2008-2011 implementation as version 1, and the current one as version 2. I made this official today by changing texsyn_version_string.

Indeed basic TexSyn has not changed for quite a long time. On June 3, I added an optional render timeout, convenient for long evolutionary optimization runs. Around June 23 I made some changes to multi-threaded render for my M1 (Apple Silicon) laptop.

There have been lots of changes in the EvoCamoGame classes. They are essentially applications build on top of TexSyn, but currently live inside it. They should eventually be moved out into a separate project/repository.

July 17, 2022

TensorFlow on GPU on M1

Today I got GPU accelerated deep learning running on my M1 (Apple Silicon) laptop. My predator model is built on Keras on TensorFlow. The PluggableDevice abstraction allows TensorFlow to run on arbitrary devices. Apple's Metal provides an abstraction of their compute devices, such as the GPU in my M1 laptop. A layer called tensorflow-metal provides the interface between these worlds.

I started by following these instructions How To Install TensorFlow on M1 Mac (The Easy Way) but something went awry. I switched to Apple's Getting Started with tensorflow-metal PluggableDevice and tried again. That seemed to work and I was able to run the MNIST benchmark giving in the first doc. The execution time indicated that GPU acceleration was in use.

Update on July 18, 2022: I modified my Jupyter notebook which builds the pre-trained FCD6 generalist predator. I expected it to run about 17 hours. After 16 minutes and 45 seconds it hung. I tried it again and got the same result. Exactly the same as near as I could tell. It was on epoch 2/100 and batch (sub-batch?) 2493/4000 of the training run. I rebooted the laptop and tried again. Same result. For the moment I am stuck and trying to decide how to proceed.

Update on July 21, 2022: damn! I set aside all my Anaconda virtual environments, carefully followed the instructions from Getting Started with tensorflow-metal PluggableDevice and got exactly the same hang at exactly the same place (2/100, 2493/4000). I guess I can try deactivating the “call back” code I use: my in_disk() metric and Find3DisksGenerator for dataset augmentation. No, wait! I finally read the last bit on the Getting Started... doc which says “To ask questions and share feedback about the tensorflow-metal plugin, visit the Apple Developer Forum.” Aha! There was a month-old report of a very similar symptom, even mentioning “16 minutes.” That seems to correspond to “leaking IOGPUResource.” So this seems to be a known bug. Until it is fixed I will need to return to go back to my inconvenient “Rube Goldberg” contraption using Google Colab.

July 14, 2022

Apple responds?!

On July 2, I mentioned what I thought might be an Xcode bug, related to code signing. I did the Right Thing and reported via Apple's Feedback Assistant. And knock me over with a feather, they wrote back! So much of “bug reporting” feels like talking to a wall. So it is a nice surprise when the wall talks back! I answered their questions and am now waiting again. I assume that getting a response indicates they thought the symptom I described sounded wrong. Which is progress. Now we are working toward a repeatable test case.

To make the work-around easier to use, I temporarily added my Xcode project build directory to my search PATH using my new .zshrc file.

I have been working to set up my local Python/Keras/TensorFlow environment on my M1 laptop. I've also been doing some TexSyn code cleanup, mostly in the Texture class for multi-threaded rendering while listening for commands related to hiding/showing windows.

July 2, 2022

Shells and beans

On June 27 I said: “Some bad interaction between the now-recommended zsh shell and Homebrew (the package manager I use to install OpenCV) means that I can't run the texsyn command on the command line!” Now I think that description is completely wrong, and that the guilty party is actually Xcode (the macOS IDE) and its handling of code signing. I found a work-around and filed an official Feedback. The fact that the work-around works suggests to me that this is an Xcode issue. If I ever learn one way or the other I will report back here.

In any case, TexSyn is now running from the shell as intended. I did another run, identical to the previous one, except for a different random seed. This one was a bit more successful. Some tournament images from late in the run:

20220702_step_1672 20220702_step_1726 20220702_step_1891 20220702_step_1944 20220702_step_1978 20220702_step_2041
June 27, 2022

Shakedown test with Dana's beans

At this point TexSyn seems to be working well in the “new world” (M1 laptop, macOS Monterey). But other problems remain. Some bad interaction between the now-recommended zsh shell and Homebrew (the package manager I use to install OpenCV) means that I can't run the texsyn command on the command line! I have not even begun to switch over to using Jupyter/Keras/TensorFlow on my local machine, so at the moment they still run in the cloud on Google Colab. So I still use Google Drive as the communication channel. Google's “Drive for Desktop” now uses macOS's “File Provider” layer, so Drive is different in subtle ways (mount point pathnames, etc.).

Nonetheless I was able to get a simulation running (ID tiger_eye_beans_20220626_1405). My daughter Dana bought these dried beans at a local farmer's market. They are an heirloom variety called Tiger Eye, grown by Fifth Crow Farms in Pescadero, California. I prevailed on her to take some photos before cooking. The run only got to step 1700, 85% of the typical duration. Here are four hand picked tournament images from between steps 1500 and 1700. In the first image the lower right prey has inappropriate reds and greens, but the spatial features seem just about right. In the second image the upper right prey looks very promising. In the fourth image the two prey at the bottom seem to me to be clearly better than the top prey, but the predator decided to eat one of them. Oh well. This is all just to say it seems to be working at the same “OK but not great” level of quality seen before.

20220627_step_1520 20220627_step_1623 20220627_step_1634 20220627_step_1653
June 23, 2022

Multi-threading issues on M1 processor

It took a while to get my M1 set up to run TexSyn, then to adjust my build settings so that I could compile and run on both the old and new machines. I wanted to be able to verify consistent texture synthesis results, and to measure relative performance. What I saw initially was texture rendering was slower on the new machine. That was surprising and counterintuitive since the clock rate of the new M1 Max processor is 3.2 GHz and the older one is 2.5 GHz (2014 MacBook Pro, Quad-Core Intel Core i7).

However, by default, TexSyn uses multi-threading during render. Each pixel of a TexSyn render is completely unrelated to all other pixels — it is “embarrassingly parallel.” So each pixel could be its own thread, but with some vague concern about per-thread overhead, I made a thread for each row of pixels in the rendered image. This worked fine on the old processor, the multi-threaded rendering was obviously faster. I never bothered to look into it in more detail. On the M1 processor, this approach did not render faster.

Two smart friends suggested I look closer at the effect of multi-threading. I tried increasing the size of the per-thread workload (hence an inverse relationship in the number of threads per render). Where the old approach had been one rendered row of pixels per thread, I changed that to n rows per thread. I then swept n from 1 up to the image height. That is from the previous multi-thread approach, to a single thread approach, and all values in between. For each value of n I measured the texture render time. For a given test texture, I did that for a 512×512 render, then for a 100×100 render which is about the size used in the camouflage simulation. In both cases the shape of the curve — while mysterious — appears to have a minimum at about 16% of the total texture height.

512x512 render time
        vs. per-thread workload size
100x100 render time
        vs. per-thread workload size

For comparison, here is the same experiment (100×100 render size) run on the old laptop (2014 MacBook Pro, 2.5 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7):

Intel 100x100
        render time vs. per-thread workload size

This looks very different at the low end. On the M1, the render time was highest at the beginning and end of the range (100 threads with one row each, versus 1 thread with 100 rows). As mentioned above the minimum (fastest render) was between them, at about 6 threads with 16 rows each. On the Intel laptop, the minimum is clearly at the beginning of the range (100 threads with one row each), and the maximum is at the end of the range (1 thread with 100 rows). This is easier to see by ignoring the red plot for run “e” — perhaps another process ran during the end of that run. This data shows that render time is definitely not monotone increasing. It has that dip around 50. But this does clearly show how 1 row per thread worked well on the Intel processor. I don't have the background to know, but I assume the shape of these curves, and the significant differences between old and new, must be related to the two processor architectures and how they interact with the operating system's threading mechanisms.

Finally here are some time comparisons. The test case here is rendering 20 100×100 textures. As above, on the old processor, fastest (smallest) render times was for the 1 row per thread case at 4.7 seconds. For the new processor, fastest times were for the 16 rows per thread case, at 3.5 seconds. So with recent changes the new machine seems to be roughly 33% faster. For the single-threaded case (right column) the new machine is about 40% faster.

Render time for 20 textures (in seconds): architecture versus per-thread workload size

1 row per thread
16 rows per thread
all 100 rows by 1 thread
old / Intel / x86-64
new / ARM / M1

Just because I like pictures, the comparisons above used this test texture:

color_noise = ColorNoise(Vec2(1, 2), Vec2(3, 0.1), 0.95)
warped_color_noise = NoiseWarp(5, 0.5, 0.5, color_noise)
blurred = Blur(0.05, warped_color_noise)
spot = Spot(Vec2(), 0.5, blurred, 0.7, warped_color_noise)
June 7, 2022

New laptop

After eight years of faithful service I finally have a new laptop. Photo below of old and new in the process of doing a brain (well, SSD) transplant. I anticipate that this M1 laptop will render TexSyn textures faster. I also expect I will be able to run TensorFlow locally, so I can say goodby to the current “Rube Goldberg” scheme where I run camouflage evolution on my laptop, but predator learning in the cloud with Colab. However in the meantime I am working through a series of issues — new processor, new operating system, new version of OpenCV — before I can even run TexSyn locally.

new laptop
June 4, 2022

Gave work-in-progress talk at GPTP XIX

I was invited to speak at the Genetic Programming Theory & Practice XIX workshop, held at the University of Michigan. I gave a summary of the experiments described previously in this blog. The talk seemed well received. Preparing for it gave me a useful opportunity to organize my thoughts about the project. I also got to experiment with how best to communicate the ideas that underlie this simulation.


Photo (by Linda Wood? — via) of me in mid-bloviation:

GPTP XIX photo
May 31, 2022

Another run, making slides

Using the same set up described on May 30, I made another run (ID oxalis_sprouts_20220530_1212) for some presentation slides I am preparing. As can be seen in these four tournament images from near the end of the run, there are many prey with high quality camouflage, but enough lower quality prey that it was hard to find three good ones in one image. For example the upper left prey in the first image, and the upper right prey in the last image, both seem quite well suited for this environment. It is also encouraging that the prey nearest the predator's chosen location, seem to be convincingly of lower quality.

20220531_step_1888 20220531_step_1987 20220531_step_1994 20220531_step_2002
May 30, 2022

Postpone fine-tuning until dataset is big enough

I started out intending to compare two runs differing only by the “background scale” (hyper)parameter on the TexSyn side. I eventually got that but only after several poor quality runs at the smaller scale. I decided to bring back an aspect of the “B” experiment described on May 21: make fine-tuning conditional on the size of the dataset which collects previous tournament images. So now, the simulation proceeds for the first 50 steps (10% of max_training_set_size) with no fine-tuning. This means that the predator is still the pre-trained generalist (FCD) model. After 50 tournament images are collected, the fine tuning begins and run as before.

These are four images from late in the run (ID oak_leaf_litter_20220525_1648) with background scale of 0.4. I think the upper right prey, in the second image (step 1931), is my favorite of this run. It contains leaf-green edging over a pattern quite reminiscent of the leafy background:

20220530_04_step_1714 20220530_04_step_1931 20220530_04_step_1972 20220530_04_step_1979

These are four images from late in the run (ID oak_leaf_litter_20220529_1354) with background scale of 0.2, after implementing the “postpone fine-tuning until dataset is big enough” approach:

20220530_02_step_1681 20220530_02_step_1793 20220530_02_step_1907 20220530_02_step_1918
May 21, 2022

Ad hoc solution to “inappropriate center fondness”

As described on May 18, I determined that it was not just my imagination: the current predator model does have an inappropriate preference for predicting the most conspicuous prey is located at the center of its input image. (A “tournament image” with three prey over a random background crop.) This is true even when there is no prey there, and without regard for the quality of prey that is there.

I have only vague theories about why this happens and hope to investigate more fully later. But in the short term, I was able to find a work-around. The May 18 plot suggests the pre-trained generalist FCD predator model (see e.g. March 23) does not have this “center fondness.” Instead it appears to develop while during fine-turning the predator model during a camouflage simulation run. So I tried avoiding using tournament images with any prey located in a region at the center. The good news is that this seems to fix the problem. But it feels ad hoc, poorly motivated, and overly complicated. I will use it until I find a more principled solution to “center fondness.” I tried three variations on this work-around:

  1. (kitchen_granite_20220518_1410) Change TexSyn's class EvoCamoVsLearningPredator to place the three prey (over a random background crop) so as to avoid a circular region at the center. It simply uses the previous uniform placement scheme (avoiding the image's margin and avoiding prey overlap) then loops, rejecting a placement if any prey touch the empty zone. I required that each prey's center was at least 3 × radius away from image center.
  2. (kitchen_granite_20220519_1717) Turned off the approach of A, and instead put a constraint on the predator (Keras model in Python). New input images were only added to the fine-tuning dataset if they avoided the central empty zone. This seemed like a good idea, being local to the predator fine-tuning code, but it ended up having a lot of corner cases. I was not happy with the results. Used min distance of 2 × radius.
  3. (kitchen_granite_20220520_1633) Revert code for B. Go back to approach in A. Use 2 × radius.

Four images from near end of run A:

20220521_a_step_1938 20220521_a_step_1919 20220521_a_step_1786 20220521_a_step_1997

Four images from second half of run B:

20220521_b_step_1260 20220521_b_step_1660 20220521_b_step_1862 20220521_b_step_1890

Four images from run C:

20220521_c_step_620 20220521_c_step_1539 20220521_c_step_1767 20220521_c_step_1824

This is the metric shown on May 18: cumulative percentage over evolutionary time, how many prey picked by predator model “just happen” to be the prey which is located nearest the image's center? This was meant to characterize how “center fondness” developed during fine tuning. Before the workarounds described in this post, that number climbed up to 53% by the end of the run. With these new changes, all three runs ended with 36% or lower. It seems the ideal value is 33% (⅓) but apparently other factors intrude. Run B, where the constraint was applied in the fine-tuning code, the metric gets down to 28%. Runs A and C, where the constraint was applied in tournament layout (in TexSyn), both ended at 36%, suggesting that results are not sensitive to radius of empty zone.

May 18, 2022

Inappropriate fondness for the center?

Watching these simulations as they play out, I have made some informal subjective observations:

  1. Many — perhaps 60-70% — are of “disappointing quality.”
  2. In those runs, I often see the predator make poor choices, where the prey it picks, which I intend/hope to be the most conspicuous, are often the opposite, appearing to be the best camouflaged of the three prey.
  3. It slowly dawned on me that these poor choices often happen to be prey located close to the center of the “tournament” image presented as input to the predator model.

A central difficulty of this work is that I lack an objective metric for camouflage quality. That is what has brought me to this rather elaborate semi-self-supervised model. So I do not have a way to quantify the number of “disappointing runs.” It is impossible to quantify when the predator makes a poor choice. Indeed, subjectively, I think “I know it when I see it” (to quote SCOTUS Justice Potter Stewart in 1964). But that cannot be implemented in code, nor objectively measured in experiments.

However “distance from the center” of an image is an objective metric which can easily be measured. I tried that in run kitchen_granite_20220517_0845 via ad hoc printing a metric during the run. See plot below:


As described on May 2, the fine-tuning dataset is created in a self-referential loop. A tournament image (three prey over background) is presented to the predator's CNN model, it predicts (selects) an xy location in the image where it thinks a prey is likely to be. This location is used to drive texture evolution. It is also used to add an example to the dataset used to fine-tune the predator. The raw prediction is mapped to the nearest prey's centerpoint for use as a label. This label is paired with the image to form a training example which is then added to the dataset for subsequent fine-tuning.

The plot above shows during 2000 simulation steps, the percentage of steps when the prey nearest predator's prediction “just happens” to be the prey nearest the center of the image. In a perfect world, I would expect this to hover around 33% — assuming positions and quality are uniformly distributed — picking a prey will happen to be the one (of 3) nearest the center about ⅓ of the time. Instead it starts low then keeps increasing during predator fine-tuning reaching a max of 53% at the end of the run. Way too high and clearly inappropriate.

A cynical perspective on this is that the predator model has just given up, stopped trying, and simply returns the constant value corresponding to the image center. (Which is (0.5, 0.5) in image-normalized coordinates.) Consider these four images (from near the end of the run, steps 1767, 1843, 1957, and 1995). The predator's response in all cases is very close to the center of the image.  It chooses the center, even though in 3 of 4 cases there is no prey there, leading to a predator fail. In the last example, there is a prey there, but (in my subjective view) it is of pretty high quality (if too green). This seems like an example of “poor choices” by the predator as mentioned in observation 2 above:

20220518_step_1767 20220518_step_1843 20220518_step_1957 20220518_step_1995

Here are two more examples from late in this run, grabbed by hand. The first image (like the last one in the previous four images) shows a prey with very high quality camouflage (edgy pattern with muted pinks and yellows) being “eaten” by the predator. I suspect this may be accidental targeting because it “just  happens” to be near the center of the image. The second image below is just to show that the predator model is not always choosing the image center. Here it appears to be making an excellent choice, targeting lower quality (too green) prey, toward the right, so not at the center of the image. The other two prey in that second image both have high quality camouflage. (One is below and slightly to the left of the predator's pick. The other (really good!) one is about two diameters to the left and slightly above.)

20220518_grab_a 20220518_grab_b

Next on my agenda is to dig into this “inappropriate fondness for the center” issue. I do not know what causes the predator model to get lazy and default to a constant response. Perhaps merely that it can. And what is to stop it? Probably a large basin of attraction for this behavior which is easy to fall into.

Perhaps I will force the random placement of prey on the background (by the TexSyn side of the simulation) to push prey away from the center of the image. That seems too ad hoc to be a permanent solution, but might help understand what is going on.

May 15, 2022

Another run, high res, high variance

In this run (ID huntington_hedge_20220514_1451), on “Huntington hedge” background (see July 29, 2021), rendering 512x512 images on the TexSyn side produced “pretty good” results. A solid B grade, but troubling that this was the best of three runs, identical except for random number seed. As discussed on May 8, these “could have been better” runs seem to suffer from bad choices by the predator.

Consider the fifth image below. (Hovering over it should indicate “step_1254.”) The predator has chosen a green prey with an effective disruptive pattern. To me that one seems the best of the three prey. It “feels” like the predator is using the wrong criteria. Because of the semi-self-supervised nature of the predator fine-tuning, I worry about a feedback loop where the predator makes a mistake early, then effectively amplifies its mistake over time. On the other hand, the evolutionary texture synthesis seems to keep proposing high quality patterns, such as the upper right prey in the final image (“step_1976”).

20220515_step_95 20220515_step_399 20220515_step_665 20220515_step_855 20220515_step_1254 20220515_step_1482 20220515_step_1615 20220515_step_1729 20220515_step_1881 20220515_step_1976
May 11, 2022

Higher resolution on the TexSyn side

I finally got around to replacing some slap-dash just-for-a-quick-test code from two months ago, so can adjust resolution of camouflage textures and “tournament images.” (Such as below, with three disks of evolved camouflage texture over a random crop of photographic background texture.) My general goal is to decouple the human readable/viewable output of these simulations from the tiny images used thus far in the computer vision part.

Shown below is a 512×512 image from yesterday's run (ID michaels_gravel_20220510_1255), a 256×256 image (the size I had been using for a while), and just for comparison, a 128×128 image as still used on the predator vision side of the simulation. All three images are step 1577 of their respective simulations. The smaller two where from the runs described on May 8. The larger two were both run using the same random seed, while other hyperparameters differ (background scale and output size) so they were not identical. Perhaps fine-tuning the predator model is non-deterministic due to asynchronous parallelism, but in any case I will not sweat the not-identical-but-still-quite-similar nature of the first two images below.

Lisa had an epic battle with our internet service, she sat through several endless support calls, hosted a site visit, and finally swapped out the cable modem. Seems solid now. But yesterday's run was interrupted at step 1652 by some unrelated problem on this elderly researcher's elderly laptop. I decided it was not worth running yet again, so just accepted this partial run as proof of concept.

step_1577 big
step_1577 tiny
May 8, 2022

Variance in adversarial camouflage runs

A tale of two adversarial camouflage runs. Maybe not the best of runs and the worst of runs, but a darn good one, and one that was disappointing.

In the disappointing run (michaels_gravel_20220505_2112) prey camouflage improved but remained mediocre. The prey were easy to spot against the background. (Which is photos of gravel in our neighbor's yard.) Several times I saw the predator in that run target/eat what looked to me like more promising camouflage, slowing progress, and allowing the “only OK” camouflage to survive.

For the other run (michaels_gravel_20220507_0839) I kept all hyperparameters unchanged except the random seed for the evolutionary texture synthesis side. This run performed significantly better.

So two samples from this distribution—camouflage simulation runs differing only in random seed—can yield very different results. I need to dig in to this concept. I need to make a series of runs to collect enough data to characterize this random distribution. I also have to take this into account when adjusting hyperparameter values, like the recent drama about “predator fine-tuning dataset size.” Trying a single test, then changing a hyperparameter, and making another single test, is subject to the large variance shown below. Is run B better than run A because of the changed hyperparameter value, or because of the expected natural variation in the random simulation process?

Some of the “least bad” tournament images from near the end of the disappointing run (ID michaels_gravel_20220505_2112). These camouflage patterns appear to be primarily derived from the “phasor noise” texture generators, see May 8, 2021:

20220508a_step_1672 20220508a_step_1691 20220508a_step_1919 20220508a_step_1976

Here are 20 images from throughout the better run (ID michaels_gravel_20220507_0839) which differed only in initial random seed value. Over evolutionary time, these camouflage patterns increasingly match the colors and frequencies of the background photos, and develop a disruptive quality where the boundary between background and prey camouflage becomes harder to discern:

20220508_step_57 20220508_step_266 20220508_step_380 20220508_step_494 20220508_step_589 20220508_step_722 20220508_step_931 20220508_step_1064 20220508_step_1178 20220508_step_1235 20220508_step_1254 20220508_step_1425 20220508_step_1539 20220508_step_1653 20220508_step_1672 20220508_step_1767 20220508_step_1805 20220508_step_1881 20220508_step_1900 20220508_step_1976

Two charts for the second () run (“better”: ID michaels_gravel_20220507_0839. Predator failures (targeting a position not inside any prey) reach a level of 31% (616 of 2000). The in_disk metric reaches 0.9 around step 600, then actually dips below around step 1300, before peaking to about 0.94 near the end of the run.

20220508_pred_fail_plot 20220508_in_disk_plot
May 5, 2022

Forget predator’s oldest memories, don’t update dataset, wait for cable guy

Following up after the May 2 post: I have gone back to using the most recent n simulation steps as the dataset for predator fine-tuning. Previous values for n I tried were: 100, 200, ∞, and now 500. A typical run has 2000 simulation steps, so the fine-tuning dataset size is now ¼ of all steps.

The idea of “updating” this dataset, as described on May 2, was intended to avoid using obsolete/naïve data for fine tuning. Some experiments suggested it was not helping. Fortunately, it can be ignored, since “the most recent n simulation steps” inherently erases older training data, so there is no reason to update it. And that is good since it seemed overly complicated and ad hoc.

I think this 5 day detour started because I tried changing two things at the same time: adding the “update” mechanism and using a new background set. It looks like the yellow_flower_on_green background set is somewhat more challenging for the simulation than the previous example maple_leaf_litter. My guess is that using the full history of simulation steps for fine-tuning worked OK on maple_leaf_litter but not on yellow_flower_on_green. I will now use 500 (25% of total) for this hyperparameter. That produced acceptable results in this run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20220504_2109).

I might have resolved this quicker but for the frequent network outages we have been experiencing here at our house. I am using Colab, and flaky network is the natural enemy of hours long simulations run on a remote cloud server. My techie wife Lisa bravely sat on the phone with the cable company to convince them there was a problem, then dealt with the service tech who paid us a visit.

20220505_step_190 20220505_step_323 20220505_step_437 20220505_step_551 20220505_step_779 20220505_step_893 20220505_step_988 20220505_step_1216 20220505_step_1330 20220505_step_1368 20220505_step_1444 20220505_step_1501 20220505_step_1558 20220505_step_1672 20220505_step_1710 20220505_step_1786 20220505_step_1805 20220505_step_1843 20220505_step_1900 20220505_step_1938

Metric plots for run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20220504_2109). At the end of the run, the predator failure rate (fraction of steps where predator target a location outside the boundary of any prey) was 30% (592 out of 2000) which is quite low compared to recent runs. The in_disk metric reached 90% by around step 400 and peaked at 96% toward the end of the 2000 step run.

20220505_pred_fail_plot 20220505_in_disk_plot 
May 2, 2022

Hmm...part 2

I continue to fiddle with details of fine-tuning the predator model during a single run of camouflage evolution. I decided—based on meager evidence—that a training set of 100 examples was not as good as 200 example, and 200 was not as good as remembering all previous steps (so 2000 at the end of a typical run). Perhaps bigger is better, but I worry that older is worse. I was concerned that training examples saved at the beginning of a run — effectively the predator's “childhood memories” — might interfere with effective fine-tuning later on.

The issue is that while the simulation can provide ground truth for centerpoint positions of the three prey, it does not know which of the three prey should be selected by the predator. If we had a computable metric for “camouflage quality” or “conspicuousness” then this could be a much less complicated simulation!

Instead, to create an example for the fine-tuning dataset, I generate the label (an xy position) for an image by using the predator's current neural net model to predict (get its best guess) where a prey is. (This prediction is shown as black and white crosshair and circle in the images below.) Then using the ground truth prey position data, I select the prey nearest to the predicted position. This effectively assumes the predator “meant” to target that nearest prey, but missed by some small amount. These form a training example: the “tournament” image and the position of the prey nearest the predator's prediction. That fine-tuning training example, which will be remembered for the rest of the run, may be based on a very “naive” early predator model. (Similar to the FCD6 pre-trained model.) The point of fine-tuning is to improve the predator over time. Do we want to train based on its early mistakes? So I added some code to occasionally, randomly, update the label for examples in the training set. It recomputes the training example label based on the predator's current prediction and the saved ground truth data. This forgets the old label and substitutes a new “modern” one. It seemed like a good idea to me.

The result was pretty bad, as can be seen in the poorly camouflaged prey in sample images below from late in this run (ID yellow_flower_on_green_20220501_1140). Compare these with a human-in-loop run from May 31, 2021 on the same background. I'm running another simulation, identical but for random seed, to learn more.

20220502_step_1710 20220502_step_1748 20220502_step_1805 20220502_step_1824
April 25, 2022

Total recall: use entire history for predator fine tuning

Recent posts (April 21, April 24) have discussed the size of a training set used for fine-tuning the predator model on each step of a simulation. This fine-tuning adapts a predator to a specific environment and its evolved population of prey. Data in the training set comes from previous simulation steps — essentially the “memories” of the predator's experience during its lifetime. Originally I thought I would use just the current step for fine tuning, then I tried using the “last n” steps for training, trying different values for n (100 vs. 200). Finally in this run I set n to infinity. (In the code, this variable is: max_training_set_size.) So here, the training set used for fine-turning consists of all previous steps. Otherwise, this run (ID maple_leaf_litter_20220424_1144) is identical to the runs described on April 21 and April 24, except that this one got interrupted around step 1900. I think the late-in-run camouflage here is better than those previous runs with max_training_set_size set to 100 or 200.

Pictured below are a selection of 20 simulation steps out of 1900. Some at the bottom are quite nice. See for example the prey in the lower right corner of the last image below.

20220425_step_95 20220425_step_133 20220425_step_304 20220425_step_418 20220425_step_494 20220425_step_646 20220425_step_836 20220425_step_950 20220425_step_1216 20220425_step_1311 20220425_step_1330 20220425_step_1425 20220425_step_1520 20220425_step_1558 20220425_step_1672 20220425_step_1786 20220425_step_1805 20220425_step_1862 20220425_step_1881 20220425_step_1900

Some statistics from this run. The cumulative predator failure rate is especially low: 34% (650 fails during 1900 steps). During fine-tuning, the in_disk metric (rate of predator predictions that were inside some prey's disk) reached 90% by about step 500, then stayed above that level for the rest of the run. These both suggest a well performing predator and that max_training_set_size should stay at ∞.

20220425_pred_fail_plot 20220425_in_disk_plot
April 24, 2022


I was happy that I seemed to have stumbled onto a good set of “hyperparameters” (as discussed on April 21) and decided that I would try another run to convince myself that it was not just a lucky accident. This run (ID maple_leaf_litter_20220422_2106) left me unconvinced. There was some obvious convergence toward better camouflage but it was not as vivid as I hoped. Several plausible varieties of camouflage patterns arose during the run but failed to dominate the population. For example, the last (step 1938) of these 20 examples (selected from a 2000 step run) has two “stripy” patterns, with almost an embossed look, in greens and blues. To me they look out of place and conspicuous on this background set. Similarly several late-in-run examples (such as next to last, step 1900) has a noisy “confetti” pattern which also seems to contrast with the background. Now I'm thinking about trying more alternative approaches.

20220424_step_76 20220424_step_247 20220424_step_266 20220424_step_361 20220424_step_494 20220424_step_646 20220424_step_703 20220424_step_760 20220424_step_855 20220424_step_912 20220424_step_969 20220424_step_1368 20220424_step_1425 20220424_step_1539 20220424_step_1672 20220424_step_1786 20220424_step_1805 20220424_step_1881 20220424_step_1900 20220424_step_1938

Two “bonus” step images with interesting camouflage patterns, captured by hand from near end of run. In the first, all three prey seem well colored, the lower two have patterns which are a good middle ground between structure and confetti noise. In the second image, the prey just above and right of center, appears very well suited to this environment. It is disappointing that this was not more widespread in the population.

20220424_extra_1 20220424_extra_2
April 21, 2022

Remembrance of predations past: how much is best?

The current adaptive predator model does fine-tuning during a run based on earlier simulation steps. In a sense it is learning from its experience in the simulated world. Training examples used for fine-turning consist of a “tournament image” along with a label. Each image is a random crop of a background image, overlaid with three prey, rendered as disk-shaped samples of evolved camouflage texture. The simulation knows the “ground truth” position for each prey. The chosen label is the prey center position nearest the predator neural net model's current prediction for the image. So there is a free hyper-parameter: how many past simulation steps are remembered in this fine-tuning training set.

Typically I have been running simulations for 2000 steps. I had a good result on April 17 using the most recent 200 steps for a fine tuning training set. I wondered if this might be too much, causing the predator model to “worry” too much about examples from the “distant past.” I did two runs, trying to hold everything else constant, with 100 and 200 as the fine tuning training set size.

I used the whimsical “bean soup mix” background set (a mixture of dried beans from our local supermarket) and made two runs using the same random seeds as starting points. The short answer is that fine tuning with the most recent 200 steps (10% of total steps) seemed to produce better results. This is a pretty small experimental comparison, but for now I will use that value.

Here is an example of what seemed like poor choices being made by the predator when using the smaller training set size (100) for fine tuning. This image was captured by hand near the end of the run. Two of the three prey have large conspicuous stripes across them, two pink, one beige. The third prey (left of and below image center) seems to me to have more effective camouflage. Perhaps not saturated enough, but at least it has no bold stripes! Yet it was this apparently better one that the predator selected for lunch (b&w crosshairs on right of prey):

poor choice

Not sure if this shows cause or effect, but I have been keeping track of the in_disk metric during fine-turning. I used it previously during pre-training (e.g. for measuring the quality of FCD5 and FCD6). It measures how frequently the predator model predicts a location inside one of the prey. In the plot below there is a clear distinction between the runs with 100 and 200 fine-tuning samples. The 200 sample fine-turning training set definitely has higher scores, peaking at about 90%. The 100 sample run averages somewhere near 60%.

in_disk plot

Along the same lines, the 100 sample fine-tuning set has generally higher (worse) cumulative predator failure count than the 200 sample approach. These measure the actual performance of the predator model when it “hunts” prey (predicts prey position) during a simulation step. Whereas the in_disk metric mentioned above is measured during fine turning, supervised learning, which effectively occurs between simulation steps. In these two runs, the final cumulative predator failure rate is 42% for 100 samples and 40% for 200 samples (847 and 738 fails during 2000 steps):

predator fails

Here are 10 steps hand selected from the 2000 steps of the run with a fine-tuning training set derived from the 100 most recent simulation steps (run ID bean_soup_mix_20220420_1143). Camouflage quality clearly improves during the run but does not reach the level seen in the other run (further below).

20220421_step_0 20220421_step_209 20220421_step_418 20220421_step_684 20220421_step_760 20220421_step_988 20220421_step_1140 20220421_step_1634 20220421_step_1843 20220421_step_1957

Here are 10 steps hand selected from the 2000 steps of the run with a fine-tuning training set derived from the 200 most recent simulation steps (run ID bean_soup_mix_20220418_1642). I suggest that these seem to exhibit subjectively better camouflage.

20220421_step_0 20220421_step_285b 20220421_step_494b 20220421_step_855b 20220421_step_1121b 20220421_step_1159b 20220421_step_1501b 20220421_step_1520b 20220421_step_1843b 20220421_step_1957b

(Note: previously when I have said “20 hand selected steps out of 2000” — first of all, the simulation automatically saves every 20ᵗʰ “tournament” image — so the hand selection is made from this randomly culled set of 5% of all tournament images. Often I make an aesthetic choice for interesting/cool/effective camouflage patterns. I also sample non-uniformly to create a more linear time progression in this document from random textures to effective camouflage. In this case, to allow a better comparison between the 100 versus 200 training set size, I tried to maintain more “objective” sampling by breaking the saved images into 10 groups according to evolution order, and selecting one image from each group for the two histories above. Note that both histories start from the same image. Further, a given image in one history, say the third, corresponds to the third image image in the other history, and (for this example) both represent the range of simulation steps from 400 to 600.)

April 17, 2022

Evolving camouflage versus adapting predator (huzzah!)

As near as I can tell—I think this is working! Camouflage evolves as before, with relative fitness determined in a (three way) tournament decided by a predator. This time however, the predator is adapting (“fine tuning”) to the specific conditions of each simulation run, such as choice of background images, and history of camouflage evolution in this population of prey.

The first attempt, on April 11, failed to converge to effective camouflage. In this second attempt, I maintain a training set consisting of the most recent 200 steps. I do one epoch of training for each simulation step. (Previously, I fine-tuned from a single step's data, then all steps, then 100.) The quality of this run strikes me as “just OK” but good enough that I am convinced the simulation is working as intended. Finally!

To recap, this adversarial model has gone through several architectures. Initially, predator behavior was provided by a human-in-the-loop, in an interactive game-like setting. Then a computational predator based on a convolutional neural net was pre-trained to locate “prey sized” areas which visually contrasted somehow with their background. And now that pre-trained predator model is fine tuned during the simulation based on “ground truth” position data about the prey. This allows the predator model to learn the specifics of its simulated world. It learns what the background environment is like in its world. It also learns what kind of camouflage is being evolved by the prey in its world.

Shown below are 20 hand-selected step images from this 2000 step run (ID tree_leaf_blossom_sky_20220416_1148). In each case, a random crop of a background is overlaid with three prey shown as a disk of evolved camouflage texture. A black and white circle and crosshair indicate where the predator has “decided” or “predicted” that one of its prey is located.

20220417_step_19 20220417_step_38 20220417_step_285 20220417_step_323 20220417_step_589 20220417_step_665 20220417_step_703 20220417_step_779 20220417_step_817 20220417_step_1007 20220417_step_1102 20220417_step_1121 20220417_step_1273 20220417_step_1330 20220417_step_1425 20220417_step_1577 20220417_step_1767 20220417_step_1805 20220417_step_1919 20220417_step_1995

In this 2000 step run, there were 816 steps where the predator chooses a location which is not inside any prey disk. When these predator failures occur all three prey survive the tournament. Normally the predator's chosen prey is “eaten“, removed from the population, and replaced by an offspring of the other two prey in the tournament. In this run, the rate of predator failure is 41% which is the lowest found so far on this background set. This may suggest, as hoped, that the adaptive predator is functioning better that the static pre-trained predator. Plotted below are the cumulative total of predator failures over 2000 simulation steps.

predator failure
April 11, 2022

On the road to a dynamic/learning/specializing/fine-tuning/adapting predator

Since the March 25 run I have been working to move from a “static” to “dynamic” predator vision model. In the previous approach, I pre-trained a convolutional neural net (CNN) for the generalized task of “finding conspicuous disks” — of camouflaged prey — overlaid on background images. This was encouragingly successful as an adversary (fitness function) to camouflage evolution. However since it had only a general ability to pick out prey, once the prey began evolving moderately effective camouflage, the predator's effectiveness began to wane. In nature, this would correspond to a predator getting less and less to eat, reducing its fitness to survive and reproduce.

The next step in this series of models is a dynamic predator: a predator which can dynamically adapt to its environment and ongoing prey camouflage evolution. The pre-trained predator has a generalist ability to find prey-like objects on arbitrary backgrounds. Ideally it should specialize for a given background set, and for the current population of camouflaged prey. My approach is to start from a pre-trained model (like FCD6) then allow the neural network to continue learning during simulation, based on supervision from the simulation's “ground truth.” This kind of additional training is often called fine-tuning, a type of transfer learning.

I have been building the plumbing and infrastructure for this. Last evening I got to a version that could at least run. The very first test quick test seemed promising, but to provide a better comparison I decided to use the same background set as the previous run. Almost immediately I could see it was performing poorly. By this morning it was clear my additions were (as Shrek said) “the opposite of helping.” At simulation step 1340, the count of predator failures was 982, for a failure rate of 73%. This is much worse than the static FCD6 which got fail rates around 47%.

So definitely not working as intended yet. Back to the drawing board!

March 25, 2022

FCD6 static predator, second camouflage run

Another adversarial run using the FCD6 static predator versus camouflage evolved to be cryptic against the “tree leaf blossom sky” background set (ID tree_leaf_blossom_sky_20220323_1457). See March 15, 2021 for camouflage interactively evolved on this same background.

(As before: shown below, in chronological order, are 20 steps out of the 4000 total steps in this simulation. They were chosen by hand from 200 images saved every 20 steps. Each image contains a random portion of one background photo and three disk shaped “prey” each with its evolved texture. A black and white crosshair, surrounded by a dashed black and white circle, shows where the FCD6 static predator (see March 22) decided a prey was probably located. Recall this model is purely 2d—there is no tree or sky—just color patterns on a 2d surface.)

20220325_step_60 20220325_step_180 20220325_step_440 20220325_step_560 20220325_step_880 20220325_step_1040 20220325_step_1140 20220325_step_1440 20220325_step_1860 20220325_step_1900 20220325_step_2020 20220325_step_2220 20220325_step_2380 20220325_step_2580 20220325_step_2940 20220325_step_3000 20220325_step_3060 20220325_step_3480 20220325_step_3900 20220325_step_4000

Here are two more steps (before predator response) that I happened to notice and manually screen grab. They are near steps 2700 and 3700. Five of the six prey seem well camouflaged. There is one poorly camouflaged prey near the top of the first image with greenish “confetti noise.” These static predators (like FCD6) seem surprisingly blind to this sort of high frequency noise pattern.

20220325_step~2700 20220325_step~3700

Plot of cumulative “predator fails” versus steps of evolution time. Compare to similar chart, also for the FCD6 predator, in the March 23 entry. This run is 4000 steps, twice as long as that previous one. At 2000 steps the ratio of fails to steps is 47%, at 4000 steps it is 60%. The gray dashed line is drawn just to indicate that the evolving population has settled into fooling the predator a roughly constant fraction of the steps.

This run can be seen as 4000 steps of which 2387 were skipped due to predator failure. Alternately it can be seen as a run of 1613 steps with valid predation.

March 23, 2022

FCD6 static predator with oxalis sprouts backgrounds

An adversarial camouflage evolution run (ID oxalis_sprouts_20220322_1010) using the new slightly improved (?) FCD6 static predator. There is some effective camouflage near the end of the ~2000 step run. I actually intended to continue it longer, but my machine had a “rapid unscheduled disassembly.” I'll do another.

20220323_step_20 20220323_step_60 20220323_step_200 20220323_step_420 20220323_step_440 20220323_step_580 20220323_step_660 20220323_step_800 20220323_step_900 20220323_step_1100 20220323_step_1320 20220323_step_1480 20220323_step_1500 20220323_step_1520 20220323_step_1560 20220323_step_1740 20220323_step_1960 20220323_step_1980 20220323_step_2020 20220323_step_2060

This is the predator-fails per step metric I've been tracking. At 2000 steps the ratio is 44%. At 1000 steps it is 36%. In this run it looks like the rate of fails started high, slowed down for a while, then (around step 1100) sped up again. Another way to think about these fails is that, since they leave the evolving population unchanged, we could not count them as steps. Or we could define the number of “valid steps” as total steps attemped minus steps failed. So this is either a 2000 step run with 874 fails, or effectively a 1126 (2000 - 874) step run with no fails.

March 22, 2022

Training one more static predator: FCD6

I wanted to try another go-around, training one more static predator for the “find conspicuous disk” task. (A reminder that, in this context, static means the predator's neural net does not change during camouflage evolution.) After four tries (below) I got well-behaved training with slightly better performance, but I suspect there is not much more to squeeze out of this model.

I used the same FCD5 dataset (see March 3) but increased the level of augmentation applied during training. That dataset has 20,000 labeled examples, of which 16,000 (80%) are used as the training set. The training set is augmented during training by creating variations on the base data. As mentioned before, the random variations potentially include mirroring the images, rotating them by some multiple of 90°, and inverting the image brightness (e.g. black ↔︎ white). This time I added two other classes of variation: adjusting the gamma (alters contrast/exposure) and rotating the hue of colors in the image (e.g. red parts of the image become green, etc.). Both of these are more costly in terms of compute time, so I made they happen only occasionally: 5% and 10% respectively. Overall, the intent of augmentation is to promote generalization of the neural net model, by providing more variations for training.

This FCD6_rc4 model looks good to me in the first 3 plots below. The loss (error) metric, which actually drives learning, for the training set (blue) declines smoothly over 100 training epochs. Measuring loss on the validation dataset (orange) has a nosier decline. But importantly, it does not later increase, which suggests overfitting the training dataset. Similarly the fraction-inside-disk metric (most relevant to FCD) increases smoothly for training data and noisily for validation. As seen in earlier runs, the model performs better (higher on fraction-inside-disk, lower on loss) on validation data than training data. My assumption is that strong anti-overfitting measures (via dropout, and augmentation, causing training data to change each epoch) means that the training data may be “harder” than the untouched validation. At the end of training, the fraction-inside-disk on validation dataset was ~0.85. In FCD6_rc4 the augmentation factor was increased from 16 to 32, meaning that each example is augmented with 31 variations on it. The augmented training set size was 512,000.


For rc3 I added another dropout layer in the output funnel of dense layers. I also reduce the dropout fraction from 0.5 to 0.2. It was no better than rc2.


For rc2 I removed the final CNN layer in rc1 going back to CNN output being: 8 x 8 x 256. Removed the (months old) first 512 size Dense layer so now the first is 128 size, move dropout layer after that. Trainable parameters now: 3,191,386.


For this (rc1) model I added two more CNN layers at the end of the input funnel, with output size 8×8×256 and 4x4x512. This model has 9,548,890 trainable parameters, versus 17,118,042 in FCD5, and 16,912,858 before that. I have no idea what caused those huge drops in performance around epochs 75 and 90.

March 12, 2022

FCD5 static predator with “Huntington hedge” backgrounds

Having reached a plateau of “sort of working” — using the FCD5 static predator versus evolving camouflage — I have been trying different background sets. This uses the “Huntington hedge” set. Some details about that, and a human-in-the-loop camouflage run using it, are described in the entry for July 29, 2021. The run below (ID huntington_hedge_20220310_1231) seemed to work pretty well, although I do not have an objective way to measure that. I let it run for 4000 steps, twice as long as normal. As before: each image shows a random portion of randomly selected background photo, overlaid with three disk-shaped “prey” each with an evolved texture. There is a black and white circle (with a b&w cross in the center) indicating where the FCD5 predator thinks a prey is located.

20220312_step_20 20220312_step_100 20220312_step_200 20220312_step_280 20220312_step_400 20220312_step_640 20220312_step_920 20220312_step_1040 20220312_step_1140 20220312_step_1480 20220312_step_2300 20220312_step_2520 20220312_step_2700 20220312_step_2860 20220312_step_3240 20220312_step_3400 20220312_step_3660 20220312_step_3840 20220312_step_3920 20220312_step_3960

This is a plot of cumulative predator failures (vertical) versus steps (horizontal, effectively “evolution time”). The ratio of fails to steps is shown in red at the middle and end of the run, steps 2000 and 4000. As mentioned earlier, for a “human predator” in the interactive game-like simulation, this number is 0 or very close to it. But this FCD5 static predator (a deep neural net) regularly fails to find any prey. Over the entire run this ratio is 41%. More typically I run these simulations for 2000 steps. At that point, the fail/step ratio was 32%. In previous runs with this predator, the lowest value seen had been 47%. I am hopeful that this new low value (32%) corresponds to the subjectively good quality of this run. That is, perhaps this ratio of failures to steps, for a benchmark predator model (here FCD5 static) can be used as a metric to access the quality of future simulation runs.

plot: predator failures
        over time
March 8, 2022

Partial run, new “predator fail” log

The previous run was long, this one was short. I wanted to make another adversarial camouflage evolution run using this new FCD5 static predator. I chose another background image set that has not yet been used for camouflage. This one is called “bean_soup_mix” photographed from a package of mixed dried beans sold by our local grocery store. (Note bean_soup_mix, and orange_pyracantha used in the March 7 run, had been incorporated into the FCD5 dataset.) The run (ID: bean_soup_mix_20220307_1826) seemed to be going fine, until it got a transient filesystem error, which went unhandled, causing the simulation to crash. I hope I've learned a valuable lesson here. Maybe I'll put a condition handling retry loop in my code. The upshot is, this run is only 1763 steps long. While 2000 is more typical, these simulations presumably continue to improve, but at slower and slower rates.

Shown below are 20 hand-selected steps recorded during the simulation. Each has a background image, three disks of evolved camouflage, representing prey. Each image also shows black and white crosshairs within a b&w circle, indicating where the predator has “predicted” a prey is located.

20220308_step_0 20220308_step_20 20220308_step_60 20220308_step_120 20220308_step_200 20220308_step_260 20220308_step_280 20220308_step_420 20220308_step_480 20220308_step_540 20220308_step_700 20220308_step_940 20220308_step_1020 20220308_step_1060 20220308_step_1240 20220308_step_1320 20220308_step_1480 20220308_step_1560 20220308_step_1620 20220308_step_1740

I added a facility to keep track of predator failures as a time series, writing the total number of fails to a file every 10 simulation steps. A predator failure is the situation where the neural net model (representing the predator's vision) predicts that a prey is at a certain location in the image (black and white crosshair, above) but that location is not inside any of the three camouflaged prey disks. For example, the last two images above (steps 1620 and 1740) are both predator fails, with the crosshairs near but outside a dark green prey. Before I was only measuring the predator fail rate at the end, as a percentage of total simulation steps. This run was cut short but the ratio was 48% (849 ÷ 1760). This is close to the 47% in the previous run. I suspect the shape of the plot is typical and represents the way a static predator model is moderately effective against the “random camouflage” at the beginning of a run, then becomes less and less effective as the prey population evolves better camouflage. Note that this static predator model was trained on the FCD5 dataset which is effectively the sort of “random camouflage” that is the initial state of a camouflage evolution run.

March 7, 2022

Camouflage evolution with FCD5 static predator

I ran camouflage evolution against the March 4 static predator trained on dataset FCD5. I let it run for 4000 steps, twice the normal length of these simulations. This background image set is called “orange_pyracantha”. This is first time I've used it for camouflage. Seems a difficult environment, since a prey may find itself on bright orange berries, or green leaves, or in deep shadow. Evolving a pattern which is cryptic on all of those is a bit of a challenge. This run seems to have mostly converged toward deep red/orange patterns, broken up with “veins” of green, black, or white. The ID for this run is orange_pyracantha_20220305_1146.

As with other runs in this series using a static predator — the prey population quickly evolves toward a “moderately” cryptic set of camouflage patterns — but then stops improving once it is able to frequently “fool” the predator. These cases of predator failure are indicated below where the black and white cross falls outside all of the prey disks. Shown below are 20 hand curated examples selected from the 200 automatically recorded images out of 4000 total steps. (The whole set is available from me should anyone want to see them.) Additional notes:

20220307_step_20 20220307_step_160 20220307_step_240 20220307_step_540 20220307_step_820 20220307_step_980 20220307_step_1160 20220307_step_1220 20220307_step_1500 20220307_step_1580 20220307_step_2060 20220307_step_2320 20220307_step_2700 20220307_step_2940 20220307_step_3400 20220307_step_3640 20220307_step_3720 20220307_step_3800 20220307_step_3840 20220307_step_3920
March 4, 2022

Static predator trained on FCD5

Using yesterday's FCD5 dataset with other “hyper-parameters” as on February 28, I trained a new deep neural net model, named 20220304_1135_FCD5_a. I was encouraged by the progress of this training run. It looks like FCD5 was a step in the right direction The validation loss closely tracks the training set loss until around epoch 40, after which validation loss stays near 0.01 while training loss continues to overfit. The “fraction inside disk” metric is most relevant to finding disks in the camouflage simulation. As seen in some earlier runs, early in training, this metric is actually higher for the validation set than the training set. That seems the opposite of what I expect, but I do use lots of dropout in my neural net architecture, and a lot of randomized augmentation in the training set. (The augmentation factor remains at 16, and FCD5 has 20,000 examples, split 80/20, leading to an effective training set size of 256,000.) At the end of the training, this “fraction inside disk” metric was at 84% on the validation set (middle chart, orange plot). I am looking forward to using this in an adversarial camouflage run tomorrow.

March 3, 2022

FCD5 dataset

My new hobby seems to be making synthetic datasets. As suggested on February 28, I generated yet another dataset—the fifth—related to my “find conspicuous disk” task. I am trying to engineer a dataset so that a neural net trained on becomes good at finding conspicuous disks. That is: I want a net that can find features of a certain size, which seem to contrast with the background texture, or otherwise seem out of place.) As mentioned before, this is a type of saliency detection. My longer term goal is to start from this sort of pre-trained DNN, and fine-tune (or specialize) it for a given background.

This fifth “find conspicuous disk” dataset is called FCD5. It is composed of 20,000 examples, each a 128×128 PNG image file. Each image is labeled (in its filename) with an xy position in pixel coordinates of the most conspicuous disk drawn in the image. FCD5 is evenly divided into three types of examples. My intuition is each of these corresponds to a “skill” I want the FCD static predator model to have. We will see. Some hand-selected examples from the dataset are shown below.

Type 1: images with a single random “prey” disk over a random background, as described on November 14, 2021 (“FCD”).

20220303_UVSfqCzewt_38_20 20220303_SBWaLRHOzk_56_33 20220303_bUMqcbutgJ_25_78 20220303_HZzUzWWqcC_54_28 20220303_inuPKUxnHQ_72_71 20220303_RRGCwhmcJc_101_84 20220303_PYinyJAWaj_61_60 20220303_TNXfhQtzYa_92_91 20220303_cDMtFaTYKk_63_54

Type 2: images like the “find 3 disks” (F3D) dataset described on January 29. These images each have three random disks over a random background. One corresponds to the label, and the other two are visually muted by blending into the background image.

20220303_wIRPERwSCh_49_63 20220303_edDsCjbHdf_61_92 20220303_fGMFBgMQDX_93_86 20220303_jQREPLQyuL_33_39 20220303_ijBOHTccYX_104_101 20220303_KAoOFAqFyU_80_58 20220303_NExMwxEbzU_85_92 20220303_kpcUyhHXOh_91_98 20220303_oWPwPGkcSb_82_22

Type 3: Images with three copies of a single random disk texture. They are drawn with three levels of opacity. The one at the labeled position is fully opaque, the other two are less and less opaque, making them more muted, less conspicuous.

20220303_uAEPxMZbeo_83_45 20220303_cADfBauZUV_47_32 20220303_YAMfudJxeH_30_84 20220303_JeyBgDfMcN_40_82 20220303_OaOJaByhbU_90_55 20220303_mhYpDjxaKf_78_57 20220303_ASsEgFUlly_23_60 20220303_nzgItDrYqT_71_99 20220303_QuHYtnPora_72_73
February 28, 2022

New dataset, new augmentations, new camo run (“F3D2”)

Still fiddling with the various “hyper-parameters” of this static predator model based on finding the most conspicuous prey (textured disk) on a background. I first tried a synthetic training set with one disk over a background texture (called “FCD” for find conspicuous disk). I worried that it was confused by the camouflage images with three disks. Then I tried a couple of training sets where each example had three disks (“F3D”) with an effort to make two of them less conspicuous (by blending them into the background). This newest one is an effort to make these two “distractor” images somewhat more conspicuous. The difficulty is that only one of the three disks is labeled as the correct answer, so if the other two are nearly as conspicuous, and the DNN selects one, should that really count as a failure? (I named this newest set “F3D2” which feels too fussy. I think I should just call the whole range of variations “FCD” with a date.)

As before, the black and white dashed circle indicates the output of this new static predator model. It is the predator's best guess for where a prey is located—the prediction of the deep neural net. Ideally it would be choosing the most conspicuous prey, but any of them will do. I added a small black and white cross in the center of the circle to make clear that it is actually a position that the model is predicting. If that cross falls inside one of the camouflaged prey, then the predator succeeded, the prey is removed from its population, and replaced with a new prey, an offspring of the other two surviving prey. If the predator's prediction is not inside any prey (see for example the last two images below) then all three prey survive and the population is unchanged.

This newest dataset has 10,000 unique examples, the previous one had 20,000. I added new types of augmentation, variations created “on the fly” during training. Previously I used mirroring, rotation, and inverting the image brightness (like a photographic “negative”). In this run I add occasional adjustment of gamma and hue. I also made more of these modified training example, increasing from a factor of 8 to 16 in the number of variations on each precomputed example in the dataset. The new dataset used .png image format instead of .jpeg for the 128×128 training images. At that resolution the file is only slightly bigger, and avoids JPEG compression artifacts, which became much more obvious when fiddling with hue and gamma.

Training a DNN static predator model from this new dataset less successful according to my metrics. Compare the training history plots at the bottom of this post with the “RC4” model on February 22. This model got only 51% for its “in disk” rate on the validation set, whereas the previous model was 78%. (“In disk” on training set for new model was 82% before versus 88% previously.) But looking qualitatively at this run and the February 24 run, they seem pretty similar. In both cases the predator picked off many of the highly conspicuous prey (for example, that solid bright green one in step 0 below). Then as the prey population began to evolve, it got to a stage where many were camouflaged well enough to “fool” the predator. Of the 2000 steps in this simulation, 1054 of them got the “invalid tournament: no prey selected” flag. This suggests slightly better predator performance than in the previous run.

Perhaps I should next try another dataset with some mixture of training examples — varying the number of disks, and varying levels of “conspicuousness,” in each example.

I started recording an image every 20 steps, producing 100 images during this 2000 step run (id: michaels_gravel_20220227_1654). Of those I hand selected the 20 images below. I particularly like the leftmost prey in step 1120, and topmost in step 1960. Both are a bit too saturated, but to my eye, they seem to “melt” into the gravel background image. (In my browser if I hover over an image it displays floating text with the step number. They are: 0, 60, 80, 180, 280, 320, 460, 560, 700, 800, 1000, 1120, 1460, 1560, 1680, 1780, 1880, 1900, 1960, 2000.)

20220228_step_0 20220228_step_60 20220228_step_80 20220228_step_180 20220228_step_280 20220228_step_320 20220228_step_460 20220228_step_560 20220228_step_700 20220228_step_800 20220228_step_1000 20220228_step_1120 20220228_step_1460 20220228_step_1560 20220228_step_1680 20220228_step_1780 20220228_step_1880 20220228_step_1900 20220228_step_1960 20220228_step_2000

Training history for model 20220227_0746_F3D2_a:

February 24, 2022

Another adversarial run with static/pre-trained predator

Similar to other recent runs (February 9, February 4) where prey camouflage evolves against predation by a simple visual predator model which was pre-trained on the “find conspicuous disk” task. (This was the “RC4” model trained on February 22.) The background set is oak_leaf_litter. Here I automatically captured images every 100 steps out of total of 2000 steps. I may want to increase that rate in the future. It looks like by step 400, most of the evolutionary change has already happened. By that point, the average evolved camouflage seems to be good enough to “fool” the predator, so prey can survive without further change.

These images are rendered by TexSyn at 256×256 for better visual quality, although they get down-scaled for use by the predator DNN (deep neural net) which continues to expect input at 128×128. As before, the circle drawn as a black and white dashed line indicates the output of the DNN. This is its guess (“prediction”) for where a prey is most likely located. If the center of that circle is inside one of the three camouflaged prey disks, then the predator has successfully found and “eats” the prey. (Which is then replaced in the evolving prey population based on crossover between the other two prey seen in that tournament group.) If the center of the b&w circle is outside all prey, then all three prey survive. (And the “predator goes hungry” although that has no impact in this version of the simulation.)

20220224_step_0.png 20220224_step_100.png 20220224_step_200.png 20220224_step_300.png 20220224_step_400.png 20220224_step_500.png 20220224_step_600.png 20220224_step_700.png 20220224_step_800.png 20220224_step_900.png 20220224_step_1000.png 20220224_step_1100.png 20220224_step_1200.png 20220224_step_1300.png 20220224_step_1400.png 20220224_step_1500.png 20220224_step_1600.png 20220224_step_1700.png 20220224_step_1800.png 20220224_step_1900.png

Here is an interesting factoid: of the 2000 steps in this simulation, 1143 were marked in the log as “invalid tournament: no prey selected” meaning the result from the deep neural net completely missed all three prey 57% of the time. I will see about storing this as time series information for easier plotting, but generally there were fewer at the beginning of the run and more at the end of the run.

February 22, 2022

Oy, RC4

I discovered that yesterday's (“F3D augmented”) training run had a bug which made the on-the-fly augmentation have less variation than intended. I fixed that, improved the visualization of the training set so I would have seen that problem, and cleaned up the Jupyter notebook (Find_3_Disks.ipynb). I trained a new predator disk-finder model (id: 20220222_1747_F3D_augmented_rc4). This model is again a slight improvement with the “in disk” rate for the validation set. It ended at 76-78% versus yesterday’s ~70%.

20220221_1113 RC4
        training history
February 21, 2022

Pre-trained predator “conspicuous disk finder” RC3

I fixed some issues with the pre-trained predator “conspicuous disk finder.” This made a relatively small improvement on its ability to find conspicuous disks. The “RC3” tag is just a joke about commercial software release procedures where there are several “release candidates” before one meets all the release tests.

This deep neural net model (id: 20220221_1113_F3D_augmented_rc3) was trained with four times more augmentation of the training set. This run was trained on the 20,000 example F3D dataset, split into 16,000 training and 4,000 validation examples. The training set was augmented on-the-fly by a factor of 8, for an effective size of 128,000. This is done so that each training batch contains some of the original image/location training examples, and some of the variations made by augmentation: rotations, mirroring, and white-for-black brightness flipping.

This uses a new deep neural net architecture with different CNN layers at the front. For a couple of months I’ve been using a model with 2 “units” each of 3 CNNs, and down-sampling by stride of 2. Now there are four CNN layers, each using 5x5 filters, with the number of filters doubling each layer (16, 32, 64, 128), and all but the first layer is down-sampling by stride of 2. The dense layers at the end (that boil the data down to an xy position) are unchanged from before. The previous architecture had 16,912,858 trainable parameters, this one is slightly larger at 17,118,042. Yesterday’s training took about 114 seconds per epoch. This one took about 70 seconds per epoch.

In the images below, as before, the predator succeeds if the black and white circle (the prediction of the neural net) surrounds the crosshair center (the label for that training example).

20220221_1113 RC3
        validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation 20220221_1113 RC3 validation

In the random selection above, the predator has succeeded only 11 of 20 times. While the validation “fraction inside disk” metric crawled above 70%, it is only slightly better than previous runs. The  “fraction inside disk” metric for the training set reached 95% presumably due to overfitting. I may still need to tweak the function that makes random variations on a given image.

20220221_1113 RC3
        training history
February 9, 2022

Another adversarial run, this time with fewer bugs

This is essentially the same as the previous run: camouflage evolution (using TexSyn and LazyPredator) for prey versus a pre-trained F3D-complex model for predator vision.The two are combining with my prototype adversarial framework. I fixed the background scaling issue mentioned on February 4, and another bug where the image-normalized xy coordinates from the DNN model were not being scaled back to pixels. (I was drawing those white circles in the correct place, just not passing on that scaled value.) As a result, every “predation” attempt was a miss, so it was effectively evolution with random selection.

To recap: in this model, the “predator” is presented with a background image overlaid with three camouflaged disk-shaped “prey.” The predator's job is to locate any of the three prey by selecting a position inside one of them. Think of this as a bird pecking at a spot on a tree trunk where it suspects a tasty but well-camouflaged beetle may be located. In the human-in-loop version of this simulation, while it sometimes takes bit of visual search, I have never been so bamboozled by camouflage quality that I could not locate all three, then choose the most conspicuous one to click. On the other hand, my newly trained DNN (deep neural net) predators frequently “miss” and so select none of the prey. Previously in LazyPredator this would have led to one of the three prey arbitrarily being declared the loser, and replaced in the population. This seems unfair since all three prey successfully “fooled” the predator. Now when this happens all three prey survive. The details are described in this LazyPredator blog post.

With those fixes, I made a new run using the maple_leaf_litter background set. I was aiming at a run of 2000 steps, but my “predator server” running on Colab timed out. Since the predator side is stateless, I added some simple code to allow restarting the Colab side mid-run. I stopped the run at step 2142. I am still recording these images by hand, at irregular intervals.

The primary observation is that the F3D-complex predator model does well at the beginning of the run when the camouflage is essentially random and of poor quality. (The model is quite accurate at picking out “uniform” (single color) prey against a complex background.) Before long, the camouflage begins to improve, and soon seems able to fool this simple predator model. By the end of the run, most of the prey were surviving while the hapless predator frequently chose locations which cleanly missed all three prey. As a result the prey live long happy lives and the population only slowly drifts. These images are in time sequence order, from the upper left, row by row, to lower right. To me it seems the earlier ones are more conspicuous and the later ones are more cryptic. But I suppose that is a subjective judgement.

        adversarial camouflage run
February 4, 2022

First “no human in loop” adversarial camouflage run

This is my first adversarial camouflage run without a human-in-the-loop. After training the F3D-complex model on February 2, I used my prototype predator/prey framework to evolve camouflage with TexSyn and LazyPredator, using a fitness function based on “predator vision” with the F3D-complex model. Initially I was seeing the same failure mode seen December 28 (noted at end of December 15's post). I dug into the code and found that pixel data read from the training set was not being remapped from a range of [0, 255] to [0, 1] as expected by the neural net. Once that was fixed, the system began to work correctly.

It ran for 1664 steps before my Colab instance timed out after about 20 hours on this simulation. The images below were just screen-grabbed by hand, at the beginning and end of the run. (It ran overnight so I was asleep during the middle of the run.) In each case you can see a bit of the oak_leaf_litter background set. These are incorrectly zoomed in by a factor of about 8, another bug to be fixed soon. Each image is overlaid by three disks of synthetic camouflage texture. The white circle indicates the output of the “predator vision” neural net. Many of these are near the position of one of the three disks. Often the selected disk is arguably the most conspicuous disk. This prototype run has several problems which I hope to fix soon.

This simulation architecture has been a goal of mine since about 2008 (description). I had a vague conception of it in 1994 which lead to a “stepping stone” project on adversarial learning: Competition, Coevolution and the Game of Tag. In 2010 I built the camouflage evolution part with visual predation via a human-in-the-loop: Interactive Evolution of Camouflage. These prototype results are low quality, but I am glad after all this time to see it finally run.

        adversarial camouflage run
February 2, 2022

F3D “complex” model working moderately well

I took the 20,000 “find 3 disks” training examples generated by TexSyn and augmented the dataset by a factor of two. That is, I made one modified version of each precomputed example. The modifications include rotations (by multiples of 90°), mirroring, and inverting the brightness (white↔︎black). I can easily create more this same way, but I am beginning to bump up against the memory size of the Google Colab instance I'm running on. So for now, my dataset is size 40,000, or which 20% are held out for validation. Training this model took 49 minutes on a Colab GPU instance.

The annotation shown below is somewhat different. The black and white crosshair marks are now used specifically to indicate the label (relative xy coordinate within image) for a given training example (image). In this case (F3D) that means that (what I assert is) the most conspicuous disk's centerpoint is at the intersection of the two crosshair lines. A circle, drawn with a black and white dashed line, is used to indicate the xy prediction made by the deep neural net model after training. So the crosshairs show what I think is the correct answer, and the circle is what the model “guesses” is the answer.

A successful detection of the most conspicuous disk is indicated by the crosshair intersection falling inside the circle. In the 10 examples below, numbers 1, 2, 5, 6, and 10 are successful.

20220202_1.png 20220202_2.png 20220202_3.png 20220202_4.png 20220202_5.png 20220202_6.png 20220202_7.png 20220202_8.png 20220202_9.png 20220202_10.png

This success rate (5 out of 10) is slightly worse than the average performance of this model. It got 67% of its predictions “inside disk” on the validation set. (It got 82% on the training set, presumably due to overfitting.) The plots below show training metrics over 100 epochs.

January 30, 2022

F3D shows promise

I hooked up the plumbing so I could try learning against the new “Find 3 Disks” training set. This is preliminary, does not include any training set “augmentation” (including rotations, mirrorings, etc.), nor any tuning. It is encouraging that it is not a complete bust. The middle “fraction inside disk” metric only gets to about 0.5 for the training data, even lower for the validation data.

I also fixed a problem with these plots. I was getting a very high loss value on the first epoch of training, about 20× the value on the next epoch. This caused the plot's auto-scaling to push all the interesting data to the bottom. (See e.g. the plot at the end of January 9.) Here I simply skip the first epoch in my plots:

        Find_3_Disks complex run.
January 29, 2022

“Find 3 disks” training set

My January 9 post suggested the next step would be to train a model to find the “most conspicuous of 3 disks” — while using images of natural complexity. This is a peek at a prototype training set I generated. It is based on combinations of photographic textures and synthetic textures from TexSyn (as in the earlier “find the (single) conspicuous disk” task). It also uses a fixed strategy to reduce the “conspicuousness” for two of three disks in each image. The idea is that the label for each image (training example) is the centerpoint of the (intended) most conspicuous disk. In addition there are two other disks (“distractors”) which are modified to (I hope) make them less conspicuous. Here are eight images from the training set of 5000 procedurally generated images, rendered at their “postage stamp” resolution of 128×128:

20220129_AdDgxpNgsv_24_28.jpeg 20220129_aaDdTrMueQ_57_107.jpeg 20220129_AaDKnxXRZz_101_108.jpeg 20220129_AAHdRCSQGw_101_74.jpeg 20220129_AAQDuqBUbU_47_72.jpeg 20220129_AaYpwOaiHS_42_41.jpeg 20220129_abNrfjPncl_81_20.jpeg 20220129_aBpiDUdcQn_83_82.jpeg

Here are some generated by the same model, rendered at 512×512 for the benefit of my elderly eyes. As before (see November 14) 60% of the time the background image is a (randomly selected and cropped) photograph and 40% of the time a synthetic texture. Conversely 60% of the disk textures are synthetic and 40% are photographic. The “algorithmic conspicuousness reduction” techniques used here are (a) blending the disk texture into the background at 50% opacity, and (b) “confetti noise” blending: multiply the soft matte signal by a random number on [0, 1] at each pixel of texture output. The goal is to have one most conspicuous disk, and two others which are less conspicuous, each in their own way. Looking over the images, I think this “often” works but not always. I think this “conspicuousness reduction” technique will be the key to making this approach work, and I may well have to adjust it in subsequent versions of this training set.

20220129_REvCiYkSHv_93_255.jpeg 20220129_avAhvuQMeW_234_148.jpeg 20220129_hzOgdbwNVN_77_290.jpeg 20220129_lBASrXYpXc_249_352.jpeg 20220129_LgCbDpyvSb_342_377.jpeg 20220129_mRAohowqIP_379_291.jpeg
January 9, 2022

Simple control of “conspicuous-ness”

At the end of December 15's post, I mentioned I wanted to train a vision model that would (a) find conspicuous disks, (b) be unfazed by the presence of additional such disks, and (c) correctly choose the most conspicuous one out of several. (For convenience, I set “several” to 3.) Starting with a super-simplified case, I took the approach of procedurally generating a training set with (what I hoped would be) a controllable degree of “conspicuous-ness.” Using solid uniform color textures, I choose a random foreground and background color. Over the background I draw three non-overlapping, soft-edged disks: one with the foreground color and the other two increasingly blended into the background color. The label for each image is the centerpoint of the full foreground color disk, as (x, y) relative to the image bounds.

Then I used the same deep convolution neural net architecture as in the December 15 post, training it on 5000 randomly generated examples of this uniform texture dataset, in a notebook called Find_3_Disks. Below are 10 random examples selected from the test (validation) set, with the model's predictions shown as black and white crosshairs. Very often the model correctly identifies the intended “most conspicuous” disk (for this contrived dataset) predicting a centerpoint which is at least inside the intended disk.

20220109_a.png 20220109_b.png 20220109_c.png 20220109_d.png 20220109_e.png 20220109_f.png 20220109_g.png 20220109_h.png 20220109_i.png 20220109_j.png

An interesting aspect of this run, unlike my previous limited experience: it made no apparent progress for the first ~60 of 100 epochs in the run. Then suddenly it had a “eureka!” moment and rapidly organizes into an effective network. Maybe this corresponds to aimlessly wondering around on a nearly flat plateau in “loss space”?


My next goal will be to take more general textures—photographs and TexSyn textures—and come up with a way to procedurally reduce their “conspicuous-ness” to do a version of this Find_3_Disks with more realistic image complexity.

December 15, 2021

Conspicuous disks found, but model was brittle

Starting from the dataset described on November 14 (plus my newly acquired beginner's knowledge of deep learning, the excellent Colab facility provided by Google for prototyping deep learning in the cloud, plus Python, Jupyter, Keras and TensorFlow, all new to me) I manged to cobble together the prototype “find conspicuous disk” model I was aiming for. It started working around December 15. This blog post is updated with later insights, and graphics saved during a run made on January 5, 2022.

Previously I procedurally generated a dataset of 2000 examples, each with a background image (either photographic or synthetic) and an overlaid “disk” of another texture. Each training example included a “ground truth” label indicating where the disk's centerpoint was placed within the larger image. Eventually I added another 3000 such labeled examples. I “augmented” this dataset (in memory) by rotating and mirroring for a total of 40,000 images. (I also tried inverting the brightness of the images but that seemed to cause difficulties. I disabled that and will return to it later.) The original images were 1024×1024 RGB pixels. For now, I scaled those down to 128×128. Using the Keras API, I created a deep neural net of about 20 sequential layers. It takes a 128×128 RGB image as input. As output it produces two floats representing its prediction of the disk's centerpoint. I split the dataset into training and validation sets, then trained the model for 100 epochs. These plots summarize the training, with epochs (training time) running horizontally, versus some metric shown vertically, for both the training and validation sets. The loss function was a typical mean standard error (MSE). Accuracy is a standard statistical measure of prediction quality. “Fraction inside disk” is how often the predicted point was within the disk's boundary. (All graphics in this post are cut and pasted as drawn by Python's matplotlib.pyplot in the Jupyter notebook on Colab.)


After training I visualized the performance by picking 20 images at random from the validation set, used the model to predict disk position, then drew “crosshairs” at that position. Images for the 20220105_1136 run are shown below. In most cases, the model predicted a location at or near the disk center, or at worst, somewhere within the disk's boundary. The final three images are clearly wrong: the disk is located more than a radius away from the crosshairs. The fourth from the last is hard to call. It looks like the same photo was used for both the background and the disk. So it is accidentally “cryptic” — well camouflaged. So I am not sure if the crosshairs correctly indicate the disk, or if it is somewhere else. At 128×128 resolution it is very hard to tell, even for my brain's neural net. Note that this error rate roughly lines up with the “fraction inside disk” metric.

20220105_a.png 20220105_b.png 20220105_c.png 20220105_d.png 20220105_e.png 20220105_f.png 20220105_g.png 20220105_h.png 20220105_i.png 20220105_j.png 20220105_k.png 20220105_l.png 20220105_m.png 20220105_n.png 20220105_o.png 20220105_p.png 20220105_w.png 20220105_x.png 20220105_y.png 20220105_z.png

I constructed a bit of a Rube Goldberg machine to connect TexSyn running in c++ on my laptop with this “find conspicuous disk” vision model running in Python on the Colab cloud. I got them talking to each other on December 28 by reading and writing files to a shared directory in the Google Drive cloud storage utility. On January 1 I tried running the combined simulation.

It did not work. The xy predictions from the model were often significantly outside the [0, 1] range it had been trained to produce. Effectively it wanted to “draw the crosshair” outside the image. My current hypothesis is this model—which seemed to do a good job locating one conspicuous disk—is unprepared to handle three disks, as used in EvoCamoGame. For example, see the first image on October 19. My next task is to generalize in that direction.

November 14, 2021

Training set for learning to find conspicuous disks

For a predator to find prey visually, it must perceive some contrast between prey and environment. Camouflage is about making this detection more difficult: prey may evolve coloring allowing them to blend in with the environment. Before trying to break camouflage—to detect camouflaged prey—an important first step is to detect conspicuous prey.

Concretely, in my very abstract and synthetic 2d model, I hope to train a vision system to recognize conspicuous “objects.” These will represent prey. In the abstraction used here, I am talking about disk-shaped regions of texture, overlaid on a background image. (That background image represents the environment in which the predator and prey both live.) I hope to start using supervised deep learning to pre-train a network to locate disks, of a given size, with a contrasting texture, within a larger image. (This is very similar to saliency detection.) If/when that works, I will then try to refine these networks (via transfer learning) to “break” camouflage. The supervised pre-training will require a collection of images with “ground truth” labels to indicate the location on the image of the conspicuous disks.

Last night I got my generator working and I have created about 2000 training examples. I may decide I need a different design, or just more of the same. They are easy to crank out averaging about 10 seconds per training examples on my old 2014 MacBook Pro. Each image consists of a “random” background texture with a randomly placed disk of another “random” texture. Each training example is just a JPEG image file, with the pixel coordinates of the disk center encoded in the file name. Currently, the background image is either one of the photographs previously used in this project, or a TexSyn texture rendered from a random LazyPredator tree (as would be done in the initialization of an evolutionary computation run). 60% of the backgrounds are photos and the other 40% are synthetic. Conversely 60% of the overlaid disks are synthetic, and 40% photographic. So the majority are sim-over-real, but all four permutations are included (real-over-sim, sim-over-sim, and real-over-real). The images are 1024×1024 pixels and the disk diameter is 200. Shown below are a few examples hand selected from the first 2000 training examples. Some of them are simple (first one below) others are complex. Some are quite conspicuous (orange disk over gray tree bark) while others are surprisingly cryptic (last one below, a real-over-real case: pavement disk over polished granite).

20211114_pngeVHaCDF_230_820 20211114_hTqTdsFhNv_844_420 20211114_uNFOorIfEt_149_234 20211114_azXzjfBAVH_816_668 20211114_qrXKbdMILt_343_433 20211114_sXFdGeQwiF_777_456  20211114_vkbrxedwxK_825_668 20211114_hSCjLPGMQT_483_314 20211114_QJvCUSOVWk_414_713
November 2, 2021

Finally, disks with even diameters

I finally fixed a very old bug in TexSyn. As you will have noticed, I like to display procedural textures as disks. This is mostly a side effect of the application to camouflage evolution, where the idea is that these disks represent some sort of creature (say a beetle) on some background (say tree bark) but in any case, not a rectangular region of texture.

Fine, whatever floats my boat. But the code that generates the circular rasterization initially assumed that the diameter was an odd number, so that there would a pixel in the middle, at (0, 0) in texture space. Originally this was helpful for testing. Now the only requirement is that the disk be exactly centered in the rendering window. For an even diameter, that means the origin of texture space will fall between four pixels near the center.

But until today, only the odd-diameter case was supported. Worse, you got the same error (failed the same assert) using an even size when rendering to a non-disk square target! It is now fixed, which would not be worth writing about here. But while refactoring, I decided to use a slightly different (“better”?) definition for the disk. Generally rendered disks will effectively be ½ pixel larger in radius. This is nearly imperceptible. If you look closely at previously rendered texture disks, they had exactly one pixel on their top, bottom, left, and right sides. Now the in/out test is made for the center of the pixel (instead of its outer boundary) so now there will be “several” pixels on the boundaries of the disk (a function of disk diameter). I made this post just in case I notice something does not exactly match a previous result and need to remember when I made this change.

October 19, 2021

Camouflage on redwood leaf litter, again

Last April 14, I made an evo_camo_game run on this same set of background images. They show redwood leaf litter, blown off trees in my neighborhood, and against the curb on the other side of the street. The previous results were ok, these are better, but not what I consider “strong.” I use that term when I look at an image showing a “tournament” of three camouflage textures, and it takes a while to find them. Most runs have some strong individuals which happen to be randomly placed in positions where they “melt” into the background. For example the one near the bottom center in the first image below, from simulation step 2886. In the best runs, there will be some tournaments where all three are very well camouflaged. This run falls short of that level.

(I'll also note that this run (redwood_leaf_litter_20211010_1014) used a larger simulation. The population size was increased from 120 to 200, and the crossover size min/max where increased from [60, 180] to [75, 225]. I ran it for 3300 steps, or about 16 “generation equivalents” (3300 ÷ 200 = 16.5) so roughly the same as earlier runs, adjusted for population size. The extra tree depth seemed to make a lot of the texture renders noticeably slower. In the end, this large simulation did not significantly increase the quality of results.)

As I wrap up my experiments with interactive evolution of camouflage, I am writing a report. It is not for publication in a journal, but just meant to be a more readable summary than this blog/diary. I wanted better images to include in that report.

20211019_step_2886 20211019_step_2950 20211019_step_3116 20211019_step_3192 20211019_step_3236

Nine hand-selected “thumbnails” from this run, on steps 1438 through 3252. Number seven is impressively cryptic:

20211019_thumbnail_1438_c.png 20211019_thumbnail_1771_a.png 20211019_thumbnail_2137_c.png 20211019_thumbnail_2393_b.png 20211019_thumbnail_2629_b.png 20211019_thumbnail_2823_a.png 20211019_thumbnail_2886_a.png 20211019_thumbnail_3088_a.png 20211019_thumbnail_3252_a.png
October 16, 2021

Three months later...

At the beginning of this project I was posting here every few days. Now months go by without a peep. Here is a quick recap.

SimpleImageMatch: after the “Huntington hedge” camouflage run I went back to my ill-fated simple image match idea. It seemed easy: evolve a population of textures to “match” a given target image. I hoped it would come up with many interesting “near misses” — textures similar to the target image, but different in various ways. But it didn't work. It seriously didn't work. By “not work” I mean that the population of textures would converge on a family of portrayals that were only barely similar to the target image. For quite a long time I would say “Well, that run didn't work. Oh! I know what went wrong!” And I would say it over and over, run after run. I still don't understand why it so stubbornly fails to be “easy” but I need to admit I'm beat. While I hope to return to this idea, for now I am stuck.

Deep learning: the SimpleImageMatch runs were long, non-interactive computations. So in parallel I began once again to learn deep learning. My first try was 20 years ago. The field has progressed by leaps and bounds since then. Useful abstractions have been adopted. The tools have become powerful and standardized. I was especially helped by the timely publication of Andrew Glassner's excellent book Deep Learning: a Visual Approach. I read it cover to cover and am now working through the online supplement — bonus chapters that apply the concepts discussed in the book to specific implementations with modern libraries. My goal is to build a system like EvoCamoGame, where the human predator is replaced by a deep learning predator based on convolutional neural networks.

July 29, 2021

Huntington hedge camouflage, and a training set

In preparation for future work with hybrid closed loop camouflage discovery, I wanted to create a set of labeled training data. The results below were produced like previous interactive camouflage runs. But in addition “tournament images”, like the four below, were saved automatically, along with “ground truth” data specifying the location of each camouflaged prey texture, as a bounding box in pixel coordinates. For each saved image, there is a line in the data file with the step number, and three sets (one for each prey texture) of four integers (min x, min y, max x, max y). This data set is available here: The folder contains 202 files: a bounding_boxes.txt text file with the ground truth data, and 201 image files step_0.jpeg through step_2000.jpeg with the step number counting by tens.

The four images below are from steps 1336, 1744, 1938, and 1968 of the 2000 step run.

(The background images were taken July 7, 2021 at 2:12pm, looking down at the top a trimmed decorative hedge on the grounds of The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens in San Marino (near Pasadena, near Los Angeles, California). The plant is probably a Photinia, this particular species (hybrid?) has white/cream edges on its more mature leaves, perhaps “Cassini” or “Photinia Pink Marble™” as described here. Run ID: huntington_hedge_20210726_1204.)

These are twelve hand-selected prey camouflage textures from steps 1108 to 1990:

20210729_thumbnail_1108_c 20210729_thumbnail_1313_c 20210729_thumbnail_1427_a 20210729_thumbnail_1477_b 20210729_thumbnail_1523_b 20210729_thumbnail_1763_a 20210729_thumbnail_1868_a 20210729_thumbnail_1882_b 20210729_thumbnail_1927_c 20210729_thumbnail_1936_c 20210729_thumbnail_1949_b 20210729_thumbnail_1990_b
July 27, 2021

“Simple image match” really not working

More negative results to report. Beyond the application to camouflage, for a long time I've wanted to try using evolutionary texture optimization to discover novel ways to represent a given image. I hoped I could effectively “invent” visual stylizations. This would be related to, but different from, the large body of recent work in style transfer developed in the computer vision community. I had grandiose plans, but as a first step, I thought I could try simple image matching based on a “target image” like this photograph of a springtime hillside near our house:


I planned to evolve a population of textures using a fitness function based on image similarity. It seemed like it should be easy to find evolved textures similar to the target image, then to gradually improve that similarity over evolutionary time. Either something is deeply wrong with my code, or none of the several metrics of image similarity I tried were appropriate for this task. I made a series of experiments from July 4 to 24. I got several results where the entire population converged to minor variations on a nearly uniform texture whose overall color—sort of a mid-range blue-green—was roughly the average color of the target image. I got some results with a very simplified “cartoonish” representation of the target image, like a child might make with some colored shape stickers. My last run seemed to be trying to represent the scene, but it was so abstract, I might have been fooling myself.

Note: in the images below, made by my very prototype code, (1) the image in the upper left can be ignored, it is just the most recently created texture, (2) the second is the target image at 255² pixels, and (3) the rest of the 58 textures in the grid are about the top half of the evolutionary population, sorted by fitness from highest to lowest. So the third texture on the top row is the highest fitness individual in the population being evolved by LazyPredator.

In this run, the texture seems arbitrary, and the only “matching” is that the overall hue is close to the average color of the target image. A texture in the third column, fourth row, seems to almost have a blue sky above and green hill below, yet has fitness rank of 31 out of 120, so clearly this fitness function was not measuring the right thing:

20210716 7:15am

This run converged to a simplistic dark green hill with a blue sky, while ignoring all textural details:

20210718 4:25pm

This run converged to a (circular?) dark gray “hill” with a textured “sky” in blues and pinks, which might charitably be seen as trying to represent the clouds:

20210715 7:02am

Here is the almost “cubist” representation, as a simple radial texture, which vaguely puts dark green below like the hills, and bluish above like the sky, with some of the textures showing some desaturation in the sky, perhaps suggestive of clouds? These seem to be mostly a single SliceToRadial texture operator (see January 24, 2020) at top level, with other textures used to generate that 1d “slice” of colors. In a few cases, as in the lower left corner of this grid, two overlaid SliceToRadial textures are visible. (This run began on July 22, 2021 at 4:37pm.)


A few seconds of screen recording of the run begun July 19, 2021 at 2:27pm. This is the upper right hand corner of the display, showing the newest texture (created by crossover and mutation on that single evolutionary step) next to the target image. Perhaps the prominent, often blue, circular feature in the “sky” region may be created by a Hyperbolic texture operator (see July 11, 2020) based on the way detail seems pressed against the circular boundary.

July 1, 2021

Unit tests for historical repeatability

Yesterday an idea popped into my head. I have been a fan of “test driven development” since I first encountered it in a job about six years ago. Developing a test suite in parallel with your application code allows you to verify it works correctly initially, and to verify it is still operating correctly after subsequent changes. It also helps to procedurally generate large numbers of test cases, more than you would try by hand. When bugs are found, they often become new test cases, to make sure that failure case never reappears. Most of these are somehow measuring internal consistency: comparing two results obtained by different methods.

What occurred to me was I had insufficient “test coverage” of whether top level results—such as the texture produced by a tree of operators—was the same today as it was yesterday. When I recently refactored the Color class (described below on June 23) this was what I really needed to know. Is a color today exactly the same as a color yesterday? The way to do this is experimentally record results produced today and copy those into the program text of the test suite. Future versions of the code are then required to continue to produce those same result values. The downside of this is that I should have done it a long time ago, but better now than later. Certainly there have been intentional changes, such as a major rework (on May 6, 2020) having to do with gamma correction and linear color space, which would have required remeasuring and updating the test.

The new tests are in the function UnitTests::historical_repeatability(). I defined four TexSyn textures (Spot , Turbulence, NoiseWarp, AdjustHue) with “random” parameters (I printed out a list of random floats on [-1, +1] then copied them into the source code as needed). Then I sampled the textures at two random positions within the unit radius disk, those positions and resulting color samples are all similarly “frozen” into the source code. The test passes as long as the frozen values continue to match newly computed results.

June 28, 2021

Camouflage: pebbles in concrete

Any non-trivial software change is an excuse for me to do another “reality check” that evo_camo_game is still running as expected. The hand-selected camouflaged “prey” shown below are from steps 1300 through 1995 of a total of 2000 steps in the run. The background photos are of multi-colored pebbles pressed into concrete between the street and a neighbor's front yard.

20210628_thumbnail_1300_c 20210628_thumbnail_1599_b 20210628_thumbnail_1702_c 20210628_thumbnail_1792_c 20210628_thumbnail_1940_a 20210628_thumbnail_1982_b 20210628_thumbnail_1984_a 20210628_thumbnail_1995_b
June 23, 2021

“...full of sound color and fury, signifying nothing...”

For the last couple of weeks I have been working on two other projects, with just a little puttering on TexSyn in the background. I previously removed some unused .cpp files, where all the content was in the .h file. I should admit that I lean toward “header only” c++ libraries. Many c++ designers would disagree, but I think the modest increase in compilation time is worth the much easier distribution, installation, and usage of header-only libraries.

One of the not-unused files was Color.cpp. I have been refactoring and making lots of little edits to clean up the Color class and to move its entire definition to Color.h. The class is native RGB, but supports HSV color space, first described by Alvy Ray Smith in a 1978 SIGGRAPH paper. HSV is a simple color model, but is sufficient for TexSyn since convenient parameterization is not needed for evolutionary optimization.

I had left many “to do” notes in the code about awkward color API and especially the RGB⇄HSV conversion functions. I made a new class inside Color called HSV to contain and modularize the datatype and conversions. The HSV class is also exported to global scope so it can be used in other code, particularly the texture operators. One of the key improvement is that both Color and HSV have constructors that take the other type as a parameter: Color(hsv) and HSV(color). This allowed a fair amount of streamlining. All of the texture operator code using HSV got shorter after the refactor.

I added more UnitTests to ensure the conversions returned identical results against explicit constants written in the tests. (This is in addition to previous “round trip” conversion tests: RGB→HSV→RGB.) I verified that the texture operators returned the exact same result down to floating point accuracy. I do this by duplicating the old operator and renaming it, making changes to the other version, then comparing them with Texture::diff(). It counts the number of individual rendered pixel colors which are not exactly the same float values in the two textures. This mismatch count was zero in all cases. So in the end lots of code changes, but no changes to the textures themselves.

Update June 25, 2021: similarly I merged Vec2.cpp into Vec2.h and deleted the former.

June 15, 2021

Late-blooming clover camouflage

After adjusting selection weights for the phasor noise operators, on June 11, I intended to do a quick run to convince myself that everything was still behaving normally. I found myself unconvinced! I ran for a couple hundred steps and while it was generally tending toward the green color of the “clover” background, I saw little to no improvement in camouflage. I kept expecting it to start getting better, even as I got to 1000 then 2000 steps.

It seemed unlikely that I had actually broken anything. I assumed that it was just “bad luck” — that randomized algorithms sometimes fail. But I wanted to believe that it would work, given time. As I got past 2000 steps, things did appear to be improving: the optimization toward effective camouflage patterns began to occur. These five samples show camouflage “prey” between step 2500 and 3000. This is longer than I normally run the simulations, I assume due to bad luck, but eventually the population began to self organize — “get its feet under it” — and began to produce effective camouflage.

20210615_thumbnail_2546_c 20210615_thumbnail_2765_a 20210615_thumbnail_2918_a 20210615_thumbnail_3215_a 20210615_thumbnail_3290_b
June 11, 2021

Adjust selection weight for phasor noise operators

As on March 26, I adjusted selection weights used in building random GpTrees for the initial population at the beginning of an evolution run. As then, the goal is keep consistent the probability that a given GpFunction will be selected, in the face of multiple versions of the same “type” of texture operator. This was the motivation of MultiNoise (see January 12, 2020) which combined the five variations of Perlin noise into one texture operator, rather than make it five time more likely one of that family would be selected. The selection weight mechanism was added (on March 26)  to make a similar adjustment for the three variations of “spots” operators: LotsOfSpots, ColoredSpots, and LotsOfButtons.

Today I adjusted PhasorNoiseRanges and PhasorNoiseTextures to each have half the default selection weight.

June 7, 2021

Function usage over evolutionary time

I am still fiddling with the presentation, but this is the “function usage” time series data from my second evo_camo_game run with background image set “kitchen_granite.” During the first run, my logging code had a bug. In the second run, logging worked fine, but the camouflage quality was not as good. (See some examples after the plot.) After creating an initial random population of 120 textures, each “program”/“nested expression”/“abstract syntax tree”/GpTree was inspected to count the occurrences of TexSyn texture operators. At every tenth step of the 2000 step simulation, usage counts for 45 function, summed over the entire population, were appended to a CSV file. Shown below is a spreadsheet plot of that file: counts on the vertical axis and evolutionary time across the horizontal axis. I excluded from this plot the “leaf” values of the program trees. These include floating point constants and calls to both Vec2(x, y) and Uniform(r, g, b). The latter two had counts 2-4 times larger than the other data, so were inconvenient to include on the same plot.

The only analysis I will offer is that some of the usage count clearly increase over time. That blue one that peaks above 300 is for the texture operator Blur. This suggests that in this run, the average tree contains 2 to 3 Blur operators. Conversely some function counts clearly fall off over time. The Ring operator (gray plot line near bottom) starts at 19 occurrences in the initial population and falls to zero just before step 400. By the end of the run, 9 operators had fallen to zero count, disappearing from the population. Some of the counts do not seem to rise or fall, staying at about the same level with some small wobble up and down.

There is a loose, conceptual, parallel between these function counts and the relative frequency of biological genes in the genome of a population of some species. As with genes, the frequency of a function will tend to increase when it confers a survival advantage to an individual, and will decrease if it reduces survival. But frequency can also change by “hitchhiking” effects where it happens to co-occur with an important gene. The red plot trace near the top (ends at count ~275) is for NoiseWarp. In this case, I wonder if Blur just “hitchhiked” on NoiseWarp—perhaps in a helpful subtree that contains them both. Intuitively, it seems to me that NoiseWarp is more important than Blur, given these granite background images which are “swirly” but not “blurry.”

function usage

Thumbnails from steps 936, 1330, 1670, 1846, and 1940 of this second “kitchen_granite” run of 2000 steps:

20210607_thumbnail_936_c 20210607_thumbnail_1330_a 20210607_thumbnail_1670_c.png 20210607_thumbnail_1846_b 20210607_thumbnail_1940_a
June 6, 2021

Good news, bad news, kitchen granite

I made another evo_camo_game run with the intent of testing my new analysis tool for collecting time-series data for “function usage.” But I discovered a bug in the new code so the data I recorded is not useful. I will repeat this run soon and make a second attempt at recording function usage time series.

In the meantime, here are images from this first run. The backgrounds are photos of a granite counter-top in our kitchen. (It is illuminated in these photos by direct sunlight, so appears brighter than it normally would.) This run developed some effective camouflage patterns, which do a good job of obscuring their boundaries. But the camouflage is slightly off-kilter. Early on it stumbled into some cryptic patterns, which were in a pink and magenta color scheme, with some green accents. It is noticeably offset in hue from the orange/tan/brown colors in the granite. I expected the hue to adjust to be closer to the background during evolution. However most of the prey population remained stuck on the pink color scheme for the entire 2000 step run. Here are images of three hand-selected tournaments (each with three camouflaged prey) at steps 1413, 1863, and 1931.

20210606_step_1413 20210606_step_1863 20210606_step_1931

Below are 12 hand selected examples of camouflaged prey spanning steps 310 to 1962 of the 2000 step run. Note that some “brownish” patterns arose but they never became as cryptically effective as the pink/green phenotype.

20210606_thumbnail_310_a 20210606_thumbnail_351_a 20210606_thumbnail_573_a 20210606_thumbnail_834_c 20210606_thumbnail_968_b 20210606_thumbnail_1113_b 20210606_thumbnail_1148_b 20210606_thumbnail_1461_a 20210606_thumbnail_1740_b 20210606_thumbnail_1797_b 20210606_thumbnail_1880_c 20210606_thumbnail_1962_c
May 31, 2021

Camouflage on “Scot's Broom”

This camouflage run (yellow_flower_on_green_20210529_1236) includes the new NoiseWarp texture operator. I assume it produces the wavy shape of yellow and green elements in these camouflage patterns.

The background images are of a neighbor's landscaping, probably “Scot's Broom” (Cytisus scoparius) or perhaps the similar “French broom” (Genista monspessulana). These common European shrubs are technically “invasive” here in California, but have become so extremely widespread that they are “effectively native.” In the spring they put out dense clusters of bright yellow blossoms contrasting with the vivid green foliage.

I ran this simulation for 2500 steps. Shown below are three “tournaments” each with three camouflaged prey, from late in the run at steps 2375, 2419, and 2485:

yellow_flower_on_green_20210529_1236 step 2375 yellow_flower_on_green_20210529_1236 step 2419 yellow_flower_on_green_20210529_1236 step 2485

Individual camouflaged prey, hand-selected, from steps 635 through 2483:

20210531_thumbnail_635_c 20210531_thumbnail_644_c 20210531_thumbnail_719_a 20210531_thumbnail_827_a 20210531_thumbnail_1063_b 20210531_thumbnail_1122_a 20210531_thumbnail_1325_c 20210531_thumbnail_1508_a 20210531_thumbnail_1577_c 20210531_thumbnail_1793_a 20210531_thumbnail_2389_c 20210531_thumbnail_2473_b 20210531_thumbnail_2483_a
May 27, 2021

Random trees with NoiseWarp at root

These are randomly generated GpTrees with a NoiseWarp operator at the root (top). This uses basically the same procedure as on May 8: generating a set of examples, then hand selecting some visually interesting ones. The “source code” (textual representation of the GpTree) is given for the first two. The others are analogous but rather too long to be readable.

// Example 1
                    ColorNoise(Vec2(3.44575, 2.55265),
                               Vec2(-1.01872, 1.04531),

// Example 2
          MultiNoise(Vec2(-3.3431, -2.40702),
                     Vec2(3.38479, 1.45248),
                                                    ColorNoise(Vec2(1.48892, 2.592),
                                                               Vec2(1.13958, 0.671887),
                                              ColorNoise(Vec2(-3.20501, 2.04162),
                                                         Vec2(-3.83085, 3.93283),
20210527_NoiseWarp_1 20210527_NoiseWarp_2 20210527_NoiseWarp_3 20210527_NoiseWarp_4
May 26, 2021

Parameter for “style” of noise in NoiseWarp

The NoiseWarp examples on May 24 all used Brownian noise for generating the lateral warp displacement vector. It was actually using the TexSyn concept of “multi-noise” (like the MultiNoise texture operator, see January 12, 2020, based on the utility PerlinNoise::multiNoise2d()) where an additional parameter (called which, between 0 and 1) selects between five styles of noise: Perlin, Brownian, turbulence, “furbulence,” and “wrapulence.” Here is one more “wedge” through the parameter space of NoiseWarp, operating on the same blue and white cloudy pattern, with scale of 3, amplitude of 0.5, and “which” of 0.1 (Perlin), 0.3 (Brownian), 0.5 (turbulence), 0.7 (furbulence), and 0.9 (wrapulence):

        0.5, 0.1, test) NoiseWarp(3, 0.5,
        0.3, test) NoiseWarp(3, 0.5,
        0.5, test) NoiseWarp(3, 0.5,
        0.7, test) NoiseWarp(3, 0.5,
        0.9, test)
May 24, 2021

NoiseWarp progress

I liked the “domain warp” textures (via Perlin, Quilez, and Bostock) described on May 21. However they are scalar textures. So visually they are black and white, or used to matte between two other textures (as in the May 21 example), or colorized by some ad hoc rules as Ken Perlin did in 1985 and Inigo Quilez did in 2012. To integrate this domain/noise warp into TexSyn, I felt it ought to take an arbitrary input texture (and some parameters) and return a texture which is warped version of the input texture. That it should have the same color structure, just pushed around in texture space. So I took the same basic approach as described on Inigo's page: an output pixel color is read from input texture at a point “slightly offset” from the output pixel position. The noise offset's coordinates are from calls to a scalar noise function (2d Brownian in these examples) at positions offset by two perpendicular basis vectors. Two parameters noise_scale and noise_amplitude adjust this mapping:

noise_offset = Vec2(noise2d(basis0 + (output_position * noise_scale)),
                    noise2d(basis1 + (output_position * noise_scale)))
input_position = output_position + (noise_offset * noise_amplitude)
output_color = input_texture.getColor(input_position)

Also, since I have re-cut-and-pasted this code several times, I made a TexSyn texture class that generate my oft-used “plaid” text pattern:

“plaid” test pattern

Here are three results of applying this prototype NoiseWarp to Plaid with scale of 2 and amplitude of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3:

        scale=2 amplitude=0.1 NoiseWarp scale=2
        amplitude=0.2 NoiseWarp scale=2

Here are results with scale of 1, 2, and 4 with amplitude of 0.2:

        scale=1 amplitude=0.2 NoiseWarp scale=2
        amplitude=0.2 NoiseWarp scale=4

And one more, to tie this in with the previous examples, a similar blue and white Brownian noise warped with a scale of 10 and an amplitude of 0.5:

        scale=10 amplitude=0.5
May 21, 2021

Prototype of “noise warp”

I ran across Mike Bostock's Domain Warping which is based on Inigo Quilez’s Domain Warping. The examples below are essentially the first three examples on Inigo's page. “Essentially” because I started with my existing Brownian texture generator for the zeroth level, then built on that using Inigo's parameters for the next two. The phrase “domain warping” felt a little too ambiguous, given that quite a few of TexSyn's operators perform some sort of domain warping. This specific technique is based on recursively reapplying the same “fractional Browning motion” map. As Inigo points out, this is is closely related to Ken Perlin's procedural “marble” textures, described in his SIGGRAPH 1985 paper An Image Synthesizer. This code (I'm calling it NoiseWarp for now) could be used in TexSyn as is, but I am giving some thought to ways to generalize it.

        test 0 NoiseWarp test 1 NoiseWarp test
May 17, 2021

Camouflage for “Michael's gravel”

This run of evo_camo_game uses photos of a neighbor's front yard gravel bed for its background (run id: michaels_gravel_20210513_1743). It prominently uses the new “phasor noise” texture operators. Here are images of the three camouflaged “prey” in tournaments at steps 1260, 2564, and 2858 of a run 3000 step long.

michaels_gravel step
        1260 michaels_gravel step
        2564 michaels_gravel step

Below are 15 hand-selected thumbnail images of camouflaged prey. They correspond to steps: 150, 755, 840, 1558, 2024, 2098, 2411, 2456, 2529, 2607, 2702, 2788, 2867, 2932, and 2974 of a run of 3000 steps total.

20210517_thumbnail_150_c 20210517_thumbnail_755_a 20210517_thumbnail_840_c 20210517_thumbnail_1558_a 20210517_thumbnail_2024_a 20210517_thumbnail_2098_c 20210517_thumbnail_2411_a 20210517_thumbnail_2456_a 20210517_thumbnail_2529_c 20210517_thumbnail_2607_a 20210517_thumbnail_2702_a 20210517_thumbnail_2788_a 20210517_thumbnail_2867_c 20210517_thumbnail_2932_a 20210517_thumbnail_2974_c
May 8, 2021

Random phasor noise with kernel parameters from textures

Analogous to the random “mixed kernel” phasor noise samples shown on April 28, these are random textures whose GpTrees have a PhasorNoiseTextures operator at the tree root. (They were constructed using the utility FunctionSet::makeRandomTreeRoot().) That is, there is a PhasorNoiseTextures operator at top, two random floats, and five random TexSyn trees as parameters. For example, the second texture shown below—pinkish swirls over muted multi-color—is defined by this code:

                                    CotsMap(Vec2(2.06722, 1.95574),
                                            Vec2(-3.62892, 3.08396),
                                            Vec2(0.504355, -4.94588),
                                            Vec2(2.33541, -3.70556),
                                            Uniform(0.132475, 0.122944, 0.706272))),
                    Uniform(0.323459, 0.203465, 0.943876),
                                        Uniform(0.174884, 0.365976, 0.10978),
                                        Uniform(0.912784, 0.611449, 0.870163),
                                        Uniform(0.444307, 0.799821, 0.897265),
                                        Uniform(0.696277, 0.989898, 0.628882),
                                        Uniform(0.537117, 0.611029, 0.653296)),
                    Uniform(0.963422, 0.0551525, 0.181825),
                          ColorNoise(Vec2(2.06214, 0.309379),
                                     Vec2(0.983534, 3.74675),

In that code, the “profile function” is nearly a sine wave. The textures defining kernel radius and wavelength are constant (“Uniform”) while the texture defining kernel orientation is itself another PhasorNoiseTextures. The last two parameters are the pinkish color and the multi-color background.

I generated 100 such textures (the whole set can be seen here) then hand-selected out these 20:

20210508_phasor_noise_9 20210508_phasor_noise_12 20210508_phasor_noise_17 20210508_phasor_noise_18 20210508_phasor_noise_22 20210508_phasor_noise_25 20210508_phasor_noise_29 20210508_phasor_noise_31 20210508_phasor_noise_37 20210508_phasor_noise_43 20210508_phasor_noise_63 20210508_phasor_noise_68 20210508_phasor_noise_71 20210508_phasor_noise_73 20210508_phasor_noise_78 20210508_phasor_noise_86 20210508_phasor_noise_88 20210508_phasor_noise_89 20210508_phasor_noise_91 20210508_phasor_noise_97
May 7, 2021

Phasor noise angles: radians → revolutions

Just a note about non-backward-compatibility. I had been following the paper Procedural phasor noise—and mathematical conventions—by using units of radians for Gabor kernel orientation angles. Today I switched to using units of “revolutions” a normalized measure of rotation: 1 revolution = 2π radians = 360 degrees.

There was only one place in the phasor noise code where this mattered. PhasorNoiseBase::samplePhasorFieldOfKernel() now scales the kernel's angle by 2π. The reason for this change is to better fit in with TexSyn's interface to LazyPredator, the evolutionary optimizer. One aspect is which GpType to use for an angle's literal value? These constants have an associated numeric range. None of the existing ones correspond to a float value on the range [0, 2π]. More significantly, the PhasorNoiseTextures operator takes its Gabor kernel angles from the luminance of colors in a given Texture object. While a Texture's luminance is unbounded, the vast majority of them will be inside the unit RGB cube, so Color::luminance() will be on [0, 1]. Mapping this value on to an angle in “revolutions” seems the most natural.

The only impact is that some code snippets below may no longer produce the pictured texture.

May 6, 2021

Oh! That’s better

I tried the rubber duck. I tried convincing myself that I'd exchanged angle and wavelength. Then finally I took a closer look at PhasorNoiseBase::samplePhasorFieldOfKernel() which I “knew” was correct, because I'd used it for PhasorNoiseRanges. There was confusion between “global” texture coordinates and the “local” space of a given kernel. Et voilà:

// Parameters to PhasorNoiseTextures:
PhasorNoiseTextures(float profile_softness,
                    float profile_duty_cycle,
                    const Texture& texture_for_kernel_radius,
                    const Texture& texture_for_kernel_wavelength,
                    const Texture& texture_for_kernel_angle,
                    const Texture& source_texture_0,
                    const Texture& source_texture_1)

// The three textures below:
PhasorNoiseTextures(1, 0.5, Uniform(0.1), Uniform(0.05), noise, black, white)
PhasorNoiseTextures(1, 0.5, Uniform(0.1), Uniform(0.05), spot,  black, white)
PhasorNoiseTextures(1, 0.5, Uniform(0.1), noise,         spot,  black, white)
20210506_perlin_angle 20210506_spot_angle 20210506_spot_angle_noise_wl
May 5, 2021

Trouble getting phasor noise parameters from textures

Normally I post here after something is working properly. Today I'm posting about a mysterious bug that has had me stuck for a couple of days. My goal here is something like rubber duck debugging, where by describing the problem I may gain insight into its cause. After seemingly getting the “mixed kernel” version of phasor noise working (see April 28) I refactored that PhasorNoisePrototype operator into a PhasorNoiseBase class plus a small PhasorNoiseRanges derived class for the “mixed kernel” version. Then I wrote a new derived class PhasorNoiseTextures to handle the version where parameters vary across the texture plane by three input textures to specify: kernel radius, kernel angle, and kernel wavelength. That ran OK, but the resulting textures did not fit with what I expected to see.

Back on April 11 I posted a sample of phasor noise made with a c++ version of the GLSL sample code provided by the authors. That is on the left below. It has constant values for kernel radius and wavelength, and uses a Perlin noise texture to provide the smoothly varying angle (orientation) values. This produced the labyrinth-like “sand dune” pattern characteristic of phasor noise. On the right below is a texture produced by the new PhasorNoiseTextures operator that “should” look like the one on the left. It looks more like a “contour map” of the angle field.

first phasor
        noise 20210505_contour_map_symptom

And here is the result if the angle field is given as a Spot texture. I think this should have an angle of zero on the outer edge (as it does) then with that angle increasing radially toward the center (origin) of the texture, eventually getting back to 2π. That is, I expected to see a radially symmetric pattern, but instead see this:

April 28, 2021

Random “mixed kernel” phasor noise

[Update May 8, 2021: as described above (on May 5, 6, and 7) the textures originally shown in this post were wrong. Now “wrong” is a slippery concept when talking about random textures, but their randomness was not constructed as intended. Two things have changed: a bug in PhasorNoiseBase::samplePhasorFieldOfKernel() has been fixed, and angles are now specified in units of revolutions instead of radians. Today I went back and rerendered these textures, starting from the same random seed. The old versions can be found in the git repository in the unlikely event they are needed for anything.]

The texture operator for “mixed kernel” phasor noise seems to be working now. The operator takes eight float parameters: min and max bounds for each of three properties of kernels (radius, wavelength, and orientation), two parameters for an asymmetrical “soft square wave” used as the “profile” reconstruction function, plus two input textures (here just uniform black and white). These “quasi-Gabor kernels” have a finite radius because they are based on cosinusoidal spots rather than Gaussians. This finite support allows them to be used with TexSyn's DiskOccupancyGrid spatial data structure for efficiently determining which kernels contribute to a given texture sample (pixel). The frequencies for each kernel are given as wavelengths (1/f) to make them linear in distances, to better fit in with the optimization framework (LazyPredator's genetic programming evolutionary computation). To construct a single kernel for this phasor noise, a uniform random selection is made for each kernel parameter from within the given min/max bounds. The 12 random variations on phasor noise below are each created from executing code like this (where rs is a RandomSequence object and frandom01() returns the next random value from the sequence as a float on [0, 1]):

PhasorNoiseRanges(rs.frandom01(),  // profile softness
                  rs.frandom01(),  // profile duty_cycle
                  rs.frandom01(),  // min kernel radius
                  rs.frandom01(),  // max kernel radius
                  rs.frandom01(),  // min kernel wavelength
                  rs.frandom01(),  // max kernel wavelength
                  rs.frandom01(),  // min kernel orientation
                  rs.frandom01(),  // max kernel orientation
                  black,           // source texture 0
                  white)           // source texture 1
“20210508_phasor_r_0” “20210508_phasor_r_1” “20210508_phasor_r_2” “20210508_phasor_r_3” “20210508_phasor_r_4” “20210508_phasor_r_5” “20210508_phasor_r_6” “20210508_phasor_r_7” “20210508_phasor_r_8” “20210508_phasor_r_9” “20210508_phasor_r_10” “20210508_phasor_r_11”
April 24, 2021

Phasor noise progress

I posted my first phasor noise texture on April 11, using a c++ rewrite of a (GLSL?) shader provided by the authors of Procedural phasor noise (SIGGRAPH 2019, Tricard, Efremov,  et al.). Special thanks to Thibault Tricard who has patiently answered my questions about their code. I have been refactoring the code to better integrate with the rest of TexSyn. I am getting closer, but this is still prototype code. Phasor noise is an improvement on the earlier Gabor noise approach (SIGGRAPH 2009, Lagae, et al.) as prototyped here on March 28.

My current plan is to define two TexSyn texture operators based on phasor noise. One will generate phasor noise using Gabor kernel parameters taken from a uniform random distribution between numeric bounds. As such the kernels will be independent of each other. The other operator will provide locally coherent Gabor kernel parameters by reading them from TexSyn textures provided to the operator. The example shown on April 11 had constant values for kernel radius and frequency, and used a Perlin noise pattern to supply the orientation of the kernel. Shown below are examples of the “uniform random distribution between bounds” version. Shown below are the scalar noise field, used in TexSyn operators to blend (SoftMatte) between two other given textures.

// Parameters are min and max for: radius, wavelength, and angle, then the two input textures.
PhasorNoisePrototype(0.7, 1.5,   0.06, 0.12,   pi * 0.3, pi * 0.8,   black, white)  // On left, with "soft square wave" profile.
PhasorNoisePrototype(2.0, 2.0,   0.05, 0.20,          0, pi * 2.0,   black, white)  // On right, with sinusoid profile.
20210424_phasor_1 20210424_phasor_2

To help illustrate what is going on here, the example below has its min and max radius set so low that (restricted by a performance-related limit on the total number of kernels within a 10x10-unit tile) they do not fill the texture plane. Unlike actual Gabor kernels—which are a Gaussian spot times a sinusoidal grating (and so have infinite support)—these are a cosine-spot times the sinusoidal grating (so have finite support, going to zero by a given radius). Where these kernels overlap, you can see the phasor addition forming intermediate “high contrast” waveforms, so avoiding interference and loss of contrast. I have not decided what to do in this case. Certainly one option is to do nothing special and “let evolution decide” — presumably that an ill formed texture like this has low fitness and should be selected against. Another option is to notice this case and return a texture result identical to one of the input textures (likely black in this case).

Update on April 26: I decided to go with the latter option. This was easy to do, since the kernels are added to the Texture's definition one at a time until there are sufficiently many to cover the field to sufficient depth (currently 4 kernels on average per pixel). If it reaches the max kernel count before satisfying this depth requirement, a flag is set to indicate failure. Rendering the texture below now produces a flat black color field—Uniform(0)—equivalent to its next-to-last parameter.

PhasorNoisePrototype(0.07, 0.15,   0.02, 0.08,   0, 2 * pi,   black, white)  // Min/max radius too small to cover texture plane.
April 14, 2021

Camouflage on redwood leaf litter

This evo_camo_game run (tagged redwood_leaf_litter_20210413_1441) uses the same parameters as other recent runs, except for one. I was curious if I had been forcing the individual prey to limit the complexity of their texture specification. I had been using the default of the parameter which limits the max GpTree size during crossover. (It does not enforce a hard limit, but once parent trees exceed this size threshold, crossover fragments are chosen to reduce the size of offspring trees.) Parameter max_init_tree_size defaults to 100, and max_crossover_tree_size defaults to 1.5 times that: 150. Instead I specified a value of 200. That seemed to make no difference at all in tree sizes (averaged over the whole population). In this run, the highest average tree size was 132, lower that the default max limit of 150, and well below 200, the max limit specified for this run.

These background images show fallen leaves/needles of some redwood trees in my neighborhood. The wind had blown them into the gutter on the opposite side of the street. As they slowly dry, they change from bright green to reddish brown. Shown below, two images of all three prey in competition at steps 2575 and 2618, of the total 3000 steps of this run:



Many of the better camouflage patterns blend in by both matching the mix of background colors, and by “disrupting” their circular boundary with black features that visually match up with inky shadows in these photos shot in bright afternoon sun. Shown below are thumbnails of individual prey from step 1294 to 2867:

20210414_thumbnail_1294_a 20210414_thumbnail_1903_a 20210414_thumbnail_1979_a 20210414_thumbnail_2016_a 20210414_thumbnail_2083_b 20210414_thumbnail_2108_b 20210414_thumbnail_2375_a 20210414_thumbnail_2420_a 20210414_thumbnail_2845_a 20210414_thumbnail_2867_b
April 11, 2021

Phasor noise prototype

As mentioned on March 28, I started experimenting with “phasor noise” as described in the SIGGRAPH 2019 paper Procedural phasor noise by Thibault Tricard, Semyon Efremov, Cédric Zanni, Fabrice Neyret, Jonàs Martínez, and Sylvain Lefebvre. They provide source code as a shader. I made a quick edit to allow it to compile in c++, but the resulting code produced uncorrelated “confetti” noise. Eventually I realized that in shader languages, global variables are treated like c++'s thread_local, with a separate copy for each thread. Fixing that allowed it to work:

first phasor
April 10, 2021

Camouflage run on Eric's redbud

We have a small tree in our front yard planted around the time our son was born. It is a “western redbud” (Cercis occidentalis) selected because it blossoms near his birthday. As the pink flowers began opening this year, I took a set of photos with sky for background. These photos are similar to the “parking lot trees” posted on March 15. As with several of my runs, the quality of these evolved camouflage patterns are “just OK.” They blend in to the background but are not especially cryptic. Generally they do a poor job of “disrupting” their circular boundary. I let this run go for 5000 steps, the longest so far, but it never got to the quality I hoped. Here are some images of all three prey in a tournament at step 3613, 4087, and 4866:




Here are a selection of individual prey “thumbnail” images from steps 171 through 4974:

20210410_thumbnail_171_a 20210410_thumbnail_475_a 20210410_thumbnail_869_b 20210410_thumbnail_1381_a 20210410_thumbnail_1813_b 20210410_thumbnail_2073_b 20210410_thumbnail_2311_a 20210410_thumbnail_2834_a 20210410_thumbnail_3104_b 20210410_thumbnail_3674_a 20210410_thumbnail_3685_c 20210410_thumbnail_4213_b 20210410_thumbnail_4525_c 20210410_thumbnail_4624_a 20210410_thumbnail_4716_a 20210410_thumbnail_4974_a
April 1, 2021

Mirror should not scale, and other stories

Today I found a bug in the Mirror texture operator. (See post on March 9, 2020, making it a 388 day old bug, yikes!) I would suggest that by the principle of least surprise, applying Mirror to a texture should simply mirror it about the given line. Unfortunately, as originally written, the given tangent(-to-the-mirror-line) vector was treated as a basis vector of the new space, so had the unintended effect of scaling the input texture by 1/length.

This bug was very simple to fix, but shows a problem with doing your testing with self-designed examples. I am a fan of unit tests (and TDD) but in the end, they only test for the failures you anticipate. I made simple test cases, by hand, when working on Mirror, which in retrospect were too simple. For example: passing in pre-normalized vectors, parallel to the main axes. In 1994 Karl Sims did pioneering work evolving(/co-evolving) morphogenesis and behavior for virtual creatures. He noted that evolution was great at coming up with unanticipated test cases, so exposing bugs, which evolution would then exploit to increase fitness.

How this came up: I was doing a quick check of evo_camo_game after a code change, to verify things were behaving correctly. This camouflaged prey appeared at step 324 of a run on my “clover” background:


I had been surprised by similar textures before, so decided to dig in. This texture exhibits an annoyingly obvious square tiling. TexSyn supports such textures (see last example on March 12, 2020) but I've seen too many like this (perpendicular, square, axis-aligned) to believe that was the source. I suspected it was a scaled down version of the “large” tiling used for spot patterns. I saved the thumbnail above, which now also saves the source code in a text file:

Mirror(Vec2(3.21816, -3.75822),
       Vec2(3.35559, -2.45618),
                     Vec2(1.57994, 4.01201),
                     Gradation(Vec2(1.80012, -2.66427),
                                     Uniform(0.960211, 0.096008, 0.597687)),
                               Vec2(1.78565, 2.38711),
                                                                                               Uniform(0.814141, 0.52608, 0.431994))))))),
                           Vec2(-2.18284, 4.04233),
                                          Affine(Vec2(-0.3471, 4.48348),
                                                 Vec2(-3.05151, -0.422401),
                                                                  Subtract(Uniform(0.165418, 0.545178, 0.589462),
                                                                                          Uniform(0.538748, 0.0987566, 0.542896)))))))))

Ignoring the details, it is a LotsOfButtons operator, wrapped by a Mirror operator:

Mirror(Vec2(...), Vec2(...), LotsOfButtons(...))

I re-rendered the texture from that source code:


Then after I changed Mirror to normalize its line_tangent parameter, I got:


And indeed, when I rendered just the third parameter to Mirror, the LotsOfButtons operator itself, I get the same thing. I think that is the desired result, but I was wrong before:


But this is a good news / bad news situation, or perhaps a “twofer” of old bug discovery. I suspect the “spots” (the textured “buttons”) should all be visually similar, the same gradient between two shades of orange. Instead, I see some orange and some a more red color. More on that as I dig further.

March 28, 2021

Gabor noise experiments

And now for the first time since July 31, 2020, a post in this TexSyn devo blog about texture synthesis! Have you ever built something incorrectly, then repeatedly tried tweaking it, while failing to understand the underlying problem? Hmm, right, me neither...

On a completely unrelated topic, here is a (now finally working!) prototype of noise pattern synthesis using sparse Gabor kernels. This is roughly based on the SIGGRAPH paper Procedural noise using sparse Gabor convolution (2009, Lagae, et al.). A preprint of that appeared while I was working on an earlier version of this library, so I make a quick prototype. It was too slow to use as-was, so I did not use this category of noise texture in my earlier work. Much later, I found another SIGGRAPH paper Procedural phasor noise (2019, Tricard/Efremov, et al.) which improved on this approach to noise synthesis. That technique is next on my agenda.

I wanted to start with the 2009 approach. This GaborNoisePrototype texture operator combines two given textures based on a scalar texture composed of many randomized Gabor kernels. The parameters are: the number of kernels (over a 10x10 region, whereas the renderings below have a diameter of 2), then min and max bounds for uniform random selection of: kernel radius, kernel wavelength, kernel rotation, and lastly the two input textures:

Uniform orange   (1.0, 0.5, 0.1)
Uniform cyan_blue(0.1, 0.5, 1.0)
GaborNoisePrototype(1000,   0.3, 0.6,   0.01, 0.03,           0, pi * 0.25,   orange, cyan_blue))
GaborNoisePrototype(1000,   0.2, 0.8,   0.01, 0.03,   pi * 0.33, pi * 0.66,   orange, cyan_blue))
20210328_GaborNoise_test_a   20210328_GaborNoise_test_b
March 26, 2021

Selection weights for initial random GpTrees

Yesterday I added a new feature to LazyPredator: a new optional parameter to the constructor for GpFunction to adjust the likelihood a given function is selected during construction of the initial random population of GpTrees for a run. See details here. It seemed to me that the three “lots of spots” texture patterns were overrepresented. Now this might have been my own fault for favoring those as better camouflage. Or it could have been that there are three such operators (LotsOfSpots, ColoredSpots, and LotsOfButtons) and so, in combination, they were chosen three times more often. So in TexSyn's GP::fs() I changed these three operators to have ⅓ the chance of being selected. In addition “because I could” I doubled the likelihood of choosing SoftMatte, my favorite texture operator.

I did a quick run to “shake down” these code changes, and in the process added some illustrations to the “doc” for the alpha version of the evo_camo_game app. Step ~2000 of a run using a “clover” background is shown below:

March 22, 2021

UV lichen

This camouflage run was based on another unique image from helpful folks on the Facebook group Lichens, Mosses, Ferns and Fungi. Stephen Axford kindly gave me permission to use this image. He lives in Australia but travels the world to photograph and study fungi. (See his lovely video autobiography.) This photo however was taken at his home. It is the lichen-covered trunk of a “Bangalow Palm” illuminated by 365nm UV (ultraviolet) light. These lichens (but apparently not all?) fluoresce in ultraviolet. So the unusual colors are from the UV and the irregular shape of the colored patches are due to the growth and competition for space between the various lichens. For context, here is another view from further away.

Below are views of two competitive “tournaments” each showing three circular prey with their evolved camouflage textures. In the first image (at step 1374, not quite half way through the run) they were trying, without much success, to find a version of those rainbow noise patterns that would blend in the with background. The brightness and saturation were in the correct range, but the distribution of hues are off (there is no green in the background). Also the spatial frequencies do not match well.


By the end of the run at step 3000, things had improved, but the quality of camouflage is “only OK.” The circular features allow coloring something like the scale of patches in the background. But to my eyes, their geometric regularity stands out and “breaks” the camouflage:


Here are “thumbnail” images of interesting evolved camouflage textures during roughly the second half of this run, at steps 1205, 1724, 2033, 2260, 2414, 2551, 2882, 2896, 2979, and 2983:

20210321_thumbnail_2983_a    20210321_thumbnail_1205_c

20210321_thumbnail_1724_b    20210321_thumbnail_2033_b

20210321_thumbnail_2260_a    20210321_thumbnail_2414_c

20210321_thumbnail_2551_c    20210321_thumbnail_2882_c

20210321_thumbnail_2896_a    20210321_thumbnail_2979_b

March 15, 2021 🎂

Parking lot trees

The ID for this camouflage run was tree_leaf_blossom_sky_20210313_1907 but I think of them as “parking lot trees” — small trees in concrete planter areas at the end of each row of parking places. The photos were taken from below, so the background is deep sky blue. Also visible are tree branches, leaves of various colors, and small white blossoms. (Photos taken on December 26, 2017, probably in Foster City, California.)

Keep in mind: this is a purely 2d model of camouflage. Since these background images show a strongly 3d scene, this causes some cognitive dissonance. It would be as if there was a photographic paper print of the background, lying on a desk. Paper disks, printed with synthetic texture, are placed on top of the photo, then the user make a judgement on which is most conspicuous. The fact that sky blue color could be incorporated into these evolved camouflage patterns is related to this “purely 2d” abstraction. (Sky blue is rare (to say the least) in nature but has been used in the past for military aircraft camouflage.)

This run was composed of 3000 steps. Below are two “tournament” images showing the whole window and three competing camouflaged prey textures. These are at steps 2092 and 2596 of the run, shown at ⅔ of original size. I hand-selected these steps based on all three prey being well camouflaged. And by that I mean a combination of good quality camouflage and the luck of being placed on a part of the background where it is effective.

In the first image the three prey use similar camouflage: a black background (similar to the shadowed tree limbs) with blue spots (which mimic the sky showing through bits of the tree) and over that a tracing of edgy green and white patterns (suggesting leaves and blossoms):


In the second image, the upper right prey uses that same approach, while the other two are variants of a new line of phenotypes. These have striped patterns alternating between two complex textures, with irregular “wiggly” edges between stripes:


Shown below are “thumbnail” images of an individual camouflaged prey, and a bit of its surrounding background for context. These were hand selected by similar criteria—good quality camouflage in effective locations—but in isolation, without regard to the other prey in the tournament. These are in order of “evolutionary time” at step: 131, 257, 1332, 1593, 1858, 2270, 2571, 2662, 2845, and 2976:

20210313_thumbnail_131_c    20210313_thumbnail_257_b

20210313_thumbnail_1332_b    20210313_thumbnail_1593_a

20210313_thumbnail_1858_a    20210313_thumbnail_2270_a

20210313_thumbnail_2571_b    20210313_thumbnail_2662_c

20210313_thumbnail_2845_b    20210313_thumbnail_2976_a
March 7, 2021

Bilateral symmetry

One more “thumbnail” from the run on the fungus_pores_2 background. One of the “edgy” phenotype, not very effective as camouflage, but interesting because it happens to exhibit bilateral symmetry. This run was started before I made the thumbnail-saving utility also save the  source code text of an Individual's GpTree. So I don't know for sure, but it looks like the root of the tree, the outermost texture operator, was Mirror (see here) with parameters that caused the line of symmetry to pass very close to the center of this texture.

I sometimes think of these disks of camouflaged textures as something like a round beetle (like a “ladybug”) crawling on a textured surface. But the coloration of beetles, like so many other species, has bilateral symmetry. This post is primarily to remind myself that sometime I should try a camouflage run where bilateral symmetry is imposed on top of the evolved texture pattern. Beyond visual interest, it would add another “twist” to the search for effective camouflage, since symmetry is often a clue that helps to break camouflage. Sometimes a well-camouflaged animal is given away only by its symmetry. (Such as in this amazing owl photo, by the excellent nature photographer Art Wolfe. Buy his fantastic book Vanishing Act: The Artistry of Animal Camouflage originally published 2005 in hardcover.)

March 5, 2021

Hiding among the fungus pores

First of all, a big thank you to Colin Brown a(n amateur?) mycologist and photographer. I saw his photography in the Facebook group Lichens, Mosses, Ferns and Fungi. He posted a close-up of the pores on the bottom of the mushroom Trametes aesculi, and a couple of weeks later, Trametes gibbosa, both taken in Rock Creek, West Virginia, USA. He kindly gave me permission to use his aesculi image for my experiments and I assumed the same would go for gibbosa. I don't know a lot about fungus, but most mushrooms have “gills” under their caps. Whereas these species are polypore mushrooms with small holes/slots under the cap. In both cases, these are where the fungus releases its powder-like reproductive spores. (I've since learned there is an intermediate form called mazegill.)

What jumped out at me is how similar these are to the labyrinth variety of abstract Turing textures (Turing instabilities, reaction-diffusion textures). I wanted to try evolving a camouflage for a critter trying to hide on these labyrinth patterns.

While useful experiments, I felt the resulting camouflage was not particularly successful. Both of these backgrounds have contrasty “large scale” features, relative to the “body size” (diameter) of the camouflaged “prey” individuals. Neither run managed to convincingly mimic the background texture. Even if they had, misalignment of contrasty features serves to visually emphasize the boundary of the camouflaged “body” so making the camouflage less effective.

This run, using the Trametes gibbosa photo, developed two phenotypes. One had a very edgy noise pattern that often seemed to almost align with background features along its boundary, but its interior was not much like the background. (See first image below, of a tournament with three individuals of this first phenotype, at ⅔ of original size.) The other phenotype was a network of wiggly light and dark features that somewhat mimics the background, but not very well.


Here are “thumbnails” of three individuals of both types:

20210303_fungus_pores_2_920_a    20210303_fungus_pores_2_1014_b

20210303_fungus_pores_2_1032_c    20210303_fungus_pores_2_1318_c.png

20210303_fungus_pores_2_1403_a    20210303_fungus_pores_2_1545_a

Below are three cropped tournament groups (⅔ of original screen size) from an earlier run with the Trametes aesculi photo. Throughout an extended run of 5000 steps it failed to develop effective camouflage textures. At various times it would do a good job of matching the light or dark browns of the background, or the spatial frequencies, or the wiggly quality of the background. But it never got all those things right at the same time.




February 22, 2021

One more run on “oak leaf litter”

Not that anyone cares, but this is out of order. I will soon post images from a run on a different background. Recent code edits include changes to placement of textures on background for camouflage. (This is prep for saving “thumbnail” images of textures with clean backgrounds.) I also turned up the default “evolution power” for camouflage by 20%. (Previously it used a population of 100 individuals in 5 breeding subpopulations (demes), now it is 120 individuals in 6 subpopulations. These parameters can be overridden in the command line version.)

Otherwise the run shown below is like the previous two. I ran it for almost 2000 steps. It seemed to develop some effective camouflage patterns. It seemed to have a “healthy” diverse population, which continued to invent new patterns throughout the run.

20210220_oak_leaf_800    20210220_oak_leaf_939

20210220_oak_leaf_985    20210220_oak_leaf_1047

20210220_oak_leaf_1338    20210220_oak_leaf_1353

20210220_oak_leaf_1376    20210220_oak_leaf_1519

20210220_oak_leaf_1569    20210220_oak_leaf_1793

20210220_oak_leaf_1902    20210220_oak_leaf_1932

February 9, 2021

Another prototype camouflage run

After adding handling of “argc/argv” unix-style command line arguments to the Camouflage class, I made another run using that form of specification. (Previously I mostly fiddled with parameters inside my code via my IDE and recompiling.) The results were pretty good, entertaining even, as shown below. For the previous week or so I was looking into ways to distribute binaries of the tool but ran into some roadblocks. For the time being, the only way to use it is to build it yourself from sources. In case anyone reading this is interested, please contact me for details.

I used the same set of background images (“oak leaf litter green brown”) but chose a different seed for the psuedo-random sequence generator. I need to add a command line argument for specifying that. This software is designed to be strongly reproducible (even across platforms) despite being based on randomized algorithms. The results will be identical if you make two runs with all the same parameters (including, in this case of interactive evolution of camouflage, making the same interactive selections). If you want the runs to be different, changing the random seed is required.

Near the top of my to-do list is better tools for logging these camouflage runs, and recording images from the run. Initially I want to have a way to say “save the whole window showing the current tournament of three textures” and “save an image of the indicated texture along with its nearby background.” I may also want to add the ability to save the program (GpTree) for a texture. So far I have just been using my laptop's screen capture utility to collect these images. Here is a cropped image of a tournament at around step 700:

Some examples of cryptic (well camouflaged) “prey”, from later in the run, with a bit of the background texture on which they were found:



A side note: as you may recall, the user's task in this “game” is to pick out the texture which is “worst” — the least well camouflaged. In the beginning of a run this is difficult since almost all of the textures are bad: they stand out against the background and are not at all camouflaged. It can be hard to decide which of the bad textures are the worst. Early in a run there are lots of textures which are just a single uniform color. While selecting for non-uniform textures, I seem to have given too much of a boost to a species of multi-spot patterns. They were fun to look at but not very well camouflaged:

Here is a point where the “spot” species is doing its best to be camouflaged, but losing the race to two different noise-pattern-based species are starting to perform better:

January 29, 2021

Early interactive evolution of camouflage

Since the last entry here, there was some work in LazyPredator on tree size limits, then for the last two weeks I've been prototyping a user interface for “interactive evolution of camouflage”, the subject of my 2011 paper. My work on TexSyn and LazyPredator has been aimed as restarting that line of research with a more robust software foundation. Rebecca Allen, my friend-since-grad-school, gave me a nudge to get back to camouflage already. My first thought was that there was still lots of infrastructure work to do, but then decided the time was about right.

And indeed, except for a small tweak in LazyPredator, most of the work has been on the GUI side. Two weeks in, I have an “almost working” version of the 2010 concept of interactive evolution of camouflage. It is based on an instance of coevolution in nature. Imagine a type of predator that uses vision to locate their prey—and prey who use camouflage to escape detection. Effective camouflage helps prey survive to reproduce and pass on their genes. Effective “camouflage breaking” allows predators to eat and so survive to reproduce and pass on their genes. These adversarial processes coevolve, producing mutual improvement, leading to predators with excellent visual perception, and prey with sometimes astoundingly effective camouflage.

In this simple simulation—essentially half of the larger goal—a human user plays the part of the predator. The evolutionary texture synthesis software plays the part of the prey whose camouflage is evolving. This can be thought of as a “game” where the human player competes with the simulation. Each turn of the game corresponds to one tournament/step in the steady-state evolutionary computation:

Each time I made a code change, I would play a few rounds of the game to make sure everything was still working as expected. This time I got to step 70 and the texture in the upper left caught my eye:

oak leaf test,
        step 70

Hmm, that is not bad. The range of colors in that texture were pretty similar to the background image. The spatial frequencies in that texture were pretty similar to the background image. In fact one could say that texture is pretty well camouflaged against these backgrounds.

In the previous steps of the evolutionary selection process, textures that were “obviously wrong” were being weeded out of the population. For example, textures with the wrong colors (like the multi-colored middle texture above) or had spatial frequencies that were too high or too low (like the flat beige texture with gray spots on the right), were removed and replaced with new offspring. In one surprising step, GP crossover created a new texture that had both good distributions of colors and frequency pattern. Dang!

To be clear, I think this is “pretty good” rather than “excellent” camouflage. The brightness is a bit too high and/or the contrast range is not wide enough. The evolved texture lacks details as dark as some of the shadows in the background photograph. The ability to mechanistically determine the quality of camouflage is “future work” in this study.

I continued to “evolve” this run for another 200 steps or so. In this tournament we see a nicely cryptic texture (lower left) and two under-performers. The middle texture seems to be a uniform color with “buttons” of a green/beige texture. Something similar seems to be a component of the camouflage texture in the lower left.

oak leaf test A

Later in the run, the well camouflaged textures are enjoying “reproductive success.” Their good genes are spreading through the population. Below is a turn of the game where all three textures in a tournament are variations on the same successful cryptic texture. If you look closely at the upper left texture, you can see an important property of effective camouflage, some of its boundary/silhouette seems to “dissolve” away. Instead of a hard-edged circle, parts now look nibbled away:

oak leaf test B

Just for a little context, the images above are cropped out of the full GUI. This shows (at a smaller scale) the whole window, full screen on my laptop, relative to three textures:

oak leaf test,
        full window
January 10, 2021

LimitHue results from LazyPredator tests

I continue to use the “LimitHue” fitness function for testing recent changes to LazyPredator (see posts in its blog from December 23 through January 5). A few of them are visually interesting, especially as better optimization leads to higher fitness. To recap: LimitHue prefers textures which contain primarily four distinct hues (using a discrete 12 step hue space), wanting those hues to be “non adjacent” (meaning hues 1, 2, 3, 4 are not as good as hues 1, 3, 5, 7), and close to zero hues in the other 8 “buckets.” In addition, there are fitness penalties for very bright or very dark colors, insufficiently saturated colors, and textures with too much high frequency (“confetti”) noise.

Here are two results from a test of subpopulations (“demes”) in a LimitHue::comparison() run called LimitHue_comparison_20210105. On the left, with a fitness of 0.956924 and on the right with fitness of 0.904232, both from the condition using four subpopulations (versus the control condition of a single population):

1_b_20210105_1839_LimitHue.png 3_b_20210106_0018_LimitHue.png

And these two results from LimitHue_comparison_20210103 run. On the left, with fitness 0.932506 (from the single population condition). It captures the “mostly flat regions of constant vivid color” I was picturing when I designed LimitHue. On the right, with fitness 0.94534 (from the four subpopulation condition) which seems to be near the lower bound on acceptable saturation level:

1_a_20210103_1210_LimitHue.png 4_b_20210103_1722_LimitHue.png
December 3, 2020

Recent infrastructure work

During the HueLimit runs described below on November 18, a nagging problem was that the virtual memory partition of TexSyn grew at a significant rate, indicating a “memory leak.” My laptop could run for 12-18 hours before exhausting its memory partition at about 50 GB. I did know that I had prototyped GpTree::eval() to construct Texture objects on the heap and realized they were not being freed/deleted when the Individual containing them was deleted. The Texture objects themselves are pretty small, but I assumed the OpenCV cv::Mat (in which Textures store their rendered pixels for display and file output) were not getting deleted, causing the leak.

Turns out that was not the problem, it was actually a memory leak in OpenCV itself, for each window it opens on macOS. (See my OpenCV bug report.) But I didn't track that down until I put in the GpTree::deleteCachedValues() to free those Texture instances created during eval(). But to do that I had to track down a very confusing bug which happened to be introduced by a typo in GP.h where the specification for the GpFunction for CotsMap indicated an extra parameter of type Texture. This caused the GpTree to have a “phantom limb” which produced symptoms taking me a long time to understand.

Having diagnosed the memory leak, the fix was simply to avoid opening so many windows. The many windows came from my goofy-prototype-hack of a user interface which opened and closed thousands of windows. I needed to do the obvious and normal thing: to have a single window, and update it as required. I also wanted to be able to put text labels on that GUI (graphical user interface) control panel. So I started digging into OpenCV's support for drawing text on images. That led to finding another bug, which led me to reconsider a decision I'd made almost a year ago about storing Textures in cv::Mats of type CV_32FC3. That is, my image data represents the color of each pixel as three 32 bit floating point numbers (representing red, green, and blue) for a total of 96 bits per pixel. Its is much more common to use 24 bits per pixel with an 8 bit byte to represent red, green, and blue (aka CV_8UC3). I have made the change and can see no difference, since my screen used 24 bits per pixel color space. At the moment I don't know how to verify there has been no change. I was going to post some images here, but as far as I can tell, they are identical so there is nothing to see.

November 18, 2020

HueLimit test for “absolute” fitness

Preparing some “work in progress” slides for a presentation at Dan Shapiro's UCSC class, I made an extended series of runs of the HueLimit evolution test. I was a bit disappointed with previous runs using “multi-objective fitness functions” — related to Pareto optimality. I had been time-multiplexing the various fitness components, for example to optimize for both A and B, I would randomly choose between optimizing either A or B on each evolution step. The results seemed a little “weak” — the population improved according to both A and B, but were not exceptionally good at either.

So I backed up to some previous work in this area (Goal Oriented Texture Synthesis, 2011-2013) and followed the approach used there. The multiple fitness measures are mapped onto the range [0, 1] and then multiplied together for a final numerical fitness. This is “absolute fitness” that can be measured for a single individual in isolation. (As opposed to “relative fitness” measured in competitive tournaments.) The fitness components can be “weighted” by limiting the portion of range they occupy. For example a component on the entire [0, 1] range is “strong” while one remapped to [0.9, 1] has only a mild strength.

The HueLimit fitness function was primarily based on limiting hue distribution. Each TexSyn texture was randomly sampled, and each sample was assigned to one of twelve “buckets” in a hue histogram. A perfect fitness was to have exactly four of the twelve hue buckets with ¼ of the samples each, with the other eight buckets empty. Deviation from this pattern reduced the fitness. In addition two other minor fitness components required the texture have average saturation values above 0.5, and for the average brightness to be in the middle 80% of the brightness range (basically, neither black nor white). The result, then is a “random texture” which meets certain constraints defined by the fitness function. I made about 50 runs like this, saving a render of the best individual at the end of each run. Then I hand selected the textures that seemed most visually interesting to me. Each HueLimit run has a population of 100 individuals, with max initial size of 100, and 1000 evolution steps (10 “generation equivalents”). These each took about 15 minutes to run on my laptop.

20201113_0806_abs_fit 20201115_0833_abs_fit 20201113_0851_abs_fit 20201114_1100_abs_fit 20201114_1111_abs_fit 20201114_0927_abs_fit 20201115_1224_abs_fit 20201115_0328_abs_fit 20201116_0858_abs_fit 20201114_0118_abs_fit 20201114_1129_abs_fit 20201115_0617_abs_fit 20201113_1152_abs_fit 20201114_1218_abs_fit 20201114_0439_abs_fit 20201114_0214_abs_fit 20201114_1146_abs_fit 20201114_1127_abs_fit
November 4, 2020

Hard limit on LotsOfSpotsBase constructor runtime

Back around April 3 when I started working on the LotsOfSpots family of texture operators (with ColoredSpots and LotsOfButtons, all now derived from LotsOfSpotsBase) it was hard to know how they would actually get used in evolutionary optimization. A texture render time that is “ok” in ones and twos starts to become uncomfortable in the thousands. On September 27 I used a big hammer to prevent unreasonable runtime while rendering textures with nested Blur operations. Recently I have found that the embarrassingly long pauses during evolution test runs are caused by the constructor for LotsOfSpotsBase which builds the random pattern of “spots” then runs a relaxation process to reduce any overlap between these randomly places spots. The basic problem is an O() algorithm, and a possibility that n can get fairly large, depending on the interactions of several other parameters. There were 11,000 “spots” in one case that ran so long I paused the run to poke around with my debugger. (It is not literally an O() algorithm, but not worth getting into here.)

I decided that I ought to put a hard ceiling on the number of spots in these textures. It is in a global variable, so can be changed, or set to “infinity” if needed, but by default I have decide there will be no more than 5000 spots. Similarly I put the parameter controlling the max number of relaxation steps in a global variable. Its value remains 200. To work on this I defined a test case whose parameters produce a large number of spots:

spots = LotsOfSpots(0.95,               // density
                    0.02,               // min radius
                    0.05,               // max radius
                    0.01,               // soft edge width
                    0.01,               // margin
                    Uniform(1, 1, 0),   // spot color
                    Uniform(0, 0, 0.8)) // background color

The high density combined with the small radii lead to a texture with 21694 spots, which it tries up to 200 times to “relax” any overlaps. On my laptop that ran for about 6.7 seconds. For reference here is that spots texture, and it “zoomed out” with Scale(0.2, spots) to see the whole of the tiling texture. (Normally the tile is five times larger than the default render range of [-1, +1], so the second image show the full tiling range of [-5, +5]:

spots  Scale(0.2, spots)

Those were rendered with:

LotsOfSpotsBase::max_spots_allowed = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();

which is the new way of getting the old behavior. The two corresponding images below are the exact same texture specification, but with the new default max_spots_allowed of 5000:

spots (with
        limit)  Scale(0.2,
        spots) (with limit)

While the original version with 21694 spots took 6.7 seconds, this version with 5000 spots took 0.36 seconds. Still kind of slow, but I am willing to live with it for now. Note that the overlap minimization process runs multi-threaded, so typically runs up to eight threads on my laptop.

Unfortunately, in the process of working on this change, I observed an annoying artifact, which I assume is a bug. The texture below is like the second one above (in the older no-limit case) but with a smaller scale: 0.09 versus 0.2. In this case, the boundaries of the tiling patter become visible. (In this view, one full tile is in the center with eight partial tiles around it. The artifact forms a subtle “#” pattern.) The LotsOfSpotsBase class goes to considerable effort to form a pattern which tiles seamlessly. Given I have rendered many zoomed-out spots textures before without obvious artifacts (e.g. on April 19) I suspect this may have to do either with the relatively small size of these spots, or the margin (spacing between spots) parameter which was added late in the development of the “spots family” of operators. I've put this issue on the bug list.

LotsOfSpotsBase::max_spots_allowed = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
Scale(0.09, spots)
annoying artifact
October 27, 2020

Gamma overflow

While experimenting with evolution and the structure of tournament selection in LazyPredator, I ran into a TexSyn bug. In one run, after about 5000 steps I hit an assert failure in Color::convertRGBtoHSV(). The problem was an inf as one of the input RGB components. This was coming from the output of a Gamma texture operator, which had raised ~200,000 to the ~8.5 power which is outside the float range. (I suppose if I had been using 64 bit floats (“double”) this case would have been ok.) But in general, TexSyn allows RGB color components to range over the entire float range, so Gamma would eventually hit a large enough input value and exponent to cause this kind of range overflow. I fixed the bug by adding a special case in function Color::gamma() — if the input is finite (std::finite()) but the result of exponentiation is not finite, then it returns white.

To recap why Colors are allowed to have “infinite” range: the idea is to allow composition of texture operators without regard to order. I want it to work, for example, to add two textures in the range [0, 1] — the “unit positive RGB color cube” — producing a texture whose colors range on [0, 2], then scale the brightness back into [0, 1]:

AdjustBrightness(0.5, Add(ColorNoise(...), ColorNoise(...)))

The expression above computes the average of those two noise patterns. Similarly, the subtraction below produces RGB values ranging on [-1, 1], adding white offsets it to [0, 2], which is then scaled to [0, 1]:

AdjustBrightness(0.5, Add(white, Subtract(ColorNoise(...), ColorNoise(...))))

If color values were clipped to the unit interval after each operator it would cause texture synthesis to require certain operator ordering. (E.G. scaling before adding to keep the result in range.) My goal is to remove that constraint and so allow evolution to more easily optimize the textures.

October 5, 2020

Experiment: minimum size for crossover snippet

As mentioned on October 3, treating all nodes of a GpTree as candidates for crossover implies that “many” crossover operations serve only to move a leaf node from one tree to another. (For binary trees, about half the nodes are leaves.) There is something minimal and elegant to this approach. But I wonder if it is the best choice, especially for the TexSyn FunctionSet where those numeric leaf values are just the “knobs” on various texture operators. In broad terms, about half the crossovers would actually change the tree of texture operators, while the other half would make changes to their parameters.

Relevant to this is that next on the “to do” list is jitter/jiggle mutations of constant leaf values. I intend to jiggle constant values after crossover, so “wasting” half the crossover operations on merely changing a single constant in the tree (of size 100-200 nodes) seems a poor choice.

I wanted to experiment with concentrating crossover operations on “structure changing” operations rather than “parameter changing”—so that a typical crossover would actually replace one subtree (of nested texture operators) with another one. In the current version, each node (including leaves) have uniform probability of being selected for participating in crossover. I considered weighting the probability of choosing a node to be proportional the the size of the tree below it. But this seems to give far too much weight to the root node and its immediate subnodes. I also considered just limiting crossover to subtrees that return a value of type Texture (as opposed to Vec2 or float). But that seemed too ad hoc.

The experiments below add a new parameter to crossover, the minimum size of a subtree (from the “donor” parent) that can be considered (for insertion into a copy of the “recipient” parent). By default, in the minimalist neutral strategy, that value is 1, meaning an individual numeric leaf node can be crossed over. If min_size is 2 (or more) it means that leaf nodes (or other small subtrees) are excluded as crossover candidates. While as before, many many of the textures are obviously “variations on a theme” of the two parent texures, using a larger min_size clearly produced a wider variety of changes. I am leaning toward making “min size for crossover” a parameter of FunctionSet, defaulting to the neutral value of 1, but probably set to 2 for TexSyn. (Note: the eight examples below were hand-selected from a run of 50 crossovers, based on the same parents in the October 3 experiments, with a min_size of 5.)

offspring_24 offspring_6

offspring_34 offspring_35

offspring_32 offspring_41

offspring_47 offspring_49
October 3, 2020


LazyPredator's FunctionSet::crossover() operator for strongly typed genetic programming appears to be working. After a few simple abstract tests, I tried this test with the TexSyn FunctionSet. I created two random “parent” GpTrees, then made 30 “offspring” GpTrees, which combine elements of both parents. Here are eight of those variations, each of which is close to one parent (stripes) or the other (mostly uniform).

The difference tend to be fairly subtle. I assume that “most” of the nodes in the parent trees of size 100 are numeric values at the leaves. As a result, many of the offspring differ from their parent by just one number being replaced by another. I think that is correct but may experiment with biasing the crossover points to be higher up the trees.

offspring_0 offspring_1

offspring_13 offspring_10

offspring_18 offspring_11

offspring_28 offspring_15
September 27, 2020

Reconsidering convolution

The most “heavyweight” Texture operators are those based on convolution: Blur, EdgeDetect, and EdgeEnhance. (Only Blur actually does a convolution, EdgeDetect and EdgeEnhance are derived from Blur by “unsharp masking.”) For all other Texture operators, each output pixel getColor() requires one, two, or some small number of input getColor() lookups in textures further down the tree. For each pixel of a Blur, a large number of lookups are needed to sample the input texture under the support of the convolution kernel. That value had been set to 11x11 or 121 samples per output pixel getColor() lookup.

In normal image processing, blurring an image can be done quickly, especially when using a GPU. The whole image can be blurred at once, in place in a memory array. With a Gaussian kernel, that can be separated into two sequential one-dimensional passes. None of these speedups apply to TexSyn where textures have “infinite” extent and are routinely addressed via non-linear warps. A TexSyn textures has no way to determine the spacing between adjacent pixel samples—and cannot know a priori the bounds of its “infinite” extent that will be sampled—so cannot build memory arrays that cache the pixel colors. (I write “infinite” in quotes because these textures are actually defined over the cross product of two c++ floats, which is not equivalent to ℝ² the cross product of two reals.)

Nonetheless the current design allows warping the result of applying Blur to a warped texture, at the cost of taking about 100 times longer than other operators. But until I started generating random TexSyn trees with Blur, EdgeDetect, and EdgeEnhance, I was chagrined that I had not considered the cost of composing multiple convolution operators by nesting. Now we run into some subtrees — such as Blur(EdgeEnhance(...)) — that are 10,000 slower than normal operators!

One possibility is deciding we didn't really want blur and edge operations in TexSyn, and I guess that could still happen. But first I want to see what I can do to chip away at the cost. One approach is to disallow the deadly nested convolutions. This could be done as a constraint on GpTree construction. But that would add a lot of complexity for this one edge case. Another way is to say that a nested convolution operator turns into the identity operator. This is appealing because it only touches the relevant TexSyn operators, and in fact merely Blur. So I implemented that.

Another approach is to use Blur's stochastic sampling to trade off image quality for speed. All it takes is reducing the number of subsamples to run faster, while causing more noise in the blurred image. That global parameter is called Blur::sqrt_of_subsample_count and had been set to 11 (121 subsamples). I have now decreased it to 7 (49 subsamples). So it now runs in about 40% (49/121) of the time it did previously. Below are the input Grating texture, and a comparison of Blur at 11x11 (as before, on the top half) and 7x7 (as now, on the bottom half):

yellow = Uniform(1, 1, 0)
blue = Uniform(0, 0, 1)
grating = Grating(Vec2(), yellow, Vec2(0.2, 0), blue, 0.01, 0.5)
filter_width = 0.1

blur_7_11_compare = Gradation(Vec2(0, 0.1),
                              Blur(filter_width, grating),
                              Vec2(0, -0.1),
                              Blur(filter_width, grating))
grating   blur_7_11_compare

Now here is a similar texture, wrapped into a spiral by the COTS patch operator. Note how the zone of transition between the two colors grows with the spiral as do the width of the stripes. (this is the same grating texture as above, scaled up by 10, with the filter width also scaled by 10 to match) These three textures show the result with Blur::sqrt_of_subsample_count set to 40, 11, and 7 (corresponding to 1600, 121, and 49 subsamples per output pixel). 40 is ridiculously high and slow-running, but shows what the Blur looks like with essentially no sampling noise. The middle value of 11 is what was previously used, and 7 is the new default value. The resulting stipple pattern looks a bit like colored pencil on textured drawing paper.

CotsMap(Vec2(0.0, 0.0),
        Vec2(0.4, 0.0),
        Vec2(0.2, 0.2),
        Vec2(0.0, 0.4),
        Blur(filter_width * 10, Scale(10, grating)))
blur 40 spiral

blur 11 spiral   blur 7 spiral
September 23, 2020

Completed TexSyn's FunctionSet

I completed building a LazyPredator FunctionSet for TexSyn's API. Or what I have come to regard as the “modern subset” of TexSyn's API. For example TexSyn still defines Scale, Rotate, and Translate, but I consider them deprecated, replaced by Affine. I will post an updated list soon, but of the 52(?) Texture operators in TexSyn, I defined 43(?) in the GP FunctionSet. This is all subject to change. I also defined some “helper functions” in the new GP.h file to reduce the repetition of boiler place, especially in the eval() lambda specified for each GpFunction.

Shown below are some of the random textures produced with this full FunctionSet, all made with a max size of 100. As I was testing I would save off examples that I thought were a bit interesting. Here a six pointed star motif, with confetti, all in pastel colors.

// random program texsyn43_0
     Vec2(0.913583, 0.577358),
     Vec2(0.563676, 0.0549508),
     Max(Mirror(Vec2(-0.8868, 0.936961),
                Vec2(-0.438223, -0.375759),
                LotsOfButtons(0.863516, 0.690535, 0.715235, 0.137752, 0.989513,
                              Vec2(0.0813249, 0.105461),
                                    Uniform(0.752434, 0.716533, 0.128006)),
                              LotsOfSpots(0.337259, 0.297271, 0.342979, 0.0796881, 0.829768,
                                          ColorNoise(Vec2(0.64538, 0.832061),
                                                     Vec2(-0.825276, -0.968037), 0.730953),
                                          ColorNoise(Vec2(0.355079, -0.307888),
                                                     Vec2(-0.931093, -0.272665), 0.60784)))),
         CotsMap(Vec2(-0.0810903, -0.351246),
                 Vec2(-0.227743, 0.102102),
                 Vec2(0.0972011, 0.137803),
                 Vec2(0.138099, 0.0864316),
                 Hyperbolic(Vec2(0.305696, -0.83856),
                            1.37151, 9.30557, 7.92249,
                            Uniform(0.748912, 0.938295, 0.342172),
                            Uniform(0.342688, 0.907577, 0.417378)),
                 SoftMatte(Uniform(0.210974, 0.980838, 0.843935),
                                 Uniform(0.97905, 0.950607, 0.0890492)),
                                 Uniform(0.400887, 0.487526, 0.870267))))))

Here an elaborate pattern of cream drops on pea soup:

// random program texsyn43_4
MobiusTransform(Vec2(-0.0825154, 0.589955),
                Vec2(-0.88387, 0.422129),
                Vec2(0.372059, 0.443364),
                Vec2(-0.51013, 0.358481),
                                        Vec2(-0.684147, 0.428017),
                                        Vec2(0.0123824, -0.901044),
                                                    Vec2(0.184168, -0.098526),
                                                    Mirror(Vec2(-0.0467548, -0.867534),
                                                           Vec2(-0.115532, -0.309734),
                                                                                           Uniform(0.252994, 0.383974, 0.92492)),
                                                                                                   Uniform(0.257844, 0.981215, 0.992339))))))))),
                    LotsOfButtons(0.77023, 0.335993, 0.489251, 0.530601, 0.0553876,
                                  Vec2(0.317931, 0.973596),
                                                           Uniform(0.678778, 0.538012, 0.0466902))),
                                                          Uniform(0.41695, 0.43103, 0.104457)),
                                                 Vec2(0.358198, 0.912694),
                                                 Vec2(0.400779, 0.701969),
                                                                  Uniform(0.644239, 0.161153, 0.287077))))))))

Fried space egg, sunny side up.

// random program texsyn37_11
AbsDiff(SoftThreshold(0.298399, 0.727319,
                      Gradation(Vec2(-0.39333, 0.136865),
                                ColoredSpots(0.28252, 0.863896, 0.742588, 0.784091, 0.452963,
                                             Uniform(0.964614, 0.625866, 0.411626),
                                             Uniform(0.866328, 0.899633, 0.20739)),
                                Vec2(0.886619, -0.30344),
                                BrightnessWrap(0.193428, 0.158088,
                                               Mirror(Vec2(0.91596, -0.785272),
                                                      Vec2(0.0809205, 0.892906),
                                                      StretchSpot(0.985838, 0.88553,
                                                                  Vec2(0.153175, 0.517769),
                                                                                          Uniform(0.160094, 0.334016, 0.528756)))))))),
                                             Max(ColorNoise(Vec2(0.336733, 0.632002),
                                                            Vec2(0.371583, 0.644038),
                                                                 Min(Uniform(0.821086, 0.168073, 0.15639),
                                                                     Uniform(0.00221804, 0.328301, 0.751129)))))),
            LotsOfButtons(0.610481, 0.363803, 0.9173, 0.298918, 0.701165,
                          Vec2(-0.717095, -0.271969),
                          Uniform(0.36265, 0.211855, 0.388246),
                          Add(Uniform(0.0283104, 0.951895, 0.792557),
                              Uniform(0.0151601, 0.389861, 0.339307)))))

Lots of stretched-out spots:

// random program texsyn37_26
SoftMatte(StretchSpot(1.65618, 1.70558,
                      Vec2(0.220822, -0.484598),
                                            Vec2(-0.0948536, -0.586182),
                                            Vec2(0.0117428, 0.372895),
                                            SoftThreshold(0.7921, 0.337999,
                                                                          Uniform(0.838806, 0.327221, 0.385638)))))),
                                                               Uniform(0.398626, 0.405375, 0.0107769)),
                                                                                 Uniform(0.641829, 0.874743, 0.77074)))),
                                                                                  Uniform(0.987204, 0.325772, 0.653587)),
                                                                                  Uniform(0.545807, 0.552129, 0.0672275))))))),
          Stretch(Vec2(0.0765375, 0.257372),
                  Vec2(-0.00445917, 0.112877),
                  StretchSpot(1.03807, 1.39177,
                              Vec2(-0.870523, 0.750637),
                              LotsOfButtons(0.78265, 0.235866, 0.890119, 0.293386, 0.130943,
                                            Vec2(-0.0170715, 0.425005),
                                            Uniform(0.758016, 0.290013, 0.198833),
                                            Max(Uniform(0.294325, 0.677582, 0.432185),
                                                          Uniform(0.77274, 0.34552, 0.668212)))))))

A few others whose source code I forgot to save:

texsyn29_21   texsyn23_7   texsyn21_27  
September 22, 2020

WIP: filling out TexSyn's FunctionSet

Adding existing TexSyn texture operators one by one to the LazyPredator FunctionSet. When it contained only Uniform, Spot, Gradation, Grating, and SoftMatte, I generated trees with a max size of 100. Here is a small (size 28) tree which combines a Grating over a Gradation. Also a more complex Texture tree (size 96) producing what looks a bit like a shaded fuzzy green ball over a multicolored background.

// random program texsyn5 22
Grating(Vec2(0.26869, 0.461954), Gradation(Vec2(0.167604, 0.86406), Uniform(0.56669, 0.347976, 0.12547), Vec2(0.295079, 0.870558), Uniform(0.550106, 0.721061, 0.691719)), Vec2(0.0471458, 0.182742), Uniform(0.169519, 0.670011, 0.662775), 0.67318, 0.592581)
texsyn5 22
// random program texsyn5 25
Spot(Vec2(0.0270606, -0.111671), 0.640568, Gradation(Vec2(0.156171, 0.479821), Uniform(0.452769, 0.821953, 0.671481), Vec2(0.567867, -0.488934), Gradation(Vec2(0.370465, 0.987898), Uniform(0.143607, 0.216632, 0.422456), Vec2(-0.164897, 0.402079), Uniform(0.13807, 0.450368, 0.214707))), 0.837218, Gradation(Vec2(-0.391453, -0.186617), Spot(Vec2(0.680379, -0.826925), 1.27738, Uniform(0.0325629, 0.82633, 0.607977), 1.71849, Uniform(0.60406, 0.181758, 0.368314)), Vec2(-0.46888, -0.338268), SoftMatte(Spot(Vec2(0.454638, 0.315729), 0.633048, Uniform(0.568433, 0.801311, 0.28252), 1.72779, Uniform(0.784091, 0.452963, 0.820982)), Spot(Vec2(-0.176747, -0.982708), 1.73266, Uniform(0.20739, 0.027998, 0.94331), 0.69656, Uniform(0.193428, 0.158088, 0.722144)), Spot(Vec2(-0.785272, 0.54517), 1.08092, Uniform(0.47373, 0.492919, 0.442765), 1.18617, Uniform(0.758885, 0.0847335, 0.449036)))))
texsyn5 25

Layering Spot over Grating over Spot, size 96:

// random program texsyn6_7
Spot(Vec2(-0.540721, -0.326729), 0.72255, Gradation(Vec2(0.350523, 0.213815), Add(Uniform(0.745849, 0.375344, 0.166896), Uniform(0.834834, 0.803454, 0.587308)), Vec2(0.872269, 0.444256), Uniform(0.479733, 0.906918, 0.109246)), 0.319564, SoftMatte(Grating(Vec2(0.364624, 0.295435), Uniform(0.991602, 0.404537, 0.452058), Vec2(0.5166, 0.767411), Uniform(0.420852, 0.0787707, 0.225527), 0.230418, 0.368269), Spot(Vec2(0.920896, -0.192638), 0.577384, Uniform(0.670203, 0.348083, 0.3225), 0.913576, Gradation(Vec2(-0.570529, 0.95223), Uniform(0.0178784, 0.215667, 0.744309), Vec2(-0.208699, -0.774712), Uniform(0.674122, 0.761577, 0.649836))), SoftMatte(Uniform(0.304042, 0.14227, 0.810219), SoftMatte(Uniform(0.51514, 0.513601, 0.831815), Uniform(0.993132, 0.452829, 0.808701), Uniform(0.549863, 0.550531, 0.796817)), Add(Uniform(0.977974, 0.551423, 0.140097), Uniform(0.333083, 0.762814, 0.591103)))))


// random program texsyn14_15
Multiply(Wrap(-0.393609, Vec2(-0.0156267, 0.45183), Vec2(0.48514, -0.622225), ColorNoise(Vec2(0.290586, -0.532596), Vec2(0.435022, -0.625395), 0.924635)), Min(Add(Grating(Vec2(0.505614, 0.319813), Uniform(0.227292, 0.0494925, 0.652759), Vec2(-0.248363, 0.751465), Uniform(0.221749, 0.452565, 0.0321766), 0.759366, 0.435336), Spot(Vec2(0.302574, -0.269131), 1.29765, Uniform(0.600034, 0.192719, 0.256547), 1.82173, Multiply(Uniform(0.675937, 0.0819467, 0.744247), BrightnessToHue(0.0572891, Uniform(0.167216, 0.135414, 0.93294))))), MultiNoise(Vec2(0.931529, -0.997263), Vec2(-0.00019452, 0.621546), Wrap(0.180313, Vec2(-0.155344, 0.141332), Vec2(0.600042, -0.499762), Uniform(0.926494, 0.143688, 0.277342)), Wrap(-0.631191, Vec2(-0.292852, 0.484951), Vec2(0.934354, -0.623622), Uniform(0.893133, 0.0314834, 0.616199)), 0.0939481)))
September 21, 2020

Runtime connection between LazyPredator and TexSyn

In the August 15 entry I prototyped this connection using a prototype FunctionSet:makeRandomTree() to print out the “source code” of generated trees, then hand editing that into a test jig in TexSyn and rendering the textures. Now it is actually working, directly evaluating the GpTree and then passing that result to TexSyn's render utility. See some code details in the LazyPredator log. These were made with a FunctionSet for a portion of TexSyn with GpTypes for Texture pointers, Vec2 values, and Float_01 values. It provides two GpFunctions of Texture operators: Uniform and Spot. Here are a couple of examples. Note that these are “random” trees(/expressions/programs) with no evolutionary optimization yet. The next step is to define GpFunctions for all ~50 Texture operators.

Spot(Vec2(0.609615, 0.987836),
     Uniform(0.930115, 0.125967, 0.926106),
     Spot(Vec2(0.0590451, 0.83672),
          Uniform(0.77876, 0.900702, 0.469339),
          Uniform(0.262347, 0.042383, 0.34038)))
Random texture
Spot(Vec2(0.648294, 0.628089),
     Uniform(0.103924, 0.719841, 0.884774),
     Spot(Vec2(0.31976, 0.662522),
          Spot(Vec2(0.591504, 0.58366),
               Uniform(0.897731, 0.170638, 0.0459084),
               Uniform(0.935545, 0.882617, 0.0314533)),
          Uniform(0.390179, 0.696574, 0.59118)))
Random texture
August 15, 2020

Random TexSyn programs generated by LazyPredator

As described in LazyPredator's log, it now has a prototype random program generator. There is also now a prototype “function set”/“grammar” to describe the TexSyn API. I used these to generate a bunch of random texture expressions, rendered some of those, and pick out a few that were a bit interesting. (Many appeared identical to Uniform or ColorNoise.)

// random program 0
Twist(-1.5007, -3.12824, Vec2(0.389467, 0.832243), LotsOfButtons(0.862353, 0.326306, 0.00177993, 0.711357, 0.76274, Vec2(3.0448, 3.68129), Spot(Vec2(1.48987, -4.49347), 1.78005, ColorNoise(Vec2(-1.32046, 2.42863), Vec2(-1.91713, 0.940589), 0.84564), 0.764313, ColorNoise(Vec2(0.273154, -1.46148), Vec2(-1.18504, -4.00435), 0.724306)), 0.367926, ColorNoise(Vec2(-1.59627, -3.31247), Vec2(2.23131, -1.37167), 0.698217)))

        program 0

// random program 1
ColoredSpots(0.0873328, 0.904293, 0.0523186, 0.0906169, 0.854814, MobiusTransform(Vec2(3.11807, 1.18701), Vec2(-0.589404, 2.75448), Vec2(-3.33792, 2.08031), Vec2(-2.82157, -3.79023), Uniform(0.409955, 0.158851, 0.22622)), BrightnessWrap(0.0941196, 0.596546, EdgeDetect(0.985994, Max(MultiNoise(Vec2(-4.08933, -2.55314), Vec2(-3.52786, 3.43654), Uniform(0.547777, 0.71849, 0.51048), Uniform(0.0970927, 0.656361, 0.669388), 0.0278431), ColorNoise(Vec2(-0.665772, -3.61144), Vec2(3.66564, -4.4826), 0.695869)))))

        program 1

// random program 2
Ring(3.11535, Vec2(3.03757, 0.967017), Vec2(-1.42594, -1.81315), SliceShear(Vec2(-4.01977, -3.029), Vec2(-3.63676, 2.93948), Hyperbolic(Vec2(-4.63751, 3.72073), 8.21554, 9.18318, 4.19357, Uniform(0.642181, 0.261001, 0.428011), ColorNoise(Vec2(-4.05045, -1.65673), Vec2(-3.66899, 1.61807), 0.792373)), Vec2(-0.478021, 4.5042), Vec2(4.56995, 0.0112824), ColorNoise(Vec2(3.34685, 3.47989), Vec2(-0.249423, -0.262976), 0.175241)))

        program 2

// random program 3
Grating(Vec2(-1.47541, -0.86595), AdjustBrightness(0.0384087, BrightnessWrap(0.805273, 0.469073, BrightnessWrap(0.401083, 0.670738, HueOnly(0.281567, 0.0632304, Min(Uniform(0.427763, 0.769109, 0.859361), ColorNoise(Vec2(2.44752, -4.46087), Vec2(-2.27331, 4.02469), 0.0391472)))))), Vec2(-2.13785, -3.31639), Gamma(1.47854, SliceToRadial(Vec2(-3.44811, -2.35952), Vec2(-3.74908, 1.89859), ColorNoise(Vec2(-2.45512, 3.92944), Vec2(1.00124, 3.80463), 0.657286))), 0.965485, 0.55324)

        program 3

// random program 4
EdgeDetect(0.670139, ColoredSpots(0.7614, 0.427715, 0.698671, 0.885313, 0.0558514, Stretch(Vec2(-4.63756, -4.60256), Vec2(-0.0368361, -2.01205), AbsDiff(SoftMatte(Uniform(0.817255, 0.00670789, 0.326614), ColorNoise(Vec2(-1.51223, 2.41655), Vec2(-3.37003, -4.64803), 0.29183), Uniform(0.990324, 0.0578273, 0.848225)), Uniform(0.030859, 0.428472, 0.973189))), Add(SliceToRadial(Vec2(-0.793439, -2.48329), Vec2(4.03724, 2.45832), Uniform(0.442126, 0.573716, 0.949417)), LotsOfButtons(0.270409, 0.145435, 0.790308, 0.703025, 0.736794, Vec2(4.84287, 3.77388), ColorNoise(Vec2(-2.84685, -1.22626), Vec2(-1.97162, -3.88645), 0.157141), 0.0940529, Uniform(0.0183813, 0.9557, 0.00798232)))))

        program 4
August 6, 2020

LazyPredator — at long last, a GP sibling

As described long ago (December 19, 2019) TexSyn exists to be used with a system for Genetic Programming. Starting yesterday I have been made the first steps toward that, a library called LazyPedator. Its code repository is on GitHub and it has its own development diary like this one.

July 31, 2020

More boring: Noise and Affine get TwoPointTransform

Refactoring Noise to use the new TwoPointTransform class, completely analogous to Grating and Gradation yesterday. Because Noise is the base class for all other Perlin noise related operators, they all inherit the same change. As before, showing the visual different between old and new—average error was 1.606e-07—and the binary version showing were mismatches occur.

Texture::diff(Noise (p4, p5, black, white),
              Noise2(p4, p5, black, white))
diff Noise
        before/after TwoPointTransform

diff Noise
        before/after TwoPointTransform

Making the fix for Affine had one surprise. I found that it had not previously handled the case for a degenerate “scale=0” transform. This occurs when the two point specifying the transform are identical. In the old version, each color of the texture contained nan RGB values. Now in that case Affine uses an identity transform. The average error per pixel in this case was 5.53341e-09.

Texture::diff(Affine (p1, p2, spot),
              Affine2(p1, p2, spot))
diff Affine
        before/after TwoPointTransform

diff Affine
        before/after TwoPointTransform
July 30, 2020

Boring software engineering: use TwoPointTransform

The “two point” specification for a general affine transform was used in early members of this library, see Gradation and Grating on January 1. This is the same idea used in “two finger” pinch-twist-drag gestures in touch screen devices. On May 31 I refactored several noise textures to more uniformly use two-point transformations, and on July 8, the generic
Affine operator. As a result the code for “two point” specification is duplicated around the operators. This really bothered the software engineer in me. So I wrote a new general purpose TwoPointTransform utility class to encapsulate this code. Now I have begun changing texture operators to use it.

Grating was first to be updated. Annoyingly the modified Grating2 is ever-so-slightly different from the original version. I assume that the order of floating point operations leads to tiny rounding differences. Here is the old (on left) new (center) and AbsDiff of the two (on right). The black AbsDiff image indicates they are visually identical, but about half of the pixels do not have identical floating point gray values. The average error per pixel is 1.55727e-07. That is, where black is 0 and white is 1, the average error is 0.00000155727. That bothers my OCD, but I guess it is less annoying than the original code duplication.

p1 = Vec2(0.1, 0.1)
p2 = Vec2(-0.1, -0.1)
Texture::diff(Grating (p1, black, p2, white, 1.0, 0.8),
              Grating2(p1, black, p2, white, 1.0, 0.8))
diff Grating
        before/after TwoPointTransform

I added a new fifth optional parameter to Texture::diff(), a bool called binary which defaults to false. When true, the third texture in a diff is made with a new NotEqual texture operator which returns white where the two textures do not match and black where they do. This allows seeing where those tiny invisible numerical errors are:

diff Grating
        before/after TwoPointTransform

Then I went on to the corresponding change to Gradation. Again the result is very slightly different—4.16738e-08—less than a millionth. Most display hardware only portrays 256 gray levels. As before one diff() showing the visual difference, and one showing white where the tiny differences occur.

p3 = Vec2 p3(0.6, 0.6)
p4 = Vec2(-0.6, -0.6)
Texture::diff(Gradation (p3, black, p4, white),
              Gradation2(p3, black, p4, white))
        Gradation before/after TwoPointTransform

        Gradation before/after TwoPointTransform
July 24, 2020

How many texture operators are enough?

How many texture operators are enough? Probably less than are currently in the library.

On July 13 I mentioned giving a short presentation on this “work in progress” library to a class at UC Santa Cruz. Afterward, one of the class full of bright students asked a great question. I don't remember the exact words, but it had to do with the large number of texture operators in TexSyn (currently about 52). Why so many? How many are actually required? Are any missing that could be considered necessary? If there are more than required, how could we know that? Aside from agreeing that it was a good question, all I could answer was that once the Genetic Programming component is in place, I hope to do experiments on this issue. For example, using some subset of the operators, are results significantly different from using the entire set?

Still it is fun to invent new operators, experiment with them, and consider the visual results they produce. Which is to say, I tried another prototype. While mildly interesting, it does not seem useful enough to keep in the library. Said a different way, I think visually similar results can be obtained from compositions of existing operators. Below are some results from the failed prototype HsvFrom3 operator. It takes three textures as parameters, the resulting color at any point is defined in HSV space by taking the hue from its first texture parameter, the saturation from another texture, and the value from a third texture. In the first texture example below, the hue of the result comes from a red and green Grating, the saturation from a blue and white Wrapulence texture (seen as curved edges of red/green shading to gray), and its value (luminance) from a black and white Turbulence (seen as dark “valleys” wandering across the texture). The idea for HsvFrom3 came up when thinking about problems with HsvBox. In the end, neither are included in TexSyn.

HsvFrom3(Grating(p1, red, p1 + o1, green, 1, 0.5),
         Wrapulence(p2, p2 + o3, blue, white),
         Turbulence(p3, p3 + o3, black, white))
HsvFrom3(ColorNoise(p1, p1 + o2, 0.4),
         ColorNoise(p2, p2 + o2, 0.8),
         Brownian(p3, p3 + o2, white, black))
HsvFrom3(ColorNoise(p1, p1 + o2, 0.2),
         ColorNoise(p2, p2 + o2, 0.4),
         Turbulence(p3, p3 + o3, black, white))
July 22, 2020

HsvBox — probably not

HueOnly had been on my to-do list for a while. I wondered if I wanted to have similar operators for the other two HSV components. I thought about how nicely RgbBox seemed to work, and wondered about an HSV version of it. I built a prototype, decided I was not happy with it. On July 20 I went back to updating HueOnly. Here are some textures from the failed prototype HsvBox which I will remove from TexSyn.

First of all HsvBox is not even a good name. RgbBox referred to an axis-aligned “sub-box” inside the unit positive RGB color cube. RGB space is Cartesian while HSV space uses cylindrical coordinates. Hue is an angular parameter. So a range of hues is a circular (cylindrical, actually) “sector.” Mapping the entire circle onto this sector implies that resulting hues will have discontinuities. In the second example below, the hue range from red to green was selected. But transforming reds adjacent to greens creates an infinitely sharp transition from green→red. (See this discontinuity in the second example below.) I worked around that by “folding” the hue range. In the third example below, the output hue ranges from red→green→red. This removes the hue discontinuity but causes other artifacts. For example, because of the hue fold, HsvBox has no parameters that produce an identity transform. In the end, this just seemed too arbitrary and capacious.

cn = ColorNoise(Vec2(3, 7), Vec2(3.10, 6.9), 0)
cn = ColorNoise(Vec2(3, 7),
        Vec2(3.10, 6.9), 0)

Here the full hue range [0, 1] is mapped onto [0, ⅓]. Texture on left shows hue discontinuity between green and red. Texture on right has no discontinuity due to hue folding (red→green→red).

HsvBox(0, 0.33, 0, 1, 0, 1, cn)
without fold HsvBox(0,
        0.33, 0, 1, 0, 1, cn)
HsvBox(0, 0.33, 0, 0.33, 0, 1,    cn)  // Both H and S map to lower third of range, V is full range.
HsvBox(0, 0.33, 0, 0.33, 0, 0.33, cn)  // All three HSV components map to lower third of range.
        0.33, 0, 0.33, 0, 1, cn) HsvBox(0,
        0.33, 0, 0.33, 0, 0.33, cn)
July 20, 2020


For each point in the input texture, HueOnly keeps only the hue information from its input texture. It replaces the other two HSV components, saturation and value, with constant values given as parameters to HueOnly. There was an operator called HueOnly in the previous version of this library (see March 23, 2009). This one provides more parametric control, and avoids the older one's bug for gray scale input textures. (It considered those to be red, corresponding to hue value zero, leading to a replacement operator called HueIfAny (see February 26, 2010).) Below is shown a color noise texture cn used as an example input, followed by four variations of the saturation and value parameters.

cn = ColorNoise(Vec2(3, 7), Vec2(3.10, 6.9), 0)
cn = ColorNoise cn(Vec2(3,
        7), Vec2(3.10, 6.9), 0)
HueOnly(1.0, 1.0, cn)  // Full saturation, full brightness.
HueOnly(1.0, 0.5, cn)  // Full saturation, half brightness.
HueOnly(1, 1,
        cn) HueOnly(1, 0.5,
HueOnly(0.5, 1.0, cn)  // Half saturation, full brightness.
HueOnly(0.5, 0.5, cn)  // Half saturation, half brightness.
HueOnly(0.5, 1,
        cn) HueOnly(0.5, 0.5,
July 13, 2020

Slightly less stealthy

This “lab notebook” has always been public, and I've posted a few images from here on facebook. But today TexSyn went a little more “wide” when I gave a short presentation (slides here) about this work-in-progress library to a Game AI class taught by my friend Dan Shapiro at University of California Santa Cruz. Mostly it was just images from this doc to provide a quick overview. I did make a few “worked examples” at the top to demonstrate the correspondence between code and graphics.

Images like these color mixing diagrams were also included in the doc about the previous version of the library. They were originally intended as an experiment to determine if the library needed explicit support for both additive and subtractive color mixing. Adding the three spots is straightforward. (This corresponds to, say, projecting three primary-colored spots onto a white wall in a dark room.) The subtractive version is made by inverting the luminance of the three spots—by subtracting them from white—so a red spot on black becomes a cyan spot on white. Multiplying those together produces this diagram of subtractive color mixing. (Which corresponds to, say, a color printer overlaying three spots of secondary-colored tint on white paper. In practice a black ink is overprinted for strong neutral blacks.)

// Additive mixing.
Add(red_on_black, Add(green_on_black, blue_on_black)))

// Subtractive mixing.
Multiply(cyan_on_white, Multiply(magenta_on_white, yellow_on_white)))
additive color
        mixing subtractive color
// C++ to define six spots.
Uniform white(1);
Uniform black(0);
Uniform red(1, 0, 0);
Uniform green(0, 1, 0);
Uniform blue(0, 0, 1);
Vec2 p1(0.3, 0);
Vec2 p2 = p1.rotate(2 * pi / 3);
Vec2 p3 = p2.rotate(2 * pi / 3);
float ro = 0.6;
float ri = ro - 0.02;
Spot red_on_black(p1, ri, red, ro, black); Spot green_on_black(p2, ri, green, ro, black); Spot blue_on_black(p3, ri, blue, ro, black);
Subtract cyan_on_white(white, red_on_black); Subtract magenta_on_white(white, green_on_black); Subtract yellow_on_white(white, blue_on_black);
July 11, 2020

Hyperbolic reconsidered

On July 6 I described a prototype Hyperbolic texture operator which maps (warps) an entire texture plane onto a finite disk. Hyperbolic was inspired by the Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane (see also) but now I think I described too direct a link. The general character of the remapping is large texture scale in the center, becoming asymptotically tiny as it approaches the circle's edge. However Poincaré's disk is a special case of this general idea of mapping-plane-to-disk with special properties related to hyperbolic geometry.

After several days of conversations with smarter friends on email and social media (thanks especially to Saty Raghavachary, Alyn Rockwood, David Weilmuenster, and Douglas Dunham) I slowly came to understand these issues. The formula I originally proposed was not identical to Poincaré's disk, but they both fall into a “family” of transforms with two real parameters (a and b) which all map a plane onto a disk. The inverse transform takes a point d on the destination texture plane to a point s on the source texture plane. If d is inside the unit disk (‖d‖ < 1) then:

plane to disk

My original transform had a=b=1. As Douglas Dunham helpfully derived (via the Gans model of hyperbolic geometry) the Poincaré disk model has a=1/2 and b=2. As I experimented with various value of a and b I decided they were all graphically interesting. So I rewrote my TexSyn operator to accept values for a and b via parameters called scale and exponent. This follows the TexSyn philosophy of “let evolution decide” where the evolutionary GP optimization process has the ability to manipulate all relevant parameters. The revised parameter list for Hyperbolic is now: center and radius (to translate and scale the unit disk into texture space), scale (the magnification at the center, which falls off toward the disk edge) and exponent (controls the rate of compression approaching the edge), texture_to_warp (the “source” texture), and background_texture (to supply pixels outside the disk). The examples below show various values of scale and exponent.

Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 1, 1, los, black)  // scale=1, exponent=1 (July 6 version)
Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 0.5, 2, los, black)  // scale=0.5, exponent=2 (Poincaré disk version)
Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 0.5, 2, los, black)
Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 0.3, 5, los, black)  // scale=0.3, exponent=5
Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 0.3, 5, los, black)
Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 1, 5, los, black)  // scale=1, exponent=5
Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 1, 5, los, black)
Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 3, 5, los, black)  // scale=3, exponent=5
Hyperbolic(Vec2(), 0.9, 3, 5, los, black)
July 8, 2020

Affine geometric transformation

While parameters to control position, rotation, and scale are part of many of the texture operators, I decided to add one to do only that. I named it Affine, the formal name for this class of transformation. Originally I had a to-do note to add “center” arguments to operators Scale and Rotate (see February 23). Then I decided to combine them, and use the “two point” specification which has become my standard API for affine transformations. Included below is a semi-exhaustive test suite for the operator. Recall the first point gives the new position of the origin (of the input texture plane) and the second point is the new position of Vec(1,0), their difference is the x-basis of the transformed space. This first example shows the identity transform for (0, 0) and (1, 0):

Vec2 o(0, 0);                      // origin
Vec2 mh = Vec2(1, 1) * -0.5;       // point in the lower left
Vec2 x1(1, 0);                     // unit vector in +x direction
Vec2 x2 = x1 * 2;
Vec2 xh = x1 * 0.5;
Vec2 d1 = Vec2(1, 1).normalize();  // unit vector in (1,1) direction
Vec2 d2 = d1 * 2;
Vec2 dh = d1 * 0.5;

Affine(o,  o  + x1, test)
Affine(o, o + x1,

Like above, but with center of input texture translated to mh in the lower left:

Affine(mh, mh + x1, test)
Affine(mh, mh +
        x1, test)

Like above, but with scale 0.5:

Affine(mh, mh + xh, test)
Affine(mh, mh +
        xh, test)

Like above, but with scale 2:

Affine(mh, mh + x2, test)
Affine(mh, mh +
        x2, test)

Like the previous three, but with 45° rotation counterclockwise, because +x basis vectors d1, dh, d2 each point in the (1, 1) direction:

Affine(mh, mh + d1, test)
Affine(mh, mh +
        d1, test)
Affine(mh, mh + dh, test)
Affine(mh, mh +
        dh, test)
Affine(mh, mh + d2, test)
Affine(mh, mh +
        d2, test)
July 6, 2020

Hyperbolic transform to Poincaré disk

Mathematicians will say “Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane” while normal people might say “oh, yeah, like Escher's Circle Limit series of woodcuts.” For background, see these images, this description of the connection via H. S. M. Coxeter, and the work of Douglas Dunham.

While I was fixing StretchSpot (July 2) the “fisheye” transform reminded me of Escher's woodcuts. There is some similarity in the center of the “bulge” — but StretchSpot is a local warp that leaves the input texture unchanged outside the given radius — while Hyperbolic maps the entire input texture into the given disk. (Informally, that is why the disk is so “squished” and crowded at the outside: most of the infinite input plane is mapped very near the edge of the disk.) As a result, the Hyperbolic operator requires a second texture parameter to supply which that lie outside the Poincaré disk. Hyperbolic's parameters are the center of the resulting disk, its radius, the texture_to_warp into the disk, and a background_texture for outside the disk.

Note that this Hyperbolic transform is perhaps the “worst case scenario” for producing aliasing artifacts from point sampling, as used in TexSyn. These textures are smoothed by additional subsampling, setting Texture::sqrt_of_aa_subsample_count to 20, so using 400 (20x20) point samples per pixel. As with other non-linear warps in TexSyn, my assumption is that evolutionary optimization will generally select against “confetti” artifacts, so to essentially ignore the issue..

bw_stripes = Grating(Vec2(-0.05, 0), black, Vec2(0.05, 0), white, 0.1, 0.5)
Hyperbolic(Vec2(0, 0.75), 1.5, bw_stripes, white)
bw_stripes Hyperbolic(Vec2(0, 0.75), 1.5, bw_stripes, white)

(See May 26 for definition of plaid texture.)

Hyperbolic(Vec2(0, 0), 0.9, plaid, black)
plaid Hyperbolic(Vec2(0, 0), 0.9, plaid, black)
dark_blue = Uniform(0, 0, 0.3)
green = Uniform(0, 1, 0)
los = LotsOfSpots(0.85, 0.04, 0.17, 0.01, 0.02, green, dark_blue)

Hyperbolic(Vec2(0, 0), 0.9, los, black)
los Hyperbolic(Vec2(0,
        0), 0.9, los, black)
July 2, 2020

StretchSpot (“This time for sure!” — Bullwinkle J. Moose)

As mentioned before, TexSyn is the second incarnation of an an earlier library. Both include a StretchSpot operator which does a nonlinear radial stretch inside a given circle. The recent one is described on January 16, 2020, the older one on March 15, 2009. Both of these were fraught with problems, as hinted at on January 19, 2020, and in the previous library on December 26, 2008 and the following January 1 and 4. The previous solutions seemed ad hoc (even for this library), awkward (that different cases were required for expansion and contraction), inelegant (an inverse transform was implemented with a lookup table, based on piecewise linear interpolation), and just plain buggy (there are visible artifacts in the textures shown on January 16).

Yesterday I decided to start from scratch. I think I now have a simple, elegant(ish), closed form solution, with only one case parameterized by scale. The “lines of code” metric is notoriously unreliable, but in this case, the definition of class StretchSpot has shrunk from 81 to 24 lines of c++ code.

The new texture operator absolutely does not match the old one. The whole reason for this exercise is that I felt the old one was wrong in principle, and badly implemented. In the textures pairs below, the old one (2009 version, as tweaked last January) is on the left and the newest one is on the right. The scale factors for each pair are 5.0, 2.0, 1.5, 0.67, 0.5, and 0.2. The input texture plaid is as defined most recently on May 26.

radius = 0.9
StretchSpot(5.00, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
        StretchSpot(5.00, radius, Vec2(), plaid) new StretchSpot(5.00, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
StretchSpot(2.00, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
        StretchSpot(2.00, radius, Vec2(), plaid) new StretchSpot(2.00, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
StretchSpot(1.50, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
        StretchSpot(1.50, radius, Vec2(), plaid) new StretchSpot(1.50, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
StretchSpot(0.67, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
        StretchSpot(0.67, radius, Vec2(), plaid) new StretchSpot(0.67, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
StretchSpot(0.50, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
        StretchSpot(0.50, radius, Vec2(), plaid) new StretchSpot(0.50, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
StretchSpot(0.20, radius, Vec2(), plaid)
        StretchSpot(0.20, radius, Vec2(), plaid) new StretchSpot(0.20, radius, Vec2(), plaid)

[Update July 3] I was a little concerned about the shape of some of those stripes in the previous version of that last image (now replaced). I tried it again using ColoredSpots to overlay finer grain details on plaid. The basic geometry of the StretchSpot seemed correct, but I was not happy with the “taper” of the radial scale transition. I felt like there was too much area at the center at nearly the lowest scale factor (0.2) and and an abrupt transition outside of that where the spots are stretched into long spoke-like ellipses. So I rewrote that one-liner in the code, here is before and after:

StretchSpot(0.20, radius, Vec2(), ColoredSpots(0.8, 0.02, 0.02, 0.01, 0, plaid, Uniform(0)))
        troubling taper today's improved taper

The code transforms the general case to a unit radius disk at the origin. Each point is remapped according to its radius. A non-linearity is applied to this radius to produce a scale factor, which is clipped to one. Before there was a sinusoid transition from center_magnification (the first argument to StretchSpot) to 1. This sinusoid worked well to blend the exterior scale factor of 1 (at the outside of the texture in these examples) into the stretched interior, but it was “too smooth” at the center. The new transition blends that sinusoid with a linear ramp, using a highly exponentiated mapping (like a gamma), so that the curve is mostly linear, except just before the “1 end” where it smooths into the constant 1 value outside: interpolate(pow(r, 5), r, sinusoid(r)). After this change I re-rendered the right side images above to use this revised “scale taper.”

As noted on January 4, 2009, the bugs and “near misses” for this operator produce interesting results. This was an early test:

June 24, 2020

Adjust output range of fractal textures

Yesterday I ran TexSyn's unit tests for the first time in several months. All but one passed. I disabled the failing test (operators_minimal_test) but will return to it soon. I suspect it may be a gamma related issue.

One lingering problem with the tests was that one of them (noise_ranges) was quite slow because it ran a million tests on each of the six noise generator utilities. Yes, that seems like a lot, and my plan today was that “now that noise output range is all fixed” (see May 21, 22, and 23) I could just reduce that to something robust but not ridiculous. When I did, the unit test started failing.

Because the unit test is randomly sampling a random pattern, the bounds of the output range tend to grow as more and more samples are collected. That was how I originally got to such a ridiculous number of samples. Today I decided I would rather clip off those “one in a million” (litteraly) extreme values. I found that each of the fractal noise generators (brownian, turbulence, furbulence, and wrapulence) already had clipping remappers on their output, so it was just a matter of tweaking the “trim pots” for the output level. This effectively “tightened” the bounds of raw noise that get mapped to the nominal output range [0, 1].

The upshot is that now the unit tests run very fast, and the fractal noise textures have slightly more contrast. This is the sort of not-backward-compatibility I have tried to avoid, but I think this is such a subtle change I am willing to live with it. Here are two textures from recent posts in this document (see June 20 and June 3) before this change on the left, after this change on the right:

by_noise before today's
        after today's slight contrast increase
June 22, 2020

Degenerate “two point” spaces

Several texture operators have two Vec2 point parameters to define a local 2d coordinate space (scale, rotation, translation). Originally Gradation and Grating used this approach. Then (starting May 31) the noise textures were changed to use this same “two point” approach.

However, if the two points happen to be identical, the space will have zero scale and an undefined orientation. Generally this would lead to an arbitrary result, often a blend fraction of zero, so passing through the first texture parameter and ignoring the other. In the cases of Gradation and Grating I originally decided to define the result as an blend of the two inputs (a uniform blend fraction of 0.5). Today I cleaned up the handling of this in Gradation and Grating, then changed the base Noise operator to follow the same convention for all noise textures. In each pair below, the first texture has a space defined by two identical points (p0), and the second texture has a space defined by two distinct points (p1 and p2).

p0 = Vec2(0, 0)
p1 = Vec2(0.1, 0.1)
p2 = Vec2(-0.1, -0.1)
black = Uniform(0)
cyan = Uniform(0, 1, 1)
magenta = Uniform(1, 0, 1)

Gradation(p0, cyan, p0, magenta)
Gradation(p1, cyan, p2, magenta)
        cyan, p0, magenta) Gradation(p1, cyan,
        p2, magenta)
Grating(p0, cyan, p0, magenta, 0.5, 0.5)
Grating(p1, cyan, p2, magenta, 0.5, 0.5)
Grating(p0, cyan,
        p0, magenta, 0.5, 0.5) Grating(p1, cyan,
        p2, magenta, 0.5, 0.5)
grate_c = Grating(Vec2(), cyan, Vec2(0.1, 0), black, 0.2, 0.5)
grate_m = Grating(Vec2(), magenta, Vec2(0.1, 0), black, 0.2, 0.5)
Gradation(p0, grate_c, p0, grate_m) Gradation(p1, grate_c, p2, grate_m)
        grate_c, p0, grate_m) Gradation(p1,
        grate_c, p2, grate_m)
Turbulence(p0, p0, grate_c, grate_m)
Turbulence(p1, p2, grate_c, grate_m)
        p0, grate_c, grate_m) Turbulence(p1, p2,
        grate_c, grate_m)
June 20, 2020

CotsMap operator

After rewriting and testing the underlying code from Jarek Rossignac, these are example textures made with the new CotsMap operator. Its parameters are four Vec2s and an input Texture. The Vec2s are the four control points: positions to where the corners of the input unit square will be deformed. For example, this COTS map provides a sharp non-linear contraction in the lower left with a slight radial curvature:

black = Uniform(0)
yellow = Uniform(1, 1, 0)
by_noise = Wrapulence(Vec2(2, 3), Vec2(2.5, 3.5), black, yellow)

CotsMap(Vec2(-0.4, -0.5), Vec2(-0.5, -0.4), Vec2(+0.2, +0.8), Vec2(+0.8, -0.2), by_noise)
by_noise CotsMap(a, b, c, d,

Here a gentle curvature in two directions:

gray = Uniform(0.5)
blue = Uniform(0, 0, 1)
green = Uniform(0, 1, 0)
grate0 = Grating(Vec2(), blue, Vec2(0.1, 0), gray, 1, 0.5)
grate1 = Grating(Vec2(), green, Vec2(0, 0.1), gray, 1, 0.5)
bg_grid = Add(grate0, grate1)

CotsMap(Vec2(+0.1, -0.6), Vec2(+0.7, +0.2), Vec2(-0.5, +0.9), Vec2(-0.8, -0.5), bg_grid)
bg_grid CotsMap(a, b, c, d, bg_grid)

Here are several variations on two nested CotsMap operators. Generally COTS transforms impart log spiral curvature along the two orthogonal axes of the input texture. Nesting them allows more complex kinds of curvature.

magenta = Uniform(1, 0, 1)
mg_los = LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.05, 0.05, 0.01, 0.02, magenta, gray)
CotsMap(Vec2(+0.1, -0.2), Vec2(+0.7, +0.8), Vec2(-0.3, +0.4), Vec2(-0.5, -0.6), CotsMap(Vec2(-0.4, -0.5), Vec2(-0.5, -0.4), Vec2(+0.2, +0.8), Vec2(+0.8, -0.2), mg_los))
mg_los CotsMap(a, b, c, d, CotsMap(e, f, g, h, mg_los)) 1

And two more variations on this theme:

CotsMap(Vec2(+0.2, +0.1), Vec2(+0.4, +0.7), Vec2(+0.5, +0.6), Vec2(+0.7, +0.4),
        CotsMap(Vec2(-0.7, -0.2), Vec2(-0.5, -0.4), Vec2(-0.6, -0.3), Vec2(-0.1, -0.6),

CotsMap(Vec2(+0.6, +0.0), Vec2(+0.2, +0.8), Vec2(+0.7, +0.4), Vec2(+0.8, +0.6), CotsMap(Vec2(-0.6, -0.2), Vec2(-0.3, -0.3), Vec2(-0.2, -0.5), Vec2(-0.7, -0.6), mg_los))
CotsMap(a, b, c, d,
        CotsMap(e, f, g, h, mg_los)) 2 CotsMap(a, b, c, d,
        CotsMap(e, f, g, h, mg_los)) 3
June 17, 2020

Prototype COTS maps

Shortly after adding MobiusTransform on January 28, I saw a listing of papers in the next issue of ACM Transactions on Graphics. One paper seemed related to the Möbius transformation: Corner-operated Tran-similar (COTS) Maps, Patterns, and Lattices by Jarek Rossignac. He patiently answered my questions and told me sample code was forthcoming (now here, in the form of an interactive demo).

Jarek begins his paper saying “The planar COTS map proposed here takes the unit square to a region R bounded by four log-spiral edges. It is Corner-operated (controlled by the four corners of R) and Tran-similar (it maps translations to similarities)...” But as it turns out, more generally, these COTS transformations define a mapping from the real plane ℝ² onto itself. This is exactly the property needed by a TexSyn “warping” operator. COTS maps are described as 2d “curvilinear rectangles” bounded by four log-spiral edges which can be specified, and directly manipulated, using four control points at the “corners.” COTS maps have several other useful properties, which are described in Jarek's paper and interactive demo. This is Figure 1 of the paper, “Examples of the 4DoF distortion-space of the COTS map”:

Figure 1 of
        “Corner-operated Tran-similar (COTS) Maps, Patterns, and

The demo code was written in the Processing language. I took a portion of it, converting it to c++, and changing it to use TexSyn's Vec2 class in place of its own. I defined a prototype CotsMap texture operator, initially just to test the geometric code, by showing which points are inside the rectangle. This shows the first test, an image of the unit square under a COTS transform defined by the four highlighted corners:

image of unit
        square transformed by COTS map

Then I defined the “local space” of the unit square is procedurally colored using HSV so hue varies across x, saturation varies along y, and value is 0.5:

        square with UV converted to HS of HSV color space

This is the same COTS transform, without clipping to the unit square. Here each (per pixel) sample point is passed through the inverse COTS map, which defines a pattern everywhere on the texture plane:

Like previous,
        without clipping to unit square.

Two more versions of the same COTS maps, now operating in the normal TexSyn fashion, warping a procedurally defined Texture: here a pair of crossed Gratings and a Furbulence noise pattern. With this choice of corners (shown as four colored rings) the CotsMap texture operator is behaving rather like the Wrap operator ( January 15):

COTS transformation
        of grid texture. COTS transformation of
        noise texture.
June 14, 2020

Refactor interpolate — floating point versus math

“Nothing Is Easy” — Jethro Tull

Following on from June 10, I was going to finish switching textures from using raw interpolate() to the new Texture::interpolatePointOnTextures() utility. I started with SoftMatte, I duplicated it then changed this “SoftMatte2” to use the new utility, a trivial change. I made a little test case and rendered it. Everything looked fine. Then “just to be sure” (famous last words) I compared the new and old version with Texture::diff() to ensure they produced exactly the same texture. They did not.

I measured super tiny mismatches (e.g., RGB component differences of 5.96046e-08) in about 0.1% of the pixels. Here is the code, and a version of Texture::diff() modified to show a binary map of mismatched pixels (since the actual brightness differences were too small to be seen):

p1 = Vec2(0, 0)
p2 = Vec2(0.1, 0.2)
red = Uniform(1, 0, 0) blue = Uniform(0, 0, 1) green = Uniform(0, 1, 0) white = Uniform(1, 1, 1) black = Uniform(0, 0, 0) noise1 = Noise(p1, p2, red, blue) noise2 = Brownian(p1, p2, blue, green)
grate = Grating(p1, white, p2, black, 0.5, 0.5)
Texture::diff(SoftMatte(grate, noise1, noise2), SoftMatte2(grate, noise1, noise2)
Texture::diff(SoftMatte(grate, noise1, noise2),
        SoftMatte2(grate, noise1, noise2)

While aimlessly searching for the cause of this, I noticed it was the alpha==1 case where it was happening, so substituted a uniform white texture for grate. This increased the frequency of mismatched pixels to about 0.7% (which seemed to roughly follow the most blue parts of the noise2 texture):

Texture::diff(SoftMatte(white, noise1, noise2),
              SoftMatte2(white, noise1, noise2))
Texture::diff(SoftMatte(white, noise1, noise2),
        SoftMatte2(white, noise1, noise2))

On a hunch I Googled “5.96046e-08” and decided this was probably an issue specifically related to floating point representation. I tried rewriting (“refactoring” in the original mathematical sense) the body of the basic generic interpolation utility (a c++ “template”):

// Before, with one multiply:
return x0 + ((x1 - x0) * alpha);

// After, with two multiplies:
return (x0 * (1 - alpha)) + (x1 * alpha);

Algebraically these are equivalent, but have “different rounding properties” when used with floating point arithmetic, as Robert Bridson explained when I asked about this. With this change, interpolate() and Texture::interpolatePointOnTextures() now match exactly, as verified by Texture::diff(). The upshot is, I think, that the new code was fine. Instead the problem was in the basic interpolate() which long predates TexSyn's entire codebase, perhaps by decades. The original motivation for the “one multiply” version of linear interpolation was to “save time” because “multiplies are expensive” — which today are long-outdated rules of thumb.

June 10, 2020

Optimization (of questionable value) for inherent matting

In the earlier (2008-2010) version of this library, the SoftMatte operator performed all interpolation between textures. It had a special optimization for when the “alpha” interpolation parameter was 0 or 1. In those cases only one of the two textures is relevant to the result, so the irrelevant texture can be completely ignored. That is, we can skip computing the color of the irrelevant texture for a given pixel. This matters primarily for the slow convolution-based textures: Blur, EdgeEnhance, and EdgeDetect,

If we assume that alpha ranges uniformly over [0, 1] it would only rarely take on those exact values. (And in fact, in TexSyn, alpha can be anywhere on the range of floating point numbers: [-∞, ∞].) However the pattern generators used by Spot, Gradation, and Grating (plus, to a lesser extent, the noise textures) will “often” produce values of 0 or 1. For example Spot is 1 inside its inner radius and 0 outside its outer radius. Gradation is 0 or 1 everywhere except in the transition band between two half-planes.

In my simple handmade examples in this document, there tend to be lots of pixels where two textures are being interpolated with an alpha of 0 or 1. I suspect it will be much less so “in production” when genetic programming is breeding textures to blend in with photographs of the natural world. However since it is easy to implement, I added this supposed optimization. Texture::interpolatePointOnTextures()—a new utility to be called from specific overloads of Texture::getColor()—takes an alpha, a position, and two texture references. I updated Spot, Gradation, and Grating to use this utility. I should later do the same for the noise textures.

I also decided to roll back the “gamma correction and waveform generators” experiment proposed on May 18 (and May 10). I don't think it reliably does what I hoped it would (because it de-gamma-s the waveform, not the full color result) and it just seem counter to the approach: “work in linear space, apply output gamma only at very end of process.”

As to the best result that this optimization might lead to, consider this grid texture, the sum of two gratings:

b1 = Uniform(Color(0, 0, 1.0))
b2 = Uniform(Color(0, 0, 0.2))
g1 = Uniform(Color(0, 0.7, 0))
g2 = Uniform(Color(0, 0.05, 0))
blues = Grating(Vec2(), b1, Vec2(-0.03, 0.09), b2, 0.2, 0.2)
greens = Grating(Vec2(), g1, Vec2(0.03, 0.09), g2, 0.2, 0.2)
grid = Add(blues, greens)

Here is the Blur of grid with a kernel width of 0.1:

blurred = Blur(0.1, grid)

And here is a small Spot with the blurred texture inside and grid outside. Before today's change, for each pixel rendered—that is, for each call to that Spot's getColor()—calls were made to getColor() for both blurred and grid. For all the pixels outside the spot, the color returned from blurred is multiplied by a weight of zero. With today's fix, the expensive Blur is only called where its weight is non-zero: inside a circle of radius 0.2 around the origin.

The before and after textures are identical, but the new one was about 17 times faster than the old one. As described above, the key ratio is not that 1:17 but rather how often that speed-up would actually occur in practice.

Spot(Vec2(), 0.15, blurred, 0.2, grid)

Side note: I had been procrastinating about making this change for a while, then was reminded of it by a post on LinkedIn by Frank Nielsen. It was sort of a retroactive “poster” for his 1998 paper Grouping and Querying: A Paradigm to Get Output-Sensitive Algorithms. Seeing that made me realize that the rendering improvement above was a form of “output-sensitive algorithm” — depending not on the number of pixels rendered, but on the number of them that would actually appear in the output.

June 7, 2020

48 textures

During the merging, rearranging, bug fixing, etc., I made a tool to verify that all expected Texture types were defined and operating as intended. I had not been keeping track, but it turns out there are now 48 types of Textures defined. There are thumbnail images for each, and below that, the actual expressions used to generate them. The bug was introduced while making the noise textures use the “two point” characterization. It incorrectly applied the noise pattern transformation (from two-point) to the input textures instead of just the noise pattern.

48 Textures
// These are the TexSyn expressions for those 48 textures:
Spot(p1, 0.1, t1, 0.2, t2)
Gradation(p1, t1, p2, t2)
Grating(p1, t1, p3, t2, 1, 0.5)
SoftMatte(t1, t2, t3)
Add(t1, t2)
Subtract(t1, t2)
Multiply(t1, t2)
Max(t1, t2)
Min(t1, t2)
AbsDiff(t1, t2)
Noise(p1, p2, t1, t2)
Brownian(p1, p2, t1, t2)
Turbulence(p1, p2, t1, t2)
Furbulence(p1, p2, t1, t2)
Wrapulence(p1, p2, t1, t2)
MultiNoise(p1, p2, t1, t2, 0.5)
ColorNoise(p1, p2, 0.5)
BrightnessToHue(0.5, t1)
Wrap(2, p1, p2, t1)
StretchSpot(5, 1, p1, t1)
Stretch(Vec2(2, 3), p2, t1)
SliceGrating(p3, p2, t1)
SliceToRadial(p3, p2, t1)
SliceShear(p3, p2, t1, Vec2(0.4, 0.1), p1, t2)
Colorize(Vec2(1, 0.2), p1, t2, t3)
MobiusTransform(p3, p1, Vec2(0.4, 0.1), p2, t1)
Scale(0.5, t1)
Rotate(0.5, t1)
Translate(p1, t1)
Blur(0.2, t1)
SoftThreshold(0, 1, t1)
EdgeDetect(0.1, t1)
EdgeEnhance(0.1, 1, t1)
AdjustHue(0.25, t1)
AdjustSaturation(0.5, t1)
AdjustBrightness(0.5, t1)
Twist(10, 2, p1, t1)
BrightnessWrap(0.4, 0.6, t3)
Mirror(p3, p2, t1)
Ring(9, p3, p1, t1)
Row(Vec2(0.1, 0.1), p1, t1)
Shader(Vec3(1, 1, 1), 0.2, t1, t3)
LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05, 0.01, t1, t2)
ColoredSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05, 0.01, t1, t2)
LotsOfButtons(0.8, 0.1, 0.4, 0.05, 0.01, p1, t1, 1, t2)
Gamma(0.5, t3)
RgbBox(0.2, 1, 0, 0.2, 0.2, 1, t1)

// Based on these variables:
p1 = Vec2(-0.1, 0)
p2 = Vec2(0.1, 0)
p3 = Vec2(0.4, 0.6)
black = Uniform(Color(0, 0, 0))
white = Uniform(Color(1, 1, 1))
red = Uniform(Color(1, 0, 0))
cyan = Uniform(Color(0, 1, 1))
t1 = Grating(Vec2(0, 0.2), white, Vec2(0, 0), cyan, 0.1, 0.5)
t2 = Grating(Vec2(0.1, 0), black, Vec2(0, 0), red, 0.1, 0.5)
t3 = ColorNoise(p1, p3, 0.2)
June 5, 2020

Not-so-grand unification of Generator and Operator

As mentioned on December 19, what I later called “inherent matting” (May 14) means that almost all Texture classes now have at least one Texture among their input parameters. (Previously, a Generator, like Spot, had parameters of type float, position, and color—but not texture. Now instead of an inside and outside Color, its parameters now include an inside and and outside Texture.) In fact the only Texture classes that now do not take a Texture parameter are Uniform and ColorNoise.

As a result, I don't think it makes sense to retain the source file Generator.h nor its category-defining base class Generator. (Which class was never used for anything.) So today I merged the content of Generator.h into Operator.h, plus some related cleanup. One downside is that Operator.h, which was already inconveniently long, is now even longer.

June 3, 2020

Experimental RgbBox color remapping

I had considered exposing the Color::clipToUnitRGB() as a texture operator. It is normally used at the end of the texture synthesis pipeline, just before output gamma correction. In TexSyn, RGB color components are allowed to take on any floating point value, Color::clipToUnitRGB() clips them to be non-negative, and clips positive RGB triplets, as if they were a 3d ray, against the three “bright” faces of the unit color cube. I speculated this sort of clipping might provide some additional utility in defining textures.

I decided to try a more generalized version of this as RgbBox. It maps the unit RGB cube to a axis-aligned “box” within the unit cube. Its parameters are the min and max bounds of the box for each of red, green, and blue — plus an input texture. It first does the clipToUnitRGB() then linearly “remaps” the range of each component from the interval [0, 1] to [min, max]. These examples each use this cn texture, similar to the final example yesterday.

p1 = Vec2 p1(2, 3)
p2 = p1 + Vec2(-1, 3).normalize() * 0.3
cn = ColorNoise(p1, p2, 0.6)
ColorNoise(p1, p2, 0.6)
// Here red is on[0, 0.3], green on [0.3, 0.6], and blue [0.6, 0.9].
RgbBox(0.0, 0.3,  0.3, 0.6,  0.6, 0.9,  cn)
RgbBox(0.0, 0.3, 0.3,
        0.6, 0.6, 0.9, cn)
// Here red is pushed up, green is midrange, and blue unchanged.
RgbBox(0.5, 1.0,  0.2, 0.6,  0.0, 1.0,  cn)
RgbBox(0.5, 1.0, 0.2,
        0.6, 0.0, 1.0, cn)
// Here red is pushed up, green even more so, and blue pushed down.
RgbBox(0.5, 1.0, 0.7, 1.0, 0.0, 0.2, cn)
RgbBox(0.5, 1.0, 0.7,
        1.0, 0.0, 0.2, cn)
// The floor of red is pushed up (to 0.2) while green and blue are squished below it.
RgbBox(0.2, 1.0,  0.0, 0.2,  0.0, 0.2,  cn)
RgbBox(0.2, 1.0, 0.0,
        0.2, 0.0, 0.2, cn)
June 2, 2020

New “two point” specification for other noise-based textures

Following on from May 31, I refactored the new “two point” version of Noise to make it easy to customize which scalar noise pattern to use. Then I derived the other noise patterns from that, leading to less code duplication overall. First, here are the other four noise patterns—Brownian, Turbulence, Furbulence, and Wrapulence—each shown for two pairs of points.

p1 = Vec2(10, 3)
p2 = p1 + Vec2(-1, 3).normalize() * 0.4
p3 = Vec2(-1, 4)
p4 = p3 + Vec2(4, 1).normalize() * 0.2
red = Uniform(1, 0, 0)
dark_blue = Uniform (0, 0, 0.1)

Brownian(p1, p2, red, dark_blue) Brownian(p3, p4, red, dark_blue)
Brownian(p1, p2,
        red, dark_blue) Brownian(p3, p4, red,
Turbulence(p1, p2, red, dark_blue)
Turbulence(p3, p4, red, dark_blue)
        p2, red, dark_blue) Turbulence(p3, p4,
        red, dark_blue)
Furbulence(p1, p2, red, dark_blue)
Furbulence(p3, p4, red, dark_blue)
        p2, red, dark_blue) Furbulence(p3, p4,
        red, dark_blue)
Wrapulence2(p1, p2, red, dark_blue)
Wrapulence2(p3, p4, red, dark_blue)
        p2, red, dark_blue) Wrapulence2(p3, p4,
        red, dark_blue)

In addition MultiNoise was updated to “two points”, which look identical to the textures above.

Finally two ColorNoise with a third parameter of 0.6 which selects a “disaligned” Furbulence for each primary.

ColorNoise(p1, p2, 0.6)
ColorNoise(p3, p4, 0.6)
        p2, 0.6) ColorNoise(p3, p4, 0.6)
May 31, 2020

New “two point” specification for Noise

When the Noise texture was first described on January 3, it included this design note: I don't like that the noise pattern is always “axis aligned” in this formulation. I could add a rotation angle. But I am leaning toward changing to a specification with two points (Vec2s)—like used in Gradation—or a point and a basis vector to specify a whole transform: translation, rotation, and scale.

That change has now been made. I was worried back then about making a non-backward-compatible change. But over the last month I have developed a workable scheme for backward compatibility. (So the old specification still works after the new one was added.) In the new style, the parameters to Noise are: two points and two textures. The two points define a full transformation of the texture plane including translation, rotation, and scale. It operates like “two finger” gestures on a touch screen (drag, pinch, twist). Below are two identical textures, one defined by the old specification (with center point and scale) and one by the new specification with two points. In the latter, the origin point is indicated with a red spot, the other point is green. (Note the magenta “bulb” near the red point and the green point nearby. The noise is transformed to keep the two points aligned with the corresponding parts of the texture, as in the other examples below.)

// Full texture expression shown at end of this post.
s = 0.4
Noise(s, Vec2(0, 0), gray, magenta)
Noise(Vec2(0, 0), Vec2(s, 0), gray, magenta)
Noise(s, Vec2(0, 0),
        gray, magenta) Noise(Vec2(0, 0),
        Vec2(s, 0), gray, magenta)

The Noise pattern's transform is based on the line segment between the two points. It can be thought of as corresponding to the unit basis vector of the texture's x axis. The texture center moves to the first point. The texture rotates to align with the tangent vector of the line segment. The texture scales with the length of the segment. In these examples, both points are within the unit radius rendered extent of the texture. They are in fact allowed to be anywhere on the texture plane. In the textures below, the two points are symmetric about the origin. In the second one they have each moved to 1/4 of the previous distance. This changes the scale while position and orientation stay fixed.

Noise(Vec2(0.38, 0.13), Vec2(-0.38, -0.13), gray, magenta)
Noise(Vec2(0.09, 0.03), Vec2(-0.09, -0.03), gray, magenta)
        0.13), Vec2(-0.38, -0.13), gray, magenta) Noise(Vec2(0.09,
        0.03), Vec2(-0.09, -0.03), gray, magenta)

Two more examples:

Noise(Vec2(-0.3, -0.8), Vec2(0.2, 0.8), gray, magenta)
Noise(Vec2(-0.3, 0.7), Vec2(-0.25, 0.68), gray, magenta)
        -0.8), Vec2(0.2, 0.8), gray, magenta) Noise(Vec2(-0.3,
        0.7), Vec2(-0.25, 0.68), gray, magenta)


// The textures above were defined by this expression. (No Spots for first one.)
Spot(p1, spot_ir, red, spot_or,
     Spot(p2, spot_ir, green, spot_or,
                                  Noise(p1, p2, black, white)),
May 26, 2020

Prototype anti-aliasing

Describing MobiusTransform on January 28, I point out the aliasing (“under-sampling confetti”) in areas where the transform strongly compresses its input texture. In a transformation like this, spatial frequencies in the input can be shifted up arbitrarily high by geometric compression. The point sampling used by TexSyn's rendering will inevitably fail in this case. Since then, Blur was implemented with a stochastic sampling approach using a jittered grid of subsamples. I realized the same approach, even the same code, could be re-purposed to approximate area sampling with a jittered grid of point samples within each pixel. Shown below is the fourth example from January 28 (updated for changes in Grating and gamma correction) then renderings of the same texture at 5x5, 7x7, and 10x10 subsampling per pixel.

While this additional sampling helps significantly, the test case below is pretty hard to get correct, and indeed, there is still some low amplitude confetti noise in the region of high contraction. Also note that this is a global setting, so cannot be used “only where needed.” Absolutely no adaptive detection of aliasing artifacts is supported.

float f = 1.0
float d = 0.1  // Changed from 0.3 to 0.1 to compensate for May 6 gamma change.
full_green = Uniform(Color(f, 0, 0))
dark_green = Uniform(Color(d, 0, 0))
full_red = Uniform(Color(0, f, 0))
dark_red =Uniform(Color(0, d, 0))
red_stripes = Grating(Vec2(0, 0), full_red, Vec2(0.1, 0.1), dark_red, 0.3, 0.5)
green_stripes = Grating(Vec2(0, 0), full_green, Vec2(-0.1, 0.1), dark_green, 0.3, 0.5)
plaid = Add(red_stripes, green_stripes);

MobiusTransform(Vec2( 0.246782, -0.338772),
                Vec2(-1.73553,  -0.969689),
                Vec2( 0.535863, -1.75309),
                Vec2(-0.201844, -0.394775),

5x5 jittered grid, 25 subsamples per pixel.

        subsamples=25 (5x5)

7x7 jittered grid, 49 subsamples per pixel.

        subsamples=49 (7x7)

10x10 jittered grid, 100 subsamples per pixel.

        subsamples=100 (10x10)

Update the next morning: I was curious about that remaining “confetti noise” in the previous image. Will that persist regardless of how many point samples are averaged together? I decided to crank it up to see if I could get the noise to fade away. (I have plenty of time: I'm retired, and we're in the middle of a pandemic. But I'm being melodramatic, the render below took about 5 minutes.) The formerly “confetti” area to the right of center is now an apparently flat field of yellow. There are eight little “moiré rosettes” arranged in a circle around the flat color area. I am not certain if I am looking at actual features of this plaid pattern as seen through this MobiusTransform, or if they are just a deeper level of aliasing artifacts.

150x150 jittered grid, 22500 subsamples per pixel.

        subsamples=22500 (150x150)
May 25, 2020

D'oh! Switch back to row-by-row parallelism

On March 30 I mentioned discovering that my multi-threaded texture rendering code essentially duplicated a feature already provided in OpenCV: cv::Mat::forEach(). It is kind of embarrassing to code from scratch something you could have just called from a library. My dignity was partially preserved because my version was about 11% faster than the similar code from OpenCV. I suspect the difference may be that my code created a thread for each row of the image, while cv::Mat::forEach() makes a thread for each pixel. It may turn out that the overhead for running a new thread, and/or waiting for mutex locks, is in the same ballpark as rendering one pixel of a TexSyn texture. If so, a thread per pixel may be “excessive parallelism.”

In any case, I write today because I noticed that the #ifdef I used to compare those two implementations, was still there, and still set to use the slightly slower OpenCV version. I fixed that and tried some tests. Recall that Blur uses a stochastic sparse convolution. The good news is that textures 2-4 all take the same amount of time, unrelated to kernel size. The bad news is that results become noisier as kernel size increases. This can be adjusted by increasing Blur::sqrt_of_subsample_count from its default value of 11, but that is a global setting, and so not a convenient solution. (I increased it today to 30 to slow down rendering to better measure performance numbers.)

grating = Grating grating(Vec2(), yellow, Vec2(0.2, 0), blue, 0.01, 0.5)
Blur(0.1, grating)
grating Blur(0.1, grating)
Blur(0.2, grating)
Blur(0.4, grating)
Blur(0.2, grating) Blur(0.4, grating)
May 24, 2020

Inherent matting for other noise textures

Following on from May 20, after some intervening improvements on the noise utilities, I upgraded Brownian, Turbulence, Furbulence, Wrapulence, and MultiNoise to use input parameters that are textures rather than colors. Here are examples of Noise, Brownian, Turbulence, Furbulence, and Wrapulence. I tested MultiNoise but its output is identical to the others for appropriate parameters — its final parameter selects between the noise types below.

Noise(0.3, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan)
Noise(0.3, Vec2(), yellow, red)
Brownian(0.3, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan)
Brownian(0.3, Vec2(), yellow, red)
        Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan) Brownian(0.3,
        Vec2(), yellow, red)
Turbulence(0.3, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan)
Turbulence(0.3, Vec2(), yellow, red)
Turbulence(0.3, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan) Turbulence(0.3,
        Vec2(), yellow, red)
Furbulence(0.3, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan)
Furbulence(0.3, Vec2(), yellow, red)
Furbulence(0.3, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan) Furbulence(0.3,
        Vec2(), yellow, red)
Wrapulence(0.3, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan)
Wrapulence(0.3, Vec2(), yellow, red)
Wrapulence(0.3, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan) Wrapulence(0.3,
        Vec2(), yellow, red)

One more slightly less trivial example: a four color pattern. A simple Perlin Noise texture modulates two higher frequency textures: a yellow and red Furbulence, and a blue and cyan Brownian.

Noise(0.2, Vec2(1, 2),
      Furbulence(0.1, Vec2(3, -2), yellow, red),
      Brownian(0.1, Vec2(-1, 5), blue, cyan))
less trivial
May 23, 2020

Fixing noise range, again

Well that did not last long. I moved on to making the other noise textures conform to the new “inherent matting” approach. Then I recalled that all of the multi-octave fractal noise generators actually call PerlinNoise::noise2d() instead of PerlinNoise::unitNoise2d() which is where I made yesterday's change. The problem was deeper, in the “raw” Perlin noise generator, whose output range was hand-waving-ly described as being on [-1, 1] but measured (over 10 million random Vec2s) to be closer to [-0.7, 0.7]. It now maps its internal result on [-0.7, 0.7] to the nominal output range [-1, 1], as shown in the histogram below. Now unitNoise2d() just remaps [-1, 1] values onto [0, 1].

May 22, 2020

Belatedly adjusting the range of Noise

I decided the issues I was wrestling with (Noise, inherent matting, gamma) were exacerbated by my poorly calibrated Perlin noise generator. Specifically, the utility function named PerlinNoise::unitNoise2d() promises that its output ranges over [0, 1]. But (as the first histogram from yesterday showed) its actual range looked more like [0.1, 0.85]. These “dead zones” at the top and bottom prevented good “inherent matting” — and in combination with gamma correction the bottom (dark) dead zone covered nearly half of the dynamic range. (I think I had originally assumed (in a linear color space) that GP evolution would easily adjust for these range artifacts. But now, with gamma correction, it seems more problematic.)

So today I readjusted the output range of PerlinNoise::unitNoise2d(). Fortunately it already called the (strict) linear range-adjusting utility remapIntervalClip(), in an earlier attempt to re-range the raw PerlinNoise::noise2d() into [0, 1]. So all I had to do was pick better bounds than the previous [-1, 1]. These new values: [-0.75, 0.80], are completely ad hoc, based only on measuring what happens to come out of the current implementation my noise generator. I adjusted the bounds so that in the 100 bucket histograms, the top and bottom values were not zero and were not much bigger than the adjacent bucket. (That is: bucket 0 has a value near that of bucket 1, similarly 98 and 99.) Here are the new histograms, after adjusting the output range of PerlinNoise::noise2d() for both (the old, obsolete) linear gamma, and for the current gamma of 2.2. Compare these to the first two histograms from May 21.

Noise(0.1, Vec2(), black, white)
Noise(0.1, Vec2(), black, white)
Histogram for
        Noise luminance, gamma=1.0     Histogram for Noise luminance, gamma=2.2

Here is that grayscale Noise texture at linear gamma (just for comparison) and at now default 2.2 gamma.

        gamma=1.0, grayscale Noise,
        gamma=2.2, grayscale

And here are the latter (gamma = 2.2) with the input textures as the two striped “inherent matting” test patterns (from May 14) and two Uniform textures in yellow and red:

Noise(0.1, Vec2(), black_red, white_cyan)
Noise(0.1, Vec2(), yellow, red)
        gamma=2.2, inherent matting Noise,
        gamma=2.2, colors
May 21, 2020

Noise and gamma

As mentioned yesterday, I needed to measure the luminance distribution of my Perlin noise generators. I did a lot of measurement back in January but now realize I made the mistake of characterizing the luminance distribution only in terms of max and min. I was probably thrown off by a few outliers, a rare very bright or very dark point in the noise. This exaggerated the typical range of the noise generator. Today I made a histogram with 100 integer “buckets” . During rendering I convert pixel luminance to a index on [0, 99] and increment the corresponding bucket.

Here is how it looked, before May 6, with linear gamma. The distribution (see histogram below) is centered, but misses at least 10% at both dark and light ends of the (sRGB) color space. For “inherent matting” we want to see one input texture in the bright areas of noise, and the other input texture in dark areas of noise. If it never gets below 10% or above 90% we will always see a mixture of the input textures.

// All made with these definitions:
Noise(0.1, Vec2(), white, black)
Noise(0.1, Vec2(), white_cyan, black_red)
Noise grayscale
        gamma=1.0 Noise matting gamma=1.0
Histogram of Noise
        grayscale gamma=1.0

Below is how it has been since May 6 , with gamma of 2.2 applied at the end. I interpret the histogram shifting to the right (bright) side as the intended effect of gamma correction, pushing up the mid-range values. The result of this for “inherent matting” is that one input texture is visible in most places, with occasional place were we can see a bit of the other input texture.

Noise grayscale
        gamma=2.2 Noise matting gamma=2.2
Histogram of Noise
        grayscale gamma=2.2

Below is with gamma of 2.2 and a “de-gamma” applied to the scalar noise amplitude. This is like the previous one, but worse.

Noise grayscale
        gamma=2.2 with de-gamma Noise matting
        gamma=2.2 with de-gamma
Histogram of
        Noise grayscale gamma=2.2 with de-gamma


May 20, 2020

Noise, inherent matting, and disappointment...

I began to convert the various generators based on Perlin noise to support recent design changes: to accept general Texture references instead of Colors, and to “de-gamma” their waveform, which is to say, their basic scalar noise amplitude. The first results, here with Noise, were disappointing. Here are two versions of Noise, first changed to take textures as input (“inherent matting” using the same two textures introduced on May 14), and then the same with “de-gamma” of noise amplitude:

Noise(0.2, Vec2(), white_cyan, black_red)
Noise with
        inherent matting Noise with
        inherent matting and de-gamma

I find these disappointing because they are so mushy and indistinct. Almost the entire texture is a mixture of the two input textures. I am trying to decide is this is a real problem, or just bad expectations. I think in my mind I was picturing something a bit more like this:

// What I was hoping to see:
SoftMatte(SoftThreshold(0.2, 0.6, Noise(0.2, Vec2(-5, 3), white, black)),

I need to look at the distribution of values coming out of the basic noise utilities and see if they are what I expect. Yes, I know, I should have done this back on January 3.

May 18, 2020

Gamma correction and waveform generators

On May 10 I discuss gamma adjusting the Gradient waveform. The goal there was to make sure the “top/bright/1” part of the periodic waveform appear as wide as the “bottom/dark/0” part of the waveform. I felt unsettled about the design issue since there are other places in TexSyn that similarly define a scalar/monochrome “matte” texture, then use that to SoftMatte between two other textures. These experiments use Spot and Gradation. The noise textures are in this same category.

The images below are from Texture::diff() showing two given textures and their AbsDiff. The first image is the old version, second has de-gamma applied to the Spot or Gradation waveform before the interpolation happens.

For the case of Spot, the difference is obvious: in the second image the bright central area extends further out along the radius. It is less clear which is “better.” Unsurprisingly the third “diff image” shows that the two images differ very little in the bright center or in the dark outer ring. Almost all of the affect of gamma correction is in the mid-tones, leading to the “doughnut shaped” difference image.

black = Uniform(Color(0, 0, 0))
white = Uniform(Color(1, 1, 1))

Texture::diff(Spot (Vec2(), 0.1, white, 1.0, black), Spot2(Vec2(), 0.1, white, 1.0, black))

For the Gradation comparison below, I think the new version (second image) is better. The mid-point of the gray scale transition seems to fall closer to the geometric center.

Texture::diff(Gradation (Vec2(0.6, 0.6), black, Vec2(-0.6, -0.6), white),
              Gradation2(Vec2(0.6, 0.6), black, Vec2(-0.6, -0.6), white))

So: Grating and Gradation seem better with “de-gamma-ed” waveform. I will keep this new version. I will plan to make the same change to the various Perlin noise based operators, as I convert them to “inherent matting.” To keep things more consistent, I will re-render yesterday's textures to use this new gamma approach.

May 17, 2020

Inherent matting for Spot, Gradient, and Grating

Continuing with the “inherent matting” theme from May 14: three basic Generators are changed to take two Texture references where they used to allow only Color values. For example, Spot previously took an inside_color and an outside_color, now it takes an inside_texture and an outside_texture:

// Define Spot with white_cyan/black_red as its input parameters.
Spot(Vec2(0, 0), 0.2, white_cyan, 0.9, black_red)
Spot with Texture inputs
// Similarly, a diagonal Gradation using white_cyan/black_red.
Gradation(Vec2(0.7, -0.7), white_cyan, Vec2(-0.7, 0.7), black_red)
Gradation with
        Texture inputs
// A Grating using white_cyan/black_red, 20% square-wave with 30% duty-cycle.
Grating(Vec2(0.1, -0.2), white_cyan, Vec2(-0.1, 0.2), black_red, 0.2, 0.3)
Grating with Texture
// Interesting mistake, first thing I typed in, Grating happens to align with "black_red".
Grating(Vec2(0.1, 0), white_cyan, Vec2(-0.1, 0), black_red, 0.2, 0.5)
// Define "white_cyan"/"black_red" as before, using Uniform texture in place of Color.
black = Uniform(Color(0, 0, 0))
white = Uniform(Color(1, 1, 1))
red = Uniform(Color(1, 0, 0))
cyan = Uniform(Color(0, 1, 1))
white_cyan = Grating(Vec2(0, 0.2), white, Vec2(0, 0), cyan, 0.1, 0.5)
black_red = Grating(Vec2(0.1, 0), black, Vec2(0, 0), red, 0.1, 0.5)
May 15, 2020

Backward compatibility: our little secret

Several recent changes involved retrofitting new features (margins between spots, inherent matting, duty cycle) into existing texture classes. These required adding or changing parameters to texture constructors. My goal has been to, where possible, provide backward compatibility for the old version, so that old examples (below, in this file) will continue to work. This was done using the C++ feature allowing one class constructor to invoke another. So for example, consider Margins between spots, which added a new margin parameter in the middle of the old parameter list. I added a new “rewriting constructor” with the old parameters that merely forwards to the new constructor, inserting the 0 default for margin in its new place.

But it was slightly more complicated for Inherent matting where Color parameters were replaced with Texture references. The solution—to be used solely for this backward compatibility constructors—is a new function Texture::disposableUniform(color). This returns a const reference to a new instance of the tiny Uniform color texture. These need to persist as long as the main texture,  There are various ways to do this, I chose to use the “leak” form of memory management. (A handful of these tiny objects might get allocated during testing, they are not freed until the end of the run.) All code related to this idea is marked with a comment containing the string BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY. These objects should only be created in the context of building and testing TexSyn.

(Design note: The disposableUniform() function also prints a warning when it is called. Perhaps that can be made a fatal error in “production mode” if such a thing were to exist in the future.)

May 14, 2020

Inherent matting

Since December 19, 2019 this note has been on my TexSyn to-do list:

While writing Designing for genetic programming, I wondered: instead of giving Generators two Colors, what if we gave them two Textures? This effectively turns each Generator into a SoftMatte. This might be more “GP friendly” overall. This would mean all current Generators (except for Uniform?) would become Operators.

I am not quite ready to make that change, but I am creeping up on it, in the context of LotsOfSpots and friends. To unpack that note: Texture is TexSyn's base class for representing its model of textures. On top of Texture are two “category classes” Generator and Operator. These (as in the 2010-ish version of this library) serve no purpose other than to be the base class for two disjoint sets of concrete texture types. So for example, Spot's base class is Generator, as are the other Texture types whose parameters do not include Textures. Conversely, Operator is the base class for (e.g.) SoftMatte or Add, those that have one or more Textures among their parameters.

In the old library, Generators like Spot produced a monochrome signal to be manipulated by other operators. It would be as if LotsOfSpots always used white and black as its color parameters:

los = LotsOfSpots(0.9, 0.1, 0.4, 0.08, 0.03, Color(1, 1, 1), Color(0, 0, 0))
los =
        LotsOfSpots(0.9, 0.1, 0.4, 0.08, 0.03, w, b)

You (or GP evolution) could take that result then tint it, and add it to some other texture, etc. Or you could use SoftMatte to get the effect of current LotsOfSpots, where the basic texture is used to modulate between two colors, here represented as Uniform textures:

SoftMatte(los, Uniform(Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)), Uniform(Color(0.1, 0.6, 0.1)))
SoftMatte(los, gray, green)

Of course, this more general case allows using the los pattern to combine arbitrary textures, not just Uniforms:

black_red  = Grating(Vec2(0.1, 0), Color(0, 0, 0), Vec2(0, 0), Color(1, 0, 0), 0.1, 0.5)
white_cyan = Grating(Vec2(0, 0.2), Color(1, 1, 1), Vec2(0, 0), Color(0, 1, 1), 0.1, 0.5)
SoftMatte(los, black_red, white_cyan)

The textures above are simple to create with the current version of LotsOfSpots. It is easy because it is a pure Generator with no Texture parameters. The same is not true of its sibling classes ColoredSpots and LotsOfButtons. All three have a background_color parameter, with no convenient way to insert a background texture “behind” the spots. Say we wanted to define a texture somewhere between the texture below and the LotsOfButtons examples on April 6. This texture would have cyan and white stripes in the background, with a red spiral “button” on each spot. This is not impossible but a bit awkward. You would need a los matte as in the first texture above, then you would need a LotsOfButtons element (“lob”) as on April 6, but carefully constructed to exactly match the matte, then you could SoftMatte lob over the cyan-white grating, using los as the matte.

I have convinced myself this requires too much troubling code nesting “context” (in the sense described on December 19, 2019 and in my to-do note quoted at the top of this post). So I decided to change LotsOfSpots, ColoredSpots, and LotsOfButtons. to take a background_texture parameter instead of a background_color parameter. For the same reason, I think LotsOfSpots's spot_color parameter should become spot_texture. This implements inherent matting for the three “spots” operators. I strongly suspect I will go on to make a corresponding change to the other Generators, but that wait for later.

So after this change: here is LotsOfSpots with the same “spot geometry” parameters, but its last two parameters are now textures rather than colors. Instead of making a monochrome matte and using it with SoftMatte, we can now directly combine the two input textures (in this case two Gratings) according to the collection of spots. I reversed the roles of the two gratings just so this image is not identical to the previous one. Before this change, the last two parameters of LotsOfSpots were spot_color and background_color, now they are spot_texture and background_texture.

LotsOfSpots(0.9, 0.1, 0.4, 0.08, 0.03, white_cyan, black_red)
LotsOfSpots with
        spot_texture and background_texture

Similarly, after this change, the last parameter to LotsOfButtons is a background texture instead of a background color. Here is the twist texture (as described on April 6) used as the button_texture and white_cyan used as the background_texture. Note that the spots containing black and red spirals are in the same distribution as the ones containing black and red stripes above:

LotsOfButtons(0.9, 0.1, 0.4, 0.08, 0.03, Vec2(), twist, 1, white_cyan)
        with background_texture

Finally the new ColoredSpots with its new background_texture parameter. The spot colors come from a yellow-green Noise texture. They are “inherently matted” over a blue-gray Noise background texture:

ColoredSpots(0.6, 0.05, 0.1, 0.03, 0.01,
             Noise(0.30, Vec2(-3,2), Color(1, 1, 0), Color(0, 1, 0)),
             Noise(0.05, Vec2(3, 7), Color(0, 0, 1), Color(0.4, 0.4, 0.7)))
ColoredSpots with
May 13, 2020

Margins between spots

While prototyping LotsOfSpots (and its base-class-sharing friends ColoredSpots and LotsOfButtons) I originally intended to add a parameter for how much empty “margin” to leave between spots. At the time, I forgot to provide a parameter for this. So now when I finally get back to adding that functionality, I have a “legacy API” issue. Again, not a huge problem for software that currently has a user community of exactly one. But I have tried to provide backward compatibility, and generally want the older examples (below, in this document) to produce the same result. So in addition to adding the margin parameter and functionality, I also provided stubs for the old versions without margin, so those should continue to work.

The “margin” is used to establish an invisible boundary around each spot. Its “radius for placement” is its “radius for display” plus margin. The three texture operators (LotsOfSpots, ColoredSpots, and LotsOfButtons) had four parameters in common used by the shared base class. Now there are five. The new margin parameter is now the fifth parameter to each.

Five sample textures are shown below. The first three being identical calls to LotsOfSpots except for the new margin parameter which has values of: 0, 0.02, and 0.04. The last two textures are calls to ColoredSpots and LotsOfButtons with the same first five basic spot parameters as the third LotsOfSpots texture. As a result, the last three textures have identical arrangements of spots, with different renderings.

yellow = Color c1(0.7, 0.7, 0)
red = Color(0.9, 0, 0)

// LotsOfSpots with margin=0 (fifth parameter).
LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0, yellow, red)
        LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0, yellow, red)
// LotsOfSpots with margin=0.02 (fifth parameter).
LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0.02, yellow, red)
        LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0.02, yellow, red)
// LotsOfSpots with margin=0.04 (fifth parameter).
LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0.04, yellow, red)
        LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0.04, yellow, red)
// ColoredSpots with margin=0.04, same first five parameters, so same spot placement.
noise = Noise(0.03, Vec2(), yellow, red)
ColoredSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0.04, noise, red)
ColoredSpots(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0.04, noise, red)
// LotsOfButtons with margin=0.04, same first five parameters, so same spot placement.
LotsOfButtons(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0.04, Vec2(), noise, 1, red)
LotsOfButtons(0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.01, 0.04, Vec2(), noise, 1,
May 10, 2020

Gradient with “duty cycle” — asymmetrical stripes

This adds a parameter to Grating to control the relative width of the two “sub-stripes” of a Grating's waveform. In signal analysis this is sometimes called duty cycle. (This term is borrowed from hardware design, where it means the difference between say a motor meant to run continuously versus one that runs for short periods of time.) Below are three pairs, for three values of duty_cycle: 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8. A duty_cycle of 0.5 is the symmetrical version—as Grating was previously defined—the sub-stripes (here green and black) are approximately the same width.

duty_cycle is 0.2 — softness of 1.0 and 0.2:

        duty_cycle=0.2, softness=1 Grating
        duty_cycle=0.2, softness=0.2

duty_cycle is 0.5 — softness of 1.0 and 0.2:

        duty_cycle=0.5, softness=1 Grating
        duty_cycle=0.5, softness=0.2

duty_cycle is 0.8 — softness of 1.0 and 0.2:

        duty_cycle=0.8, softness=1 Grating
        duty_cycle=0.8, softness=0.2

I implemented this by “remapping” the cross-stripe parameter before it goes into the waveform generator (Grating::softSquareWave(Grating::dutyCycle(f))). My first attempt was based on a piecewise linear remapping composed of two ramps. That was OK but I worried about Mach bands where the ramps joined. So I looked into continuous versions of the remapping. These all “looked wrong.” Perhaps the issue was that they were not symmetrical across each sub-stripe and indeed the transitions were wider on one side of a sub-stripe than the other. I decided to live with any supposed Mach band artifacts and get on with my life. The textures above use the piecewise linear remapping.

// Grating with duty_cycle of 0.8 (so wide white, thin blue).
grating = Grating(Vec2(), Color(1, 1, 1), Vec2(0.04, 0.04), Color(0, 0, 1), 0.4, 0.8);
// A bit of smooth Perlin noise.
noise = Noise n(0.3, Vec2(2, 7), Color(), Color(1, 1, 1));
// Noise colorized with stripes to form a "coutour map".
Colorize(Vec2(1, 0), Vec2(), grating,  noise))
        duty_cycle=0.8 (wide white, thin blue) Colorize Noise with
May 10, 2020

Gamma adjust Gradient waveform

I mentioned this issue on May 5, Gradient stripes that had been symmetrical before the gamma changes are now asymmetrical. This added confusion during work on making stripes intentionally asymmetrical (see next post, above). My previous theory was this had to do with the colors involved. But I looked at black and white Gratings (or here, black and green) and felt the asymmetry was not acceptable. So I added a pre-de-gamma to the basic 1d waveform of a Grating. That waveform can range between a pure cosine wave or a square wave depending on the Grating parameter softness. Here are four textures: the previous and new versions, at softness values of 1.0 and 0.2. Note in the old soft version the green stripes appear much wider than the black stripes:

previous Grating,
        softness=1 previous Grating, softness=0.2

And this is the new gamma-adjusted version. The hard-edge Gratings are nearly the same. The transition regions in the soft-edged versions are different. In the new version, the green and black stripes are closer in width for both soft and hard edge versions:

new Grating,
        softness=1 new Grating, softness=0.2
May 7, 2020

Moving forward with new gamma

I made another commit today which cleaned out all the gamma related experiments from the last week or so. There were several temporary mode switches which conditionally used one approach to gamma handling or another. Now there is just one path left with no conditionalization: internally TexSyn assumes linear RGB space as before. Gamma correction is done exactly once (with γ=1/2.2, for sRGB) “on the way out” as image data is passed to OpenCV. Just as a reality check, without any special modes set, no tricks up my sleeves, this is a default render of two_spots, the test case inspired by Novak's article, now free of “dark rings”:

SoftMatte(Translate(Vec2(0.5, 0), spot),
          SoftMatte(Translate(Vec2(-0.5, 0), spot), green, red),
two_spots with new
        gamma handling

As noted yesterday, due to the change in gamma handling, running unmodified code from earlier examples (below, before yesterday) will now produce different results. However TexSyn will be used with a genetic programming optimizer, which can easily adapt to nonlinearities such as gamma correction. This comes down to changing a few of the numeric constant in a TexSyn expression. Here is one case in point. This rendered image is from April 7 (let's call this version 1):

LotsOfButtons version 1 (April 7)

Running that same code today produces this result, brighter and less saturated (let's call this version 2):

LotsOfButtons version 2

On the other hand, with just a change of numeric constants in the original TexSyn expression (see code details below) it is possible today to closely reproduce the look of the earlier example (let's call this version 3):

        version 3

For details on the original texture, see April 7. Here is basically the same code, with some RGB values that had been written as inline constants, pulled out as float variables m, n, and o:

// For "version 1" and "version 2", parameters from April 7:
m = 0.1
n = 0.3
o = 0.3

// For "version 3" hand tweaked today until they looked close:
m = 0.005
n = 0.25
o = 0.07

// Definition of "sixths" used for each button:
p1 = Vec2(-0.01, 0);
p2 = Vec2(+0.01, 0);
a3 = 2 * pi / 3
sixths = Translate(Vec2(0.5, 0.5),
                   Add(Gradation(p1.rotate(a3 * 2), Color(m, m, n),
                                 p2.rotate(a3 * 2), Color(n, n, n)),
                       Add(Gradation(p1.rotate(a3), Color(m, n, m),
                                     p2.rotate(a3), Color(n, n, n)),
                           Gradation(p1,            Color(n, m, m),
                                     p2,            Color(n, n, n)))))

// Overall texture:
LotsOfButtons(0.8, 0.04, 0.4, 0.02, Vec2(0.5, 0.5), sixths, 1, Color(o, o, o))
May 6, 2020

Gamma correction changed incompatibly!

“The deed is done!” The incompatible change discussed on May 4 and May 5 has now been made in this git commit. TexSyn operates internally as it did before May 2. It assumes all color values are in linear RGB space, as opposed to nonlinear (γ=2.2) sRGB space. So it does not “de-gamma” then “re-gamma” color values around operations like interpolation and low pass filtering, as described on May 2. It does, however, now apply a gamma correction (of γ=1/2.2, aka “re-gamma”) at the very end of the texture synthesis pipeline. Henceforth, Texsyn does its synthesis computation in linear RGB space, then at the end applies an sRGB display gamma before passing pixel color data on to OpenCV for output to display or file.

This means at all texture samples below from before this change, if re-rendered, will now appear different. They will generally be brighter and less saturated. On the plus side, certain color rendering “bugs” will be fixed, and TexSyn will be on a more sound basis in colorimetry. As a software guy, it pains me to make a change that is not backward-compatible, even if this library has exactly one user. I will make notes about this in the Introduction at the top of this document and in the entry for December 15, 2019 at the bottom.

May 5, 2020

Live in linear RGB space, gamma correct at end

Say I did re-re-refactor to follow the strategy I discussed yesterday: assume TexSyn normally operates in a linear (γ=1) RGB color space, then do a single gamma correction (γ=1/2.2 for sRGB) at the end of the texture synthesis pipeline. Today's topic is: what does that look like? These are pairs of textures, as they would have looked before May 2, and how they would look under this new design. Let's start with a simple sinusoidal Grating, colored in red and green. First the “before May 2” version, then the proposed new “after” version:

red = Color(1, 0, 0)
green = Color(0, 1, 0)

Grating(Vec2(-0.2, 0), red, Vec2(0.2, 0), green, 1)
        0), red, Vec2(0.2, 0), green, 1) before Grating(Vec2(-0.2, 0),
        red, Vec2(0.2, 0), green, 1) after

Two things jump out: the are undesirable “dark transitions” in the before version. But in the after version, the green stripes seem much wider. Why is that? Recall that the only difference between them is gamma correction at the end. OK, let's try reversing the role of red and green:

Grating(Vec2(-0.2, 0), green, Vec2(0.2, 0), red, 1)
        0), green, Vec2(0.2, 0), red, 1) before Grating(Vec2(-0.2, 0),
        green, Vec2(0.2, 0), red, 1) after

So the green stripes still appear wider in the after version, regardless of whether they are assigned to the white or black part of the Grating. This suggests to me that it it unrelated to the way Grating works, or the affects of gamma. Perhaps is due to the fact that green is the “brightest” of the three primaries (red is in the middle and blue is the least bright). Perhaps the colors intermediate between red and green, which in the before texture appear too dark, are dominated by the brighter green color in the gamma corrected after texture.

To test this hypothesis, I picked two different saturated colors that are very close in brightness. As measured by Color::luminance(), cyan is 0.7874 and orange is 0.7848:

cyan = Color(0, 1, 1)
orange = Color(1, 0.8, 0)
Grating(Vec2(0, -0.2), cyan, Vec2(0, 0.2), orange, 1)
        -0.2), cyan, Vec2(0, 0.2), orange, 1) before Grating(Vec2(0, -0.2),
        cyan, Vec2(0, 0.2), orange, 1) after

In this case, the width of the stripes in the after texture seem approximately the same. (Note in the before texture, the intermediate colors between stripes appear a bit green.) Here is a sample of Brownian noise colored with red and green:

Brownian(0.2, Vec2(), red, green)

The two Brownian textures get to the gist of the subjective “which is more correct” question. In the absolute, I would be hard pressed to say one or the other of these is more correct. The before version seems to have more contrast or “definition” but that is probably due to the dark transitions between red and green.The after version feels more “flat” probably due to the absence of those dark transitions. It seems to be dominated by green over red, analogous to the Gratings above. But I cannot convince myself that there is anything “wrong” with the after texture. The next example is a simple ColorNoise using a basic Perlin 2d noise for each primary color:

ColorNoise(0.15, Vec2(3, -5), 0)
        Vec2(3, -5), 0) before ColorNoise(0.15,
        Vec2(3, -5), 0) after

As in the previous case of Brownian noise, is there any basis to argue either of these is more correct? The before version is darker and more saturated. The after version is brighter and less saturated. Over the last few months I have come to expect the before version. But the very first time I saw it, I am sure my reaction was “yeah, I guess that is what it should look like” and would probably have had the same reaction to either of these textures. That is all to say, I do not object to the after texture.

Finally, here is a SoftMatte of the vertical red-green Grating and the horizontal cyan-orange Grating seen above. The matte texture (first parameter) is a soft edged Spot, white on black, centered at the origin:

white = Color(1, 1, 1)
black = Color(0, 0, 0) SoftMatte(Spot(Vec2(), 0.2, white, 1, black), Grating(Vec2(-0.2, 0), red, Vec2(0.2, 0), green, 1), Grating(Vec2(0, -0.2), cyan, Vec2(0, 0.2), orange, 1))
SoftMatte before SoftMatte after

In this case, I am quite confident that the before texture is significantly “worse” than the after texture. In the before texture, incorrect darkening in areas of transition serve to strongly break up what ought to be smooth stripes — the red stripes fade in and out confusingly where they cross the cyan stripes — the green stripes seem to occlude the orange stripes where they should be blending. In contrast the after texture looks “smooth”, “natural”, and “sensible” to me.

May 4, 2020

Gamma angst: shouldn’t TexSyn use linear RGB?

Red and
        magenta Spots, SoftMatte-d on green, with gamma-related dark

As mentioned on May 2, the texture above (based on Novak's post) sent me down a rabbit hole of gamma-related issues. The dark rings around the Spots are a symptom of incorrect gamma handling. And in fact, the recent Gamma texture operator could be used to prototype a fix using TexSyn. The texture Gamma(1/2.2, two_spots) does not have the dark rings, and the transitions from Spot color to green background look smooth and natural.

My first thought was to just go with that. Assume everything in TexSyn operates on colors in linear RGB space. Then add just a tiny bit of code to apply a gamma correction for display—using γ=1/2.2 which approximates sRGB—at the very end of the rendering pipeline as 8-bit RGB data is passed to OpenCV. That seemed ideal, one small change then everything is gamma correct. However, as shown in the top texture on April 26, this makes a significant change to the appearance of a texture. It generally becomes brighter and less saturated (more pastel) as the midrange values of RGB components are pushed up. This would make all previous images in this document become obsolete. I was reluctant to do that. It would require either rerendering all existing images (about 180 today), or having having code-image incompatibly before or after a certain date.

So I decided make several local “fixes” — especially to the overload of interpolation() for Color and the low pass filter in Blur. This was more code, but less disruption to TexSyn backward compatibility. Most textures would look nearly the same after this change. The effect to assume that TexSyn operates in RGB space with a gamma of 2.2 (or 1/2.2, hard to know which is which).

But now I am having “designer's remorse.” It sure makes a lot more sense for TexSyn to operate in linear space. It is not just SoftMatte and Blur that ought to have special casing in the current situation. Any texture operation that modifies or combines color values—as opposed to just moving them geometrically—naturally assume it works in a linear color space. Examples include: Add, Subtract, Multiply, AdjustBrightness... Similarly texture generators implicitly assume they create signals in a linear space. For example Gradient generates a cosine wave. If we assume this is at gamma 2.2, then when we gamma correct into linear space, the former cosine wave now has asymmetrical peaks and valleys (source):

Some of the traditional reasons to work with images in nonlinear “gamma space” it that images from real cameras in the real world came that way. But in TexSyn, all images are synthetic and non-photographic. There is usually also concern about memory for storing images, issues like avoiding floating point representation, and packing the most information into small fixed point (often 8 bit) values. But in TexSyn, color is always represented in floating point, and images are generated procedurally, not stored. Or at least not stored until the end of the synthesis process when they are written into a frame buffer (graphics card) or stored in an external image file.

Finally, I have tried to support the idea that TexSyn colors have unrestricted float RGB values. So for example, large negative component values were allowed. Colors are not clipped until the end of the pipeline, when exporting to OpenCV for display or file output. So I would prefer to avoid gamma correcting (exponentiating) intermediate results—say in interpolate()—which effectively clips to positive values. Better to do that at the end of the pipeline also, like the existing clip to positive unit RGB color cube.

May 2, 2020

Interpolate and blur colors in RGB space with linear gamma.

Or: “I finally understand that bug from 1982.”

While working on the Gamma texture operator (April 26) I was reading background material on the topic of gamma correction. It comes up a lot in computer graphics and digital image processing. In the back of my mind I knew gamma was important for correct and efficient image representation, and as a tool for adjusting the tone/contrast of an image. But it is also key to getting image blending and anti-aliasing to work correctly. I was looking at John Novak's 2016 What Every Coder Should Know About Gamma and was struck by the section on color blending, particularly Figure 8:

Figure 8b from John
        Novak's 2016 “What Every Coder Should Know About Gamma” Figure 8b from John
        Novak's 2016 “What Every Coder Should Know About Gamma”

I recreated a bit of it in the first texture below. There are red and magenta spots composited with SoftMatte onto a green background. The two spots have an obviously incorrect dark ring around them. I had been seeing—and willfully ignoring—this artifact in TexSyn. But seeing this test, my mind went back to my early days at SGD, the graphics “division” of Symbolics Inc. Around 1982 my first big project was an interactive “paint” system for graphics and illustration. I noticed these annoying dark boundaries when certain color pairs were blended together. I had several theories for what caused the problem but none of them was gamma. Novak's Figure 8 grabbed my attention because it clearly showed the problem, and showed how it should look when the problem is solved.

The Spot texture generator uses a sinusoidal transition from the outside color (at 0) to the inside color (at 1). That blend factor “alpha” is then used for a simple linear interpolation between the colors. But “linear interpolation” assumes a linear space. Color values as displayed on the screen assume a gamma of about 2.2. (Of course it is more complicated, the color space definition is: sRGB.) In order to perform linear interpolation of color values requires the RGB components be “de-gamma-ed” into linear space before interpolation, and “re-gamma-ed” afterward. TexSyn's interpolate() function had been a simple C++ template compatible with all types. Now there is a special case for interpolation of Color values. Here is the original failing case and the improved version which performs color interpolation in linear (gamma=1) space.

// Texture above made from three Uniform textures of pure red, green and magenta:
red = Uniform(Color(1, 0, 0))
green = Uniform(Color(0, 1, 0))
magenta = Uniform(Color(1, 0, 1))
// A Spot, at origin, white within inner radius 0.1, blends to black at outer radius 0.5:
spot = Spot(Vec2(), 0.1, Color(1, 1, 1), 0.5, Color(0, 0, 0));
// The spot, shifted to left and right, to matte in red and magenta onto green:
two_spots = SoftMatte(Translate(Vec2(0.5, 0), spot),
 SoftMatte(Translate(Vec2(-0.5, 0), spot), green, red), magenta)

This is the second texture above with inner and outer radii for the two Spots drawn in to help visualize where the color gradients fall:

The SoftMatte operator defines a texture that (for any given location) uses the luminance of it first texture parameter (called “matte”, here one of the two Spots) to control the blend of the other two input textures. It now performs a “de-gamma” on the “matte” texture so that all three values involved in the interpolation are in linear gamma RGB space.

Taken together, these changes (to interpolate() for Color and the SoftMatte texture operator) handle most of the blending gamma errors in the current library. Most operators rely on the same interpolate() function. For example, here is a LotsOfSpots before and after this change, for the problematic red and green color combination:

LotsOfSpots(0.9, 0.02, 0.5, 0.1, Color(1, 0, 0), Color(0, 1, 0))

Another place where color computations require correct handling of gamma is in the Blur low pass filter. (The EdgeDetect and EdgeEnhance operators (see March 1) are based on Blur and so inherit its functionality.) Shown below is a test pattern grating, and two applications of Blur, before and after this gamma change. As in the case of SoftMatte and interpolate(), the change is basically to “de-gamma” the color values before the convolution calculation, then to “re-gamma” the resulting filtered value. (The Novak page cited above also links to this page, by the late Elle Stone, which has good example images of blending and blurring: Linear Gamma vs Higher Gamma RGB Color Spaces: Gaussian Blur and Normal Blend Mode.)

// Define "grating". apply Blur with kernel width of 0.1
grating = Grating(Vec2(), Color(1, 1, 0), Vec2(0.2, 0), Color(0, 0, 1), 0.01);
Blur(0.1, grating)

In the examples above, grating has 10 pairs of yellow-blue stripes, so 20 individual stripes across its rendered diameter of 2 units. Each (say) yellow stripe has a width of 0.1. We then apply Blur to it with a kernel width of 0.1. So the circular “support” of the filter kernel of a pixel centered on a yellow stripe will all be yellow. It follows that a pixel centered on a (say) yellow stripe should have a color identical to the corresponding place on the original grating texture. (Conversely a pixel on the boundary between yellow and blue will result in a blend of half yellow and half blue.) This comparison can be seen in the image below. A horizontal slice through the three textures above are juxtaposed so they can be more carefully compared. Following the center line of a yellow stripe, it appears to be the same color in all three, as intended. Similarly for blue. What differs is the luminance of the blurred transition between yellow and blue. With the old code (stripe 2 of 3 below) the transitions are too dark. (This recalls the dark rings around the red and magenta spots in the first example above.) With the new code (stripe 3 of 3 below) the transitions are brighter and seem to better represent a transition from yellow to blue. Note that interpolating between complementary color pairs (like yellow↔︎blue, magenta↔︎green, or cyan↔︎red) requires traversing a main diagonal of the RGB color cube between opposite corners. This causes the center of the interpolation path to pass through the monochrome axis, the fourth main cube diagonal between black and white. We see these grayish midrange colors here between yellow and blue stripes, and in the first example above, between a magenta spot and the green background.

April 26, 2020


Gamma provides the standard operation used in digital image processing: exponentiating the RGB components by a given parameter gamma (γ). Values other than 1 cause a nonlinear contrast mapping. When gamma is less than 1, mid-range colors will be brighter. When gamma is greater than 1, mid-range colors will be darker. Values near white (luma ~1) and near black (luma ~0) stay about the same.

Note that Gamma and AdjustBrightness (see March 4) are similar. Both have one float parameter and change a texture's contrast. AdjustBrightness performs a linear scale of a texture's brightness, so changes its contrast. Gamma makes a nonlinear contrast change. Normally gamma correction is used on color values within the positive unit RGB cube. In TexSyn colors are three arbitrary floats.

Shown below are five applications of Gamma to the same ColorNoise texture cn. The parameters are 0.5, 0.66, 1, 1.5, 2. I tested that as intended, Gamma(1, cn) is identical to cn.

cn = ColorNoise(0.3, Vec2(5, 3), 0.6)
Gamma(0.5, cn)
Gamma(0.5, cn)
Gamma(0.66, cn)
Gamma(0.66, cn)
Gamma(1, cn)  // verified by Texture::diff() to be identical to "cn" 
Gamma(1, cn)
Gamma(1.5, cn)
Gamma(1.5, cn)
Gamma(2, cn)
Gamma(2, cn)
April 21, 2020

Even speedier LotsOfSpots

In the previous post, I clocked recent acceleration due to algorithmic and parallelism as producing a speed-up of 17x. I tried one more time today and got it to 22 times faster than the April 7 version, as measured on the same test suite of six textures shown in the previous post.

Part of this was due to what I think of as Amdahl's law, or at least the underlying principle. On an ideally parallel workload, execution time is inversely proportional to the number of parallel processors applied to the task. But normally there is some overhead that cannot be made parallel. That places a ceiling on the speed-up. (E.G. if 5% of the task cannot be made parallel, it will never run more that 20 times faster regardless of the number of processors applied to the task.) In concrete terms, the function LotsOfSpotsBase::adjustOverlappingSpots() was originally an O() algorithm. Then using the DiskOccupancyGrid spatial data structure reduced that to O(n). Then I parallelized the part for deciding if each disk overlapped another, and if so, computing the required move. Finally today I parallelized the other part: erasing each disk from the grid, moving it, and reinserting it into the grid. This required making DiskOccupancyGrid thread-safe.

I also looked at the number of threads used. In rendering I use a thread per scanline (row of pixels), so the renderings on this page use about 500 threads. In my prototype “disk de-overlapping” code I had arbitrarily selected 40 threads. I tested other values. It kept getting faster as I reduced the number of threads, until it hit a minimum at 8 threads, then got slower as I used fewer threads. Coincidentally, there are 8 hardware “hyperthreads” on the 4 cores of my laptop's CPU. I don't know if if this is purely coincidental, but in case not, my thread count is now set to the value returned by std::thread::hardware_concurrency().

April 19, 2020

Speed ups for LotsOfSpots and friends

As mentioned on April 6 the compute speed for the base class for LotsOfSpots, etc. was much too slow. The algorithm to ensure the “spots” did not overlap was O(n²) with typical n being in the thousands (4264 spots in the first two example below). I made two main changes. First to use a spatial data structure to allow quickly finding “spots” near a given point in texture space (for rendering) and near another spot to determine if they overlap. The second change was to use multi-thread parallelism during the overlap removal. Averaged over multiple runs, using the test suite below (6 textures), the code now runs about 17 times faster. The images below show a sample LotsOfSpots, and then the same texture “zoomed out” (scaled down by 0.13) to show the entire tiling pattern.

To help compare these pair of images: the tiles are 10x10 texture space units, meaning they are 5 times wider than the circular renderings whose diameters are 2 units. The “close up” image corresponds to the very center region of the zoomed out image next to it. You can see the scale of the tiling pattern if you look closely at the zoomed out image. For example, look at the second image: on the right hand side just below center there is a “bare patch” with more magenta background and less cyan spots. If you look to the left, about two third of the way across, you can see the same bare patch repeated (see second image on April 3 which highlights the central tile).

// ~70% of texture is covered by spots, radii range from 0.02 to 0.2
LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.02, 0.2, 0.01, c, m)
Scale(0.13, LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.02, 0.2, 0.01, c, m))
LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.02,
        0.2, 0.01, c, m) Scale(0.13,
        LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.02, 0.2, 0.01, c, m))
// ~80% of texture is covered by spots, radii range from 0.02 to 0.4
LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.02, 0.4, 0.02, c, m)
Scale(0.13, LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.02, 0.4, 0.02, c, m))
LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.02,
        0.4, 0.02, c, m) Scale(0.13,
        LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.02, 0.4, 0.02, c, m))
// ~80% of texture is covered by spots, all radii are 0.2
LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.02, c, m)
Scale(0.13, LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.02, c, m))
LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.2,
        0.2, 0.02, c, m) Scale(0.13,
        LotsOfSpots(0.8, 0.2, 0.2, 0.02, c, m))
April 7, 2020

Even more LotsOfButtons

I had not tested LotsOfButtons with a non-zero button_center parameter. Sure enough, it did not work correctly. I made a new test case to use while fixing it. Here is contrived button_texture called “sixths” whose edges cross at Vec2(0.5, 0.5):


Here is a LotsOfButtons using that sixths as its button_texture, and a button_center of Vec2(0.5, 0.5). Now, after the bug fix, the six-fold input pattern is correctly positioned inside each spot:

LotsOfButtons(0.8, 0.04, 0.4, 0.02, Vec2(0.5, 0.5), sixths, 0, Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3))
LotsOfButtons offset

The spiral pattern in yesterday's tests largely masked the issue of orientation. This highly directional texture makes it much more obvious that all the “buttons” are in the same orientation. I'm sure there are occasions when that could be helpful. Yet it feels oddly regular and mechanical next to the randomized positions and sizes of the spots. So I added code to randomly rotate each “button” as shown below. I added (yet another!) parameter to select between random-rotate or not. Like the which parameter to MultiNoise (see January 12) it is given as a floating point value—which is interpreted as a Boolean value via thresholding: (button_random_rotate > 0.5)—allowing it to be changed by mutation in the course of a Genetic Programming run. The operational principle being: “let evolution decide”!

LotsOfButtons(0.8, 0.04, 0.4, 0.02, Vec2(0.5, 0.5), sixths, 1, Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3))
LotsOfButtons random rotate
// Just for completeness this is the "sixths" button_texture used above:
p1 = Vec2(-0.01, 0);
p2 = Vec2(+0.01, 0);
a3 = 2 * pi / 3;
sixths = Translate(Vec2(0.5, 0.5), Add(Gradation(p1.rotate(a3 * 2), Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.3), p2.rotate(a3 * 2), Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)), Add(Gradation(p1.rotate(a3), Color(0.1, 0.3, 0.1), p2.rotate(a3), Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)), Gradation(p1, Color(0.3, 0.1, 0.1), p2, Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)))))
April 6, 2020


LotsOfButtons is another variation on LotsOfSpots where the spots are filled with a circular portion of another texture. (I am still considering the use of “button” to mean a little portion of one texture inserted into another. Possible alternatives: thumbnail, icon, crop, stamp (as in rubber-stamp, pretty archaic), cameo, cookie...)

Shown below are two examples of parameters to LotsOfButtons, and the texture used to fill the individual spots. The parameters to LotsOfButtons is similar to ColoredSpots with the addition of a Vec2 position indicating the center of the input texture used for filling the individual spots. I am undecided on whether it makes more sense for the input button_texture should be scaled according to the radius of a spot.

The fourth parameter to the LotsOf... operators—the soft_edge_width—had been handled incorrectly and is now fixed. I was constraining it to be half the min_radius. First of all that should not have been half (radius-diameter confusion) and secondly the constraint should have been on a per-spot basis. That is: a large soft_edge_width (indicating very fuzzy-edged spots) should be used as given for large spots, and constrained only for individual spots whose radius was less than soft_edge_width.

// Parameters are: density, min_r, max_r, soft, button_center, button_texture, bg_color
LotsOfButtons(0.79, 0.1, 0.6, 0.05, Vec2(), twist, gray2)
LotsOfButtons(0.6, 0.05, 0.25, 0.025, Vec2(), twist, gray2)
// this is the input texture whose center is inserted into each spot above.
red = Color(1, 0, 0);
gray2 = Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
gray3 = Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
twist = Twist(7, 9, Vec2(),
              SliceToRadial(Vec2(0, 0.318), Vec2(),
                            Grating(Vec2(0, -0.1), red,
                                    Vec2(0, +0.1), gray3, 0.3)))
April 6, 2020


ColoredSpots is based on an experiment from February 9, 2010. It uses the same geometric model as LotsOfSpots, then each spot's color is taken from a given color_texture. Shown below is a ColoredSpots texture and the ColorNoise from which its spot colors are taken.

To do this I refactored LotsOfSpots into a base class LotsOfSpotsBase, then moved the two color version into a derived class (now called LotsOfSpots) which inherits from the base class. Then I added a second derived class ColoredSpots also inheriting from LotsOfSpotsBase.

cn = AdjustSaturation(1.2, ColorNoise(2.5, Vec2(3, 4), 0.2))
Scale(0.2, ColoredSpots(0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.05, cn, gray50))
April 6, 2020

Preliminary post-prototype LotsOfSpots

So far the LotsOfSpots prototype had been black and white for simplicity. I finally got around to adding color parameters for spots and background. I'm planning some other varients on the basic concepts. I also noticed that—without the Scale(0.2, ...) I'd been wrapping them in—spot parameters that seem “reasonable” lead to excessive initialization and rendering times. Worse than Blur before I sped it up. So I will need to improve the algorithmic performance of LotsOfSpots. For comparison, this texture, without the scale, has 4264 spots per 10x10 tile, which is a big n for O(n²) algorithms.

c = Color(0.0, 0.8, 1.0)
m = Color(0.8, 0.0, 0.8)
LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.02, 0.2, 0.01, c, m)
LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.02, 0.2, 0.01, c, m)
April 5, 2020

Choosing spots for LotsOfSpots

I drilled down a bit into the generation of the “random” spots in the prototype LotsOfSpots constructor. Below are three samples of various settings of the parameters that control the placement of spots. Those parameters are: spot_density, min_radius, max_radius, and soft_edge_width. Some constraints are enforced for practicality: density is clipped to 1, soft_edge_width is clipped to half of min_radius. The random radii fall between the min and max parameters, the the selection is biased toward the smaller values. Each of these texture samples are shown scaled down by a factor of 0.2, which means the whole 10x10 central tile is the bounding box of the circular texture.

In this first sample, the density is 0.5 so the total area of white spots is about the same as the black background. The spot radii are in a narrow range [0.10, 0.15]. Each tile of the texture contains 1270 spots.

Scale(0.2, LotsOfSpots(0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1))
        LotsOfSpots(0.5, 0.1, 0.15, 0.1))

Below, the density is 70%, spot radii range from 0.1 to 1.0, producing a total of 170 spots.

Scale(0.2, LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.1, 1.0, 0.1))
        LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.1, 1.0, 0.1))

Below, the density is 90% and the spot radii range from 0.1 to 1.0, producing a total of 245 spots. First the code randomly distributes enough spots to meet the given density level. Then it tries to adjust the spot positions to avoid overlap. After 200 failed adjustment attempts, it stops and gives up. That happened here, the spots were too crowded for it to find a non-intersecting arrangement in 200 tries. (They are “pretty well” distributed but some still overlap.) Letting it run for 1000 tries only slightly improved the layout, so I decided the time taken was not justified.

Scale(0.2, LotsOfSpots(0.9, 0.1, 1.0, 0.1))
        LotsOfSpots(0.9, 0.1, 1.0, 0.1))
April 3, 2020

Experimental LotsOfSpots

This is a new, updated version of LotsOfSpots, loosely based on the version from February 8, 2010. As the original version aspired to be, this one is defined everywhere on the texture plane. It achieves this by the boring method of tiling a pattern of spots. The square tiling has a period of 10x10 and is centered at the origin. Since the typical TexSyn “rendering interval” is [-1, +1] in both X and Y, normally the cyclic nature of the spot pattern would normally be hidden “off screen” unless the texture was scaled down significantly or subjected to a nonlinear warp.

The first texture sample shows a typical portion of LotsOfSpots. (This prototype is returning a grayscale image.) In this case the density of spots is ~70%, the radii are distributed between 0.1 and 0.9 (with smaller values preferred) and a soft transition zone width of 0.1. The second texture sample shows the result of zooming out—scaling by 0.13—to reveal the tile size. The non-center tiles are tinted blue.

// Parameters are: density, min_radius, max_radius, softness
LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1)
Scale(0.13, LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1))

One more random example, showing why it is important for textures to be defined across the entire texture plane. Here is the previous texture (including its blue tint outside the central tile) as seen through a MobiusTransform operator. This happens to be the same Möbius transformation that was the “third example” on the January 28 example below. Because a texture operator can arbitrarily scale, stretch, or warp its input texture, it is impossible to anticipate what part of a texture will be sampled.

MobiusTransform(Vec2(-0.958788, 1.64993),
                Vec2(-1.54534, -0.593485),
                Vec2(1.29155, -0.931471),
                Vec2(0.768266, 0.24665),
                Translate(Vec2(-0.75, -0.75),
                                LotsOfSpots(0.7, 0.1, 0.9, 0.1)))
April 1, 2020

Incremental Halton sequence

[Update: on June 26, 2021 I removed the code for this experiment, long unused, from TexSyn. For reference it is now available here.]

As mentioned before, there was an earlier version of the TexSyn library, begun in 2008. It included some experimental operators (LotsOfSpots replaced by SpotsInCircle) for generating patterns of many spots, see February 8, 2010 and February 9, 2010. It is easy to curate a finite collection of spots, hence the easier-to-implement SpotsInCircle operator. It would be much more convenient to have a distribution defined throughout the texture plane. This is the beauty of Perlin noise which is defined at every point in the space.

I had a vague memory of a talk at SIGGRAPH by someone who worked on the remarkable game Spore, describing the technique they used to distribute game objects, say trees in a forest. A search led me to the website of Andrew Willmott and the materials from the SIGGRAPH 2007 session including “Fast Object Distribution” about his incremental Halton sequence. The materials include sample code called IncrementalHalton.cpp. This is the first 300 points generated by the sequence. Ignoring the Z coordinate, I drew a circle centered on the Halton point. The first 100 are large orange, then medium green, then small purple.

I'm still learning about this. Generally the points seem “well distributed” over the unit square. Also informally, new points “tend to fall between” older points. As I understand it, the points are often “spaced out” but there is no lower bound on the space between any two points. So if you consider the points to be disks, there will occasionally be collisions (overlaps). For more background information, see this excellent “explorable explanation” by Jacob Rus about the Halton Sequence.

The incremental Halton sequence was developed to allow its use in an interactive game and its interactive editors for game worlds. While performance matters in TexSyn, that is not its main focus. I want to look at some other methods for constructing spot patterns, including those that might do some pre-calculation (Such as, for example, to adjust spacing between disks).

incremental Halton
        sequence test
March 30, 2020

RTFM and phew!

A Texture instance now has an initially empty cv::Mat to serve as a rasterization cache. Both Texture::displayInWindow() and Texture::writeToFile() are refactored to first call Texture::rasterizeToImageCache() to ensure a cached rendering is available before displaying it in a window or writing it to a file. The cache means that (for a given size, etc.) each Texture will be rendered at most one time.

After doing that, I happened to be browsing through the OpenCV doc—as one does—and noticed cv::Mat::forEach() which applies a given function to all image pixels using all available parallelism. That is nearly identical to what I did yesterday in lovingly hand crafted code. So: (a) remember to always RTFM, and (b) how does the speed of using this forEach() tool compare with the hand written code?

It turns out that my code is slightly faster (about 11%) but it would have been significantly faster and easier to write the code using the forEach() tool provided by OpenCV. I am curious about why my code was faster, or said another way, if the OpenCV code could be made faster.

March 29, 2020

Multi-threading for faster Blur

Texture::displayInWindow() does pixel-by-pixel rendering of textures for display. I refactored it to loop for each “row” from top to bottom, kicking off a new std::thread to calculate the pixels across the row. So for the images shown here, 511 threads get created, then the operating system schedules them in parallel onto the hardware CPU cores available. On my laptop (MacBook Pro (Mid 2014)) there are 8 cores. (Or I guess four hardware cores—each of which supports two “hyperthreads”—so if feels like eight cores.) In any case, my Instruments app shows utilization at nearly 8 cores: around 785.4% CPU usage. To see those numbers, I had to really crank up the rendering load. Shown below is a very smooth (almost no sampling noise) of the standard Blur benchmark. As described on March 17, I set Blur::sqrt_of_subsample_count to 60, meaning each Blur::getColor() sample performed 3600 (60x60) subsamples.

Overall, the multi-threading version of Blur is about five times faster than the previous version, which itself was about twice as fast as the one before that.

        60x60 subsamples

We also do square textures!  😲 I expect to normally use disk-shaped renderings. There was half-hearted support in the code for rectangular images. In the ongoing refactoring of the rasterization code, I made it a little more official. Here is the same texture shown above, with 60x60 subsampling, and the new disk parameter set to false to change the rasterization mode.

Blur 60x60
March 26, 2020

Experiments with Shade

[Update: on June 26, 2021 I removed the code for this experiment, long unused, from TexSyn. For reference it is now available here.]

Here are some more examples of the experimental Shade operator. Three examples below show different bump maps combined with this ColorNoise:

color_noise = ColorNoise(0.6, Vec2(), 0.2)

Here the bump map is Brownian noise. The result looks a bit like shaded mountainous terrain.

brownian = Brownian(0.3, Vec2(9, -5), black, white)
Shader(Vec3(1, 3, 6), 0.3, color_noise, brownian)  // parameters are: to_light, ambient_level, color_texture, bump_texture
        3, 6), 0.3, color_noise, brownian)

Here the bump map is basic Perlin noise. The result looks a bit like sand dunes in late afternoon.

noise = Noise(0.1, Vec2(9, -5), black, white)
Shader(Vec3(1, 3, 6), 0.3, color_noise, noise)
Shader(Vec3(1, 3,
        6), 0.3, color_noise, noise)

Here the bump map is a soft-edged Spot with a flat spot in the center and around the outside. The result looks a bit like wide-brimmed hat, seen from above, in oblique light.

spot = Spot(Vec2(), 0.3, white, 0.95, black)
Shader(Vec3(1, 3, 6), 0.3, color_noise, spot)
Shader(Vec3(1, 3,
        6), 0.3, color_noise, spot)

I am a bit surprised at how “shiny” these renders appear. This is a purely diffuse reflection model with no specular highlights. Shade applied to Brownian produces a very bumpy surface, but it looks a bit like wrinkled aluminum. (I thought perhaps it was related to RGB clipping when shading adds to ambient illumination. But I see it even when ambient is zero.) Here is Shade applied to Brownian (again) alongside a version smoothed with Blur:

Shader(Vec3(1, 3, 6), 0.3, color_noise, brownian)
Shader(Vec3(1, 3, 6), 0.3, color_noise, Blur(0.1, brownian))
        3, 6), 0.3, color_noise, brownian) Shader(Vec3(1,
        3, 6), 0.3, color_noise, brownian)
March 25, 2020

That’s no moon...

[Update: on June 26, 2021 I removed the code for this experiment, long unused, from TexSyn. For reference it is now available here.]

This Shader texture operator is just an experiment. I am not sure if it belongs in the TexSyn library. It is essentially a computer graphic “shader” that scales the brightness of a color texture according to another interpreted as a bump texture: a height field based on luminance. It scales the input color by Lambertian reflectance, based on a given light direction and the height field's surface normal. This is a test pattern whose height field is a hemisphere, shaded with a to_light vector of Vec3(-2, 2, 4):

That’s no moon...
green_stripes = Grating(Vec2(), Color(0, 1, 0), Vec2(0, 0.1), Color(1,1,1), 0.2)
hemisphere = ShadedSphereTest(Vec3(0, 0, 1))
Shader(Vec3(-2, 2, 4), 0, green_stripes, hemisphere)
        2, 4), 0, green_stripes, hemisphere)

I am not sure if it makes sense to put 3d shading in a 2d texture synthesis library. I will give it more thought and try other experiments.

March 23, 2020

Add “strength” parameter to EdgeEnhance

In the original March 1 description of EdgeDetect and EdgeEnhance, they were both shown as (like Blur) having two parameters: a float width (the diameter of the convolution kernel) and an input texture. In the previous version of this library, EdgeEnhance had another parameter, a float strength that controlled how how much edge enhancement there was. At first I thought that parameter might be unneeded, and now changed my mind. That is, EdgeEnhance is now defined as:

Add(input_texture, AdjustBrightness(strength, Subtract(input_texture, Blur(width, input_texture))))

Shown below are six combinations of filter width (big=0.2 or small=0.1) and enhancement strength (low=0.66, normal=1.0, high=1.33). Filter width controls how far across the texture the edge enhancement extends, while strength is its amplitude. At the end is the input texture colors and the code that defines it. Note how “flat” the input texture looks compared to the edge enhanced versions, how much more “pop” they have at the edges.

EdgeEnhance(0.2, 0.66, colors)  // wide width and low strength.
EdgeEnhance(0.2, 0.66, colors)
EdgeEnhance(0.2, 1.00, colors)  // wide width and normal strength.
EdgeEnhance(0.2, 1.00, colors)
EdgeEnhance(0.2, 1.33, colors)  // wide width and high strength.
EdgeEnhance(0.2, 1.33, colors)
EdgeEnhance(0.1, 0.66, colors)  // narrow width and low strength.
EdgeEnhance(0.1, 1.00, colors)  // narrow width and normal strength.
EdgeEnhance(0.1, 1.00, colors)
EdgeEnhance(0.1, 1.33, colors)  // narrow width and high strength.
EdgeEnhance(0.1, 1.33, colors)
// Definition of the "colors" texture used as input for the examples above.
b = Color(0, 0, 0)
w = Color(1, 1, 1)
colors = SoftMatte(SoftThreshold(0.60, 0.64,
                                 Rotate(5, Noise(0.2, Vec2(-1, -4), b, w))),
                   SoftMatte(SoftThreshold(0.60, 0.64,
                                           Rotate(3, Noise(0.2, Vec2(+1, +3), b, w))),
                             SoftMatte(SoftThreshold(0.60, 0.64,
                                                     Rotate(1, Noise(0.2, Vec2(-2, +1), b, w))),
                                       Uniform(Color(0.8, 0.8, 0))),
                             Uniform(Color(0.8, 0, 0.8))),
                   Uniform(Color(0, 0.8, 0.8)))

[Update on March 24] One more example of the strength parameter: I wanted to look at high values of strength. Here is a some Wrapulance ColorNoise that has been reduced in saturation and brightness, then operated on by EdgeEnhance with a strength of 5.

grayish_color_noise = AdjustBrightness(0.7, AdjustSaturation(0.3, ColorNoise(0.5, Vec2(5,7), 0.8)))
EdgeEnhance(0.1, 5, grayish_color_noise)
EdgeEnhance(0.1, 5, grayish_color_noise)
March 21, 2020


I wrote the first version of SliceShear on January 25 but the two tangents were interacting when they were supposed to be independent. After several debugging failures I set it aside. Today I tried again and found the right solution. This is yet another operator based on the idea of a “slice” through texture space, a one dimensional texture. Here it is used to laterally shift or shear another texture. (The scalar luminance of the 1D texture is used as a relative translation.) The parameters to SliceShear are: a tangent, center, and texture to describe the “slice”, and a tangent, center to describe how the input texture is sheared. Three examples which will hopefully make that more clear are below. First, the for_slice texture from which the shear-controlling slice will be taken and the to_shear test pattern to which the SliceShear operator will be applied.

// for_slice: noise in one direction, square wave in other direction.
white = Color(1, 1, 1) black = Color(0, 0, 0) gray = Color::gray(0.3) for_slice = Add(SliceGrating(Vec2(1, 0), Vec2(), Brownian(0.1, Vec2(), black, gray)), Grating(Vec2(), black, Vec2(0, 0.1), gray, 0.2))

This to_shear is the input texture that will be shifted by SliceShear according to a slice of for_slice.

to_shear = Grating(Vec2(), Color(1, 0.5, 0), Vec2(0, 0.25), Color(0, 0.5, 1), 0.4)

Here a horizontal slice (Vec2(1, 0)) through the center of for_slice produces noise that controls vertical shear (Vec2(0, 1)) of to_shear.

SliceShear(Vec2(1, 0), Vec2(), for_slice, Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(), to_shear)

Here a vertical slice (Vec2(0, 1)) through the center of for_slice produces square waves that controls vertical shear (Vec2(0, 1)) of to_shear.

SliceShear(Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(), for_slice, Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(), to_shear)

Here a horizontal slice (Vec2(1, 0)) through the center of for_slice produces noise that controls diagonal shear (Vec2(1, 1)) of to_shear.

SliceShear(Vec2(1, 0), Vec2(), for_slice, Vec2(1, 1), Vec2(), to_shear)
March 19, 2020

Repeatable randomness

Describing the first version of Blur on February 25 I said: “...this prototype stochastic filter is not repeatable/deterministic. The noise pattern could be different on a subsequent run...” Now that is fixed. I used the Texture::diff() utility to compare two “identical” textures made with Blur:

Texture::diff(Blur(0.2, Grating(Vec2(), yellow, Vec2(0.2, 0.2), blue, 0.01)),
              Blur(0.2, Grating(Vec2(), yellow, Vec2(0.2, 0.2), blue, 0.01)))

This Texture::diff comparison is from before today's change. The magnitude of the errors resulting from non-repeatable random number was actually very small. Here I have scaled up by a factor of 10 the brightness of of the third image, which is the AbsDiff (absolute value of the difference) of the two input textures:

This Texture::diff comparison is after today's change. The third texture is exactly zero/black according to Texture::diff's logging:

When looking up a color at a position in texture space Blur::getColor() now hashes the Vec2 position to generate a “seed”, which is used to initialize a local RandomSequence object, which is used to jiggle the subsamples. So any two calls to Blur::getColor() with an identical position (exact Vec2 equality) will use an identical set of subsamples. Hashing utilities for float and Vec2 were added yesterday. RandomSequence was added today. Still working on integrating it with existing utilities like Vec2::randomUnitVector().

March 17, 2020

Blurry McBlurface

After yesterday's entry, I reconsidered my life choices. The newer hash-table-based-subsample-reusing version of Blur was about twice as fast but had much more unappealing noise. Which is to say: uglier and only twice as fast. That got me wondering. What if, in the previous version of Blur, I just reduced the number of subsamples per getColor()sample so it was twice as fast? How would that compare, in terms of image quality, with the new version? The previous version used a jiggled grid of 15x15 or 225 subsamples per sample. (The current code assumes the grid is square.) Near one half of that is an 11x11 grid with 121 subsamples, or a 10x10 grid with 100 subsamples. The first two textures below are (1) previous version of Blur but with 11x11 or 121 subsamples, and (2) the new version of Blur which randomly selects 1/4 of the subsamples of a 30x30 grid or 225 samples. The first one looks significantly better to me (smoother, less noisy). These are both approximately twice as fast as the previous version of Blur at 15x15 or 225 subsamples. All of the textures below are made with Blur(0.2, sample).

        (11x11) subsamples 225 (30x30 / 4) subsamples

For comparison, here is (1) the previous version of Blur with 15x15 or 225 subsamples, and (2) the previous version of Blur with 10x10 or 100 subsamples. The latter begins to look too noisy to me, so I lean toward 11x11 as the default setting.

        (15x15) subsamples 100 (10x10)

As much as I like to use hash tables, I will move that new Blur version to the code graveyard. The previous version will remain. I added Blur::sqrt_of_subsample_count to allow setting the n of the n² subsample grid. This global parameter allows adjusting the speed/quality trade-off for a given application.

In any case, the Blur operator and the ones based on it (EdgeDetect and EdgeEnhance) are by far the slowest ones in TexSyn. Despite the “monkey wrenches” of doing convolution on procedurally defined textures—there are bound to be ways to accelerate that computation on a GPU. (Perhaps using OpenCV as the implementation layer, as currently done for image display and image file I/O.) Next time the slow performance of Blur causes trouble, it might be time to bite that bullet.

March 16, 2020

Back to Blur

Over the last four days I have been evaluating different ways to implement the Blur texture operator (see February 26). This is very well-trod ground in signal/image processing and computer graphics. Blurring (low pass filtering) is accomplished by convolving a “bell shaped” kernel with the input image data. Analytically the kernel is usually a rotationally symmetric Gaussian distribution (the bell curve). Among other benefits, this makes the 2d convolution separable, allowing it to be computed as the product of two 1d convolutions (so O(n) rather than O()). Modern graphics hardware (GPUs) allow lightning fast implementation of convolution-based low pass filtering. It is so fast and easy that my macOS display system uses blurring as a design element, giving some parts of the GUI a real time “frosted glass” look.

The structure of TexSyn throws some monkey wrenches into this approach. It is fine to apply convolution to an image, even a large image, which is bounded, rectangular, and uniformly sampled.  But TexSyn textures have infinite (well, floating point) range, so it is daunting to collect the infinite input image, let alone to produce the infinite output. Also, most “interesting” blur kernels span a narrow range (too small and the output looks unchanged—too large and the result looks like a uniform color). But in principle there is no natural bound on the size of a kernel. An infinite texture convolved with an unbounded kernel is—well, a lot of computation.

Of course we never need an infinite texture. We sample some portion of it at some sampling frequency, then display it on the screen or write it to an image file. But the Blur operator never knows what part of the texture will be sampled, nor at what frequency, nor whether that sampling is at a unifrom frequency across the image. (Consider a MobiusTransform (January 28) or Wrap (January 15) operator applied to the result of a Blur operator. The Blur will receive some number of getColor() sampling requests, but cannot know anything about their bounds, distribution, or spacing.)

The approach taken previously (February 26) was to implement each getColor() call with a point convolution based on distributed sampling of the input under the kernel. An earlier version used sample points uniformly distributed across the nonzero part of the kernel. Then to reduce noise, it was changed to use a grid of “cells” each of which was sampled by a point uniformly distributed across the cell. At the time, I selected a 15x15 sampling grid spanning the kernel. Note that this implies the cost per getColor() call is constant (O(1)). It will always use 225 subsamples. This means large kernels are the same speed as small ones, but the big ones have more noise.

But the time to compute Blur seemed too long. I looked for ways to accelerate it. For two getcolor() calls at nearby locations—say within the diameter of the kernel, like “adjacent pixels”—many of the subsample cells will overlap. I tried caching these, and reusing them from one getColor() call to the next. But then all the samples in the vicinity of a cell go the identical “random” sample, which caused obvious artifacts on the scale of the cells. (I tried both O(log n) std::map (red-black trees) and O(1) std::unordered_map (hash tables). The hash tables were noticeably faster.)

The last tweak was to cache just the one “random” sample per cell, but to make the grid finer (twice as many subsamples in each direction, so 4 times more cells) then for each getColor() to select a different random 1/4 set of cells. This is done by skipping whole randomly-chosen rows and columns of grid.

The old version is clearly smoother and less noisy. It looks much better. The new version is much noisier but runs more than twice as fast. (New execution time is about 45% of old, for rendering a 511x511 texture.) At the moment I cannot choose one over the other. I guess I will leave both versions in for now and make a global switch to choose between them.

This sample is the input for the rest of the texture samples:

sample = Grating(Vec2(), yellow, Vec2(0.2, 0.2), blue, 0.01)
Blur(0.2, sample)  // Previous version of Blur.
old Blur(0.2,
Blur(0.2, sample)  // New faster, noisier version of Blur.
new Blur(0.2,
Blur(0.5, sample)  // Previous version of Blur.
old Blur(0.5,
Blur(0.5, sample)  // New faster, noisier version of Blur.
new Blur(0.5,
EdgeDetect(0.2, sample)  // Previous version of Blur.
        EdgeDetect(0.2, sample)
EdgeDetect(0.2, sample)  // New faster, noisier version of Blur.
        EdgeDetect(0.2, sample)
March 12, 2020


The Row operator tiles the texture plane by copying and translating a portion (a fixed width “stripe”) of an input texture. Its parameters are two Vec2 values: basis and center. The basis vector spans from one boundary of a “stripe” to the other (the length of basis is the width of the stripe, and its orientation is normal to the stripe's “axis”). The center position adjust the “phase” of stripes, effectively sliding the input texture relative to the stripe. The stripe that is centered on center is a “fixed point” of the Row transform, it remains identical to the input texture. All these examples use the same spots_and_bg textures used in yesterday's post about Ring. In each case, the center is at the origin, at the middle of these texture samples, and between the two spots.

Row(Vec2(0.4, 0), Vec2(), spots_and_bg)
Row(Vec2(0.4, 0),
        Vec2(), spots_and_bg)
Row(Vec2(0.35, 0.35), Vec2(), spots_and_bg)
Row(Vec2(0.35, 0.35),
        Vec2(), spots_and_bg)
Row(Vec2(0, 0.6),  Vec2(), spots_and_bg)
Row(Vec2(0, 0.6),
        Vec2(), spots_and_bg)

An array can be formed with two nested Row operations. But note this only works “correctly” when the two basis vectors are perpendicular. Admittedly, my definition of “correct” is at best idiosyncratic: that all cells of the array be identical (and correspond to the neighborhood of center on the input texture). In the previous version of this library I provided an Array operator which worked “correctly” for oblique arrays with non-orthogonal bases (see here). With the benefit of hindsight, I think TexSyn does not need an Array operator.

Row(Vec2(0.17, 0.52), Vec2(), Row(Vec2(-0.52, 0.17), Vec2(), spots_and_bg))
Row(Vec2(0.17, 0.52),
        Vec2(), Row(Vec2(-0.52, 0.17), Vec2(), spots_and_bg))
March 11, 2020


The Ring operator takes a pie-slice-shaped sector from an input texture, copying and rotating around a center to create the whole “pie.” The parameters to Ring are: float copies—how many “pie pieces” there are, Vec2 basis—the direction of the bisector of the sector to be copied, Vec2 center—around which the sectors are rotated, and the input texture. The ray from center, along the direction of basis, is a “fixed point” of the Ring operator: texture within the fixed sector is identical to the input texture. The three textures shown below are:

Note that the “shadow” in the input texture is directly below the bright spot. In the second example, where the center of rotation is below the spots, the “shadows” in each sector point toward the center. In the third example, the shadows point in a “clockwise” orientation. The copies parameter is given as a floating point value, but is interpreted as a positive integer greater than zero (via round, abs, and max).

Ring(10.1, Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(0, -0.9), spots_and_bg)
Ring(10.1, Vec2(0, 1),
        Vec2(0, -0.9), spots_and_bg)
Ring(-4.8, Vec2(1, 1), Vec2(1, 1) * -0.35, spots_and_bg)
Ring(-4.8, Vec2(1, 1),
        Vec2(1, 1) * -0.35, spots_and_bg)

Definition for spots_and_bg used above:

// Color noise reduced in brightness and saturation.
bg = AdjustBrightness(0.7,
                                       ColorNoise(0.5, Vec2(-1, -3),  0.6)))
// Matte an 80% gray spot over a "shadow", then that over the background.
spots_and_bg = SoftMatte(Translate(Vec2(0, 0.1), spot),
                         SoftMatte(spot, bg, AdjustBrightness(0.8, bg)),
March 10, 2020

Lambda combinations — wait, what?!

Oh, sorry, it looks like another digression into arcane c++, but this time from the perspective of Lisp and the lambda calculus. (As described in the 1941 book The Calculi of Lambda-Conversion by Alonzo Church, a contemporary and collaborator of Alan Turing.) I first programmed in Lisp around 1972 when I was an undergraduate. I loved it and it has stuck with me for the rest of my life. The “lambda functions” introduced into c++ in 2011 appear to be based on the same concept in the Lisp programing language (since 1959) which is in turn based on the same concept in the lambda calculus (since 1941). You can see they are very similar:

;; A Lisp lambda expression, a function of two arguments, returning them as a pair:
(lambda (x y) (cons x y))
;; To apply it to parameters, we form a “lambda combination”, a list of three
;; objects: the function and a value for each of the two parameters:
((lambda (x y) (cons x y)) 1 2)
// A c++ lambda function of two arguments, returning them as a pair:
[](int x, int y){return std::make_pair(x, y);}
// To apply it to parameters, we write the function followed by an argument list:
[](int x, int y){return std::make_pair(x, y);}(1, 2);

The key thing here is that during the execution of the lambda function, the parameters values (1 and 2) are bound to the parameter names (x and y). On March 5 I talked about how the “lifetime” of temporary c++ objects was inconveniently short. Defining a nested procedural texture caused the not-top-level operators to be automatically deleted at the end of the assignment statement. (Worth noting in this context that the lifetime of Lisp objects is “as long as you need them.” It uses garbage collection to know when you are really done with them.) I implemented a solution, using copying, but it felt too clumsy. In the end I wrote a utility to take the nested texture tree as a parameter, then perform the needed tasks, before returning and allowing the temporary object to be deleted.

What I realized today is that “lambda binding” can be used to fix this issue in c++ the same way lambdas and macros are used in Lisp to form new language extensions (e.g. let used to bind local variables). See below a “lambda combination” in c++. It corresponds to the code used to create the three sample textures for the March 9 entry about Mirror. Within the curly brackets {} are three calls to a display utility. (The three were described yesterday as “...the original input, the result of mirroring it about the Y axis, and the result of mirroring about the Y axis then the X axis...”) Above that is the function's parameter name list: a Texture reference named test. After the the curly brackets is the parameter value list that the function is applied to: a nested Texture tree of seven operators, generators, and some primitives like numbers, Vec2s, and Colors. While this is definitely a “weird” c++ style, it is limited to the places where it is used (sample code to support this document) rather than being inside the definition of all operators.

// Lexical capture spec ("all, by reference").
// Parameter type and name list (here a Texture reference named "test").
(const Texture& test)
// Body of lambda where parameter values are bound to parameter names.
// Texture tree is bound to "test" for lifetime of this block.
    Texture::displayAndFile(Mirror(Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(), test));
    Texture::displayAndFile(Mirror(Vec2(1, 0),
                                   Mirror(Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(), test)));
// Parameter value list, a nested tree of various Texture objects.
(Subtract(Uniform(Color(1, 1, 1)),
          Multiply(ColorNoise(0.5, Vec2(-1, -3), 0.6),
                   Colorize(Vec2(1, 0),
                            Multiply(grating, grating),
                            Brownian(0.3, Vec2(-1, -3),
                                     Color(1, 1, 1),
                                     Color(0, 0, 0))))));
March 9, 2020


Mirror across an arbitrary line in texture space. The line is defined by a tangent and center point. Shown below three textures: the original input, the result of mirroring it about the Y axis, and the result of mirroring about the Y axis then the X axis.

Mirror(Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(), test)
Mirror y
Mirror(Vec2(1, 0), Vec2(), Mirror(Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(), test))
Mirror y then

Just a side note about the test pattern above. I was wrapping presents and one of the gift wrapping papers had a pattern with curvy lines. I was thinking about how to do that in TexSyn. Here is an experiment in that direction, a squiggles texure:

// Vertical black and white sine wave grating.
grating = Grating(Vec2(0.1, 0), Color(1, 1, 1), Vec2(0.3, 0), Color(0, 0, 0), 1)
// Sharpen brightness peaks by squaring.
grating_squared = Multiply(grating, grating)
// Brownian noise also in shades of gray.
noise = Brownian(0.3, Vec2(-1, -3), Color(1, 1, 1), Color(0, 0, 0))
// Colorize the noise with sharpened sine wave to get the squiggles texture below.
squiggles = Colorize(Vec2(1, 0), Vec2(), grating_squared, noise)

// The test pattern above was: squiggles times color-noise subtracted from white:
test = Subtract(Uniform(Color(1, 1, 1)), Multiply(ColorNoise(0.5, Vec2(-1, -3), 0.6), squiggles))
March 8, 2020


BrightnessWrap, analogous to SoftThreshold, takes two brightness thresholds and an input texture. The brightness of the input texture is “wrapped around” in the sense of modulus (fmod) the brightness interval between the two thresholds. Then that brightness interval is adjusted to cover the interval between black and white. (The adjustment to full range had not been done in the previous version of this library. I now think it makes more sense. But I need to think about it some more.) These operations on brightness happen in hue-saturation-value color space, so only brightness (value) is changed. The hue and saturation remain unchanged.

gray_noise = Brownian(0.3, Vec2(-1, -3), white, black)
BrightnessWrap(0.4, 0.6, gray_noise)
gray noise BrightnessWrap(0.4, 0.6, gray_noise)
color_noise = ColorNoise(0.5, Vec2(-1, -3), 0.6)
BrightnessWrap(0.4, 0.6, color_noise)
color noise BrightnessWrap(0.4, 0.6, color_noise)
March 6, 2020


Twist an input texture around a given center. The twist has infinite extent but falls off as 1/r. This creates a spiral tightly curved near center and asymptotically approaching zero curvature for increasing radius. The Twist is parameterized by an angle_scale (bigger values mean more twisting) and a radius_scale which adjusts the rate of falloff (bigger values pull the twisting closer to center). For a given radius from center, the twist angle is: angle = angle_scale / ((radius * radius_scale) + 1)

// radial pattern:
center = Vec2(0.9, 0);
radial = SliceToRadial(Vec2(0, 0.318),
                       Grating(Vec2(0, -0.1), Color(0.3, 0.15, 0),
                               Vec2(0, +0.1), Color(0.9, 0.9, 0),
Twist(1, 1, center, radial)

With a larger radius_scale the twisting is pushed toward the center. So further out, the radial features are nearly straight.

Twist(1, 9, center, radial)

Stronger radius_scale causes more twisting.

Twist(7, 1, center, radial)

Stronger radius_scale and more concentration near center.

Twist(7, 9, center, radial)

An interesting mistake. Here the Twist is applied to the same point near the right side, but the radial pattern was located at the center.

near miss
March 5, 2020

Infrastructure / c++ temporaries

No new texture synthesis results today. Just boring code stuff. If you do not care about arcane c++ this is not worth reading.

I went on a bit of a wild goose chase. While testing TexSyn, and creating the sample textures for this document, I'd been bothered by an issue related to the “lifetime” of temporary values in c++ expressions. This led me deep into the c++ rabbit hole, stackoverflow, and the “curiously recurring template pattern” (which reminds me of what we called “mixins” in the Flavors OOPS in Lisp (specifically: Lisp Machine Lisp) back in the 1980s). I managed to “fix” the issue I was digging into, then decided the solution seemed too intrusive/heavyweight, and not worth keeping. I will describe it here, save the code in the graveyard, and move on. This was the example I was testing with—furry blue and green stripes—which I think of as being written like this, three nested constructors of TexSyn classes:

Multiply(Grating(Vec2(-0.1, -0.1), greenish, Vec2(0.1, 0.1), bluish, 0.5),
         Furbulence(0.2, Vec2(3, 4), gray10, white))
        blue and green stripes

This is defined as the product of two generators: Multiply applied to a Grating and a Furbulence:

blue and green
        stripes furriness

The problem I kept running into is that I want to create these procedural textures by writing a nested expressions (as in the code block above), bind them to a variable in my program, then invoke “member functions” of the Texture class on them to: display on the screen, write to an image file, and occasionally other things. Specifically, if I write:

Multiply test(Grating(Vec2(-0.1, -0.1), greenish, Vec2(0.1, 0.1), bluish, 0.5),
              Furbulence(0.2, Vec2(3, 4), gray10, white);

It creates a Multiply instance named test which contains references to two other Texture instances. (Generally these procedural textures are “trees” with operations as branching nodes and generators as leaves.) However, written like this, c++ considers those calls to the constructors of Grating and Furbulence to be  “temporaries.” By the time the execution reaches the semicolon at end of that expression, it assumes we are done with them—that their “lifetime” has expired—so it deletes them (freeing their resources, including the memory they occupy). When we get around to using the composed Texture tree, only the named, root node remains. And it now has dangling references to nonexistent objects. Trying to then render the texture to the screen results in a visit to the debugger. I had been working around this by making each operator a named top level object, avoiding any use of nested (unnamed, temporary) subobjects:

Grating grating(Vec2(-0.1, -0.1), greenish, Vec2(0.1, 0.1), bluish, 0.5);
Furbulence furbulence(0.2, Vec2(3, 4), gray10, white);
Multiply multiply(grating, furbulence);

This does not capture the composition of nested objects used in TexSyn. It seemed I wanted to extend the lifetime of nested Texture objects. I found various approaches to this but none seemed right. I decided that perhaps the most straightforward approach would be to copy the Texture parameters passed into my operators, so preserving their lifetime as long as I needed them. Copying them did not seem burdensome since these procedural textures are very small, typically less than 100 bytes, just to store the parameters. But copying was complicated by the fact that all these operators and generators are subclasses of Texture and are passed as “polymorphic” references (essentially pointers) of type Texture&. So for example, it was trivial to copy the Grating object passed into Multiply, but all Multiply knew was that it had been given a generic Texture, not that it was a Grating. Naturally, I am not the first programmer who found a need to copy class instances given only a pointer to the base class. This stackoverflow post—How to copy/create derived class instance from a pointer to a polymorphic base class?—was right on point, and had a good answer by “ltjax” It was based on that “curiously recurring template pattern” mentioned above. I followed the recipe in that answer (modifying Texture, Multiply, Grating, and Furbulence) and presto, it worked! Yay! But it would mean rewriting the inheritance spec and the constructor of every TexSyn operator. And the benefit was probably limited to “hand written” texture code. To be sure everything I have done over the last couple of months has been in that category. But the intended eventual use of this library for GP-based texture optimization would probably not benefit.

In the end, I backed up, thought about the specific problem I had and found a lightweight solution with a small code footprint. Rather than try to extend the “lifetime” of temporaries outside a given c++ statement I just moved everything I needed to do inside that statement. I refactored some utility functions of Texture. Now I can pass in an arbitrarily nested expression of TexSyn element constructors. Then, during its lifetime, the texture is rendered to the screen, and optionally encoded into a image file. That is much less trouble, though perhaps not quite as elegant, as where I was at midday when I was at “peak geek.” Sometime you just need to step back from the precipice.

(The API change was to add Texture::displayAndFile() and Texture::waitKey(). They were built from refactored bits of Texture::displayInWindow() and Texture::writeToFile().)

March 4, 2020


The AdjustBrightness operator multiplies all colors of a texture by a given scale factor. Here we see a ColorNoise texture (as on March 3) in the center and the result of adjusting it by factors of 0.5 and 2.

The scaling happens in RGB space. Note that for screen display, and for writing to image files, colors are clipped to the faces of the unit RGB color cube. So some of the colors will have been scaled up outside the unit cube and then been clipped back in, leading to brightness artifacts. See also Multiply which forms the product of two textures. In the previous version of this library there was a Tint operator which multiplied a Texture by a Color.

cn = ColorNoise(1, Vec2(2, 3), 0.8)
AdjustBrightness(0.5, cn)
AdjustBrightness(2.0, cn)
AdjustBrightness(0.5, cn)
original cn
AdjustBrightness(2.0, cn)
March 3, 2020


Operating in HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space, the AdjustSaturation operator applies a scale factor to saturation, then clips it back into the range [0, 1]. The textures below show a sample of Wrapulance ColorNoise (second texture) and the result of applying AdjustSaturation with a factor of 0.3 and 3.0:

cn = ColorNoise(1, Vec2(2, 3), 0.8)
AdjustSaturation(0.3, cn)
AdjustSaturation(3.0, cn)
AdjustSaturation(0.3, cn)
original cn
AdjustSaturation(3.0, cn)
March 2, 2020


Operating in HSV (hue, saturation, value) color space, the AdjustHue operator rotates hue by a given offset. In TexSyn, hue is defined on the interval [0, 1]. So hue and offset are added and the fractional part of the sum (“f-modulo”) becomes the new hue. In this example, BrightnessToHue assigns a “rainbow” pattern to a warped gray gradient. Then AdjustHue rotates the pattern halfway around (180° of phase).

grad = Gradation(Vec2(0, -1), Color(1, 1, 1), Vec2(0, 1), Color())
warp = MobiusTransform(Vec2(0.24665, 1.44486),
                       Vec2(-0.184825, 1.64791),
                       Vec2(0.391668, -1.24418),
                       Vec2(1.04597, -0.412046),
color1 = BrightnessToHue(0.7, warp)
color2 = AdjustHue(0.5, color1)
color1 color2
March 1, 2020

EdgeDetect and EdgeEnhance

Blur is a low pass filter that removes high frequencies. Conversely, EdgeDetect is a high pass filter that removes low frequencies. EdgeDetect is built on top of Blur using the concept of unsharp masking — a texture is blurred then, subtracting the blurred version from the original leaves the high frequency edge texture. Adding the edges back to the original gives EdgeEnhance which emphasizes the edges of the original texture. Here is “grays”, a thresholded noise pattern of dark and light grays, the result of applying EdgeDetect and the result of applying EdgeEnhance:

EdgeDetect(0.2, grays)
EdgeEnhance(0.2, grays)
grays edge
grays edge

Similarly, here is a thresholded noise pattern of three colors, the result of applying EdgeDetect and the result of applying EdgeEnhance:

EdgeDetect(0.2, colors)
EdgeEnhance(0.2, colors)
color edge
color edge
February 28, 2020


The SoftThreshold operator remaps an interval of brightness to “full range.” The operator's parameters are two intensity level (generally between 0 and 1) and an input texture. As in the 2009 version, for a gray scale texture, this means that any part of the input darker than the lower brightness bound is mapped to black, and any part brighter than the upper brightness bound is mapped to white. Parts of the input that fall between the two bounds are remapped to range between black and white. In this example, parts of the gray Noise texture below brightness 0.2 become black, above 0.7 become white. “Mach bands” can be seen around the bright parts of the image that have been clipped to white (and less obviously in the blacks):

grays = Noise(0.4, Vec2(), Color(0, 0, 0), Color(1, 1, 1));
threshold_grays = SoftThreshold(0.2, 0.7, grays);
grays threshold grays

In addition, this version of SoftThreshold handles colored input textures in an analogous fashion. (The earlier version always returned a gray scale result.) The input texture is converted to hue-saturation-value color space, the value(/brightness/intensity) is remapped and clipped (as described above) while the hue and saturation components remain unchanged. Here a ColorNoise is thresholded by its intensity. For example, note that near the center of the thresholded texture, there is a clipped patch of yellow and pink. These colors are as bright as they can be (in unit RGB space) while their hue and saturation vary as before.

colors = ColorNoise(0.6, Vec2(), 0)
threshold_colors = SoftThreshold(0.4, 0.75, colors)
colors threshold

This was the original motivation for SoftThreshold, dividing a noise texture into black and white regions, like the pattern printed on the cover of “old school” composition books.

SoftThreshold(0.5, 0.55, Brownian(0.08, Vec2(), Color(0, 0, 0), Color(1, 1, 1)))
composition book cover

Something analogous from a color noise.

SoftThreshold(0.55, 0.6, ColorNoise cbc(0.15, Vec2(), 0))
color book
February 27, 2020


Colorize is another “slice” based operator. A bit like BrightnessToHue (see January 13, 2020) it assigns colors to an input texture based on brightness/intensity/luminance. But the sequence of colors comes from a “slice” of another input texture. The parameters to Colorize are: a Vec2 slice_tangent and center which define a “ray” in texture space, then a texture_for_slice from which the colors are read, and a texture_to_color whose luminance is mapped to colors along the ray on texture_for_slice. (In fact, the “ray” is actually a line, since in TexSyn color RGBs are bounded only by floating point range.) Here is a typical call to Colorize and the resulting texture:

Colorize(Vec2(0, 1), Vec2(), texture_for_slice, texture_to_color)

Here are the two input textures, texture_for_slice is a ColorNoise which supplies the sequence of colors (from the origin, up along the vertical axis):

texture_for_slice = ColorNoise(0.1, Vec2(2, 2), 0.6)

The texture_to_color parameter is a black and white Brownian texture supplying the luminance which is mapped to the ray of colors. The texture_to_color texture need not be monochrome, but only its luminance matters to Colorize.

texture_to_color = Brownian(0.4, Vec2(), Color(0, 0, 0), Color(1, 1, 1))
February 26, 2020

Blur with a “jiggled grid” of subsamples

To reduce the noise from stochastic sampling in Blur, I tried to reduce the variance between adjacent output samples. One way to do this is to regularize the “random” subsamples. One common approach is to construct a grid over the kernel, and take one subsample randomized inside each square grid cell. This keeps the sampling density more uniform (for example you don't just happen to get all samples be on the left side of the kernel) while retaining the sampling's stochastic nature.

That part seems to work. It looks like the noise now has less magnitude. Unfortunately it is hard to tell for sure because something else is definitely different between before and after.The new grid-based version seems to have lower contrast than yesterday's random-position-on-kernel version. Worse I don't immediately see what causes this difference. Given that the kernel size is the width of a black and a white stripe, the lower contrast seems more plausible. Here is the improved(?) version with a 15x15 grid of subsamples:

15x15 grid of

While here is yesterday's version with 225 subsamples randomly distributed on the non-zero “support” of the circular kernel, which has more contrast (brighter “whites” and darker “blacks” than today's version):

225 random

The new version is about 20% faster since some of the gridded subsamples fall outside the kernel and so are just skipped.

February 27, 2020 — An addendum: I'm still puzzled by the difference in contrast of the two texture samples above. I repeated the first sample (“jiggled grid” of subsamples) using a kernel width of 0.1 instead of 0.2. Recall that each black or white stripe has a width of 0.1. So I expect blurring with a 0.1 kernel to produce full white along the center-line of (e.g.) the white strips (since the entire kernel is then within the white stripe) and a soft black↔︎white transition between the center-lines. That is indeed what I see here, which makes me somewhat more confident that the new jiggled-grid code is doing the right thing:

0.1 kernel
        width, 15x15 subsamples
February 25, 2020

Experiments with Blur

I would like to include a Blur operator in the TexSyn library to provide low pass filtering. (This would also provide a path to high pass filtering—for edge detection and edge enhancement—via unsharp masking.) But there are some problems to solve. One is that these are fundamentally kernel-based convolution operators, and so require significantly more computation than other point-based operators. This gets worse as the size of the convolution kernel increases. (Under evolutionary selection, how should we limit that size in a principled way? If evolution determines that a bigger and bigger kernel improves fitness, who are we to argue?) Beyond that, while modern computers have GPUs which can significantly accelerate traditional image processing operations, these do not directly apply to the procedural textures used in TexSyn. Textures here are resolution-agnostic, and are not stored as 2d arrays of color values.

One possible approach to this stochastic sampling. An early example of this in graphics was the “distributed sampling” of rays in RenderMan. So rather than trying to define a rectangular array of “pixels” to feed to a traditional image processing discrete convolution operation, we can randomly sample points inside the kernel, look those up in an input texture, and compute a weighted sum according to the convolution kernel. This trades off computation for noise. Here is a pair of sharp gratings composited with SoftMatte:

spot = Spot(Vec2(), 0.6, white, 0.7, black)
grating1 = Grating(Vec2(), white, Vec2(0.2, 0), black, 0.01)
grating2 = Grating(Vec2(), white, Vec2(0, 0.2), black, 0.01)
no_blur = SoftMatte(spot, grating1, grating2)

Now the experimental stochastic Blur is applied to the inner horizontal grating. Here the width of the LPF kernel is 0.2 (note: each pair of black and white stripes has a width of 0.2) and 50 subsamples of the input texture are used for each output sample, producing this very noisy blurred texture:

vs_blur = SoftMatte(spot, grating1, Blur(0.2, grating2))
vs_blur 50

Here 1000 subsamples are used per output sample. Even at this high sampling rate, the blurred image has noticeable noise:

vs_blur 1000

Note that in addition to the other issues discussed above, this prototype stochastic filter is not repeatable/deterministic. The noise pattern could be different on a subsequent run. In the future, if this stochastic approach is used, the pseudo-random generator should be “re-seeded” for each output sample, perhaps by hashing the Vec2 texture coordinates of the sample. Also the number of subsamples used should probably depend on the area of the circular kernel.

February 23, 2020

Rigid geometric transforms: Scale, Rotate, and Translate

Generally TexSyn includes rigid transformations in the specification of its generators and operators to help automatic program generation by GP (see December 19, 2019). Primarily for hand-written code I wanted to include operators for simple rigid transformation. Each takes an input texture and either a scale factor, rotation angle or translation Vec2. See some examples, including simple order-dependent composition below. If these were to be made available to GP, Scale and Rotate probably should include center parameters.

two_spots = Add(Spot(Vec2(+0.2, 0), 0.38, Color(0.7, 0, 0), 0.4, Color()),
                Spot(Vec2(-0.2, 0), 0.38, Color(0, 0, 0.7), 0.4, Color()))
scaled_spots = Scale(1.5, two_spots)
scale_then_rotate = Rotate(pi / 4, scaled_spots)
scale_rotate_translate = Translate(Vec2(0, 0.3), scale_then_rotate)
January 28, 2020


I was recently reminded of this very nice “explorable explanation” of the Möbius transformation of the complex number plane, by Tim Hutton in 2016. Substituting the texture plane for the complex plane, and with some math-hand-holding by Robert Bridson to invert the transformation (thanks!), I prototyped this MobiusTransform texture operator. Its parameters are four points on the plane and an input texture. In these examples the input is the plaid texture as defined in the entry for January 15, 2020. Using Hutton's interactive tool I defined the four points for the first example, which is just “off” an identity transform. That is, the perpendicular diagonal stripes of plaid have been rotated and slightly curved by the Möbius transformation. The next two (whose “control points” were randomly generated Vec2 values within 4 units of the origin) show increasing amounts of warp. The fourth example (also randomly generated) shows an area of significant contraction of the input texture. The current texture operators use point sampling so areas of strong contraction inevitably produce aliasing “confetti” due to undersampling (violating Nyquist's criteria). Eventually TexSyn may be extended to detect these contractions and supersample them. Or perhaps it will just depend upon genetic programming to “vote down” textures with these artifacts.

// first example:
MobiusTransform(Vec2(1,2), Vec2(0,.1), Vec2(.1,0), Vec2(1,-2), plaid)

// third example:
MobiusTransform(Vec2(-0.958788, 1.64993), Vec2(-1.54534, -0.593485), Vec2(1.29155, -0.931471), Vec2(0.768266, 0.24665), plaid)
MobiusTransform 1 MobiusTransform 2 MobiusTransform 3 MobiusTransform 4
January 24, 2020


SliceToRadial maps a “slice” of its input texture—specified by a tangent vector and center point—to rays emanating from the center point. The three examples below use the same color noise texture defined in the January 23 entry. This operator introduces a discontinuity along the -tangent direction. In the first two examples that can be seen diagonally from the center to the lower left, and in the third example from the center to the left.

SliceToRadial(Vec2(1, 1), Vec2(0, 0), cn);
SliceToRadial(Vec2(1, 1), Vec2(0.5, 0.5), cn);
SliceToRadial(Vec2(1, 0), Vec2(0.5, 0.5), cn);
        1 SliceToRadial 2 SliceToRadial 3
January 23, 2020

Texture “slices” and SliceGrating

As in an earlier version of this library, the term “slice” of a texture refers to the pattern of colors along a line in texture space. This could also be called a “1d texture” or a “transit.” Several operators in this library take a texture as an input, then ignore all but one slice of it. The slice is normally specified by a tangent vector and a point. The magnitude of the tangent serves as a parameter of the operator.

So for example, SliceGrating takes a slice and “sweeps” it perpendicular to the tangent. The slice is specified by two Vec2 parameters: slice_tangent and center. The length of slice_tangent becomes a scale factor along the slice, relative to the center. Here we see the input texture, then three SliceGratings made from it, each with a different scale. In all three examples, the center of the transform is in the upper right at (0.5, 0.5).

cn = ColorNoise(0.6, Vec2(5, -2), 0.6);
SliceGrating(Vec2(1, 2) * 2.0, Vec2(0.5, 0.5), cn);
SliceGrating(Vec2(1, 2) * 1.0, Vec2(0.5, 0.5), cn);
SliceGrating(Vec2(1, 2) * 0.5, Vec2(0.5, 0.5), cn);
color_noise sg1 sg2 sg3
January 21, 2020


This Stretch operator scales its input texture along a given direction by a given factor (“anisotropic scaling”). Two before-and-after examples are shown below.

First, a texture called color_noise, and the result of stretching it by a factor of 0.2 at a 45° angle, with the transformation centered at the origin. If you trace along the diameter from lower left to upper right you might be able to see the same color pattern.

Stretch(Vec2(0.2, 0).rotate(pi / 4), Vec2(0, 0), color_noise)
ColorNoise Stretch 1

Second, a texture called three_spots, and the result of stretching it by a factor of 2, with the transformation centered at the cyan spot's center (called p2) along the direction from there to the origin. As a result, the original cyan spot and the stretched cyan ellipse share the same center. The center of the yellow and magenta spots have been displaced by the stretch.

Stretch((-p2).normalize() * 2, p2, three_spots)
three_spots Stretch 2
January 20, 2020


Like MultiNoise, the ColorNoise generator takes parameters float scale, Vec2 center, and a float “which” to select among the types of noise generators. It creates three “analogous” but uncorrelated noise textures which are used as the red, green, and blue color components. The three ColorNoise examples below are a low frequency basic Perlin Noise, a Wrapulence at twice that frequency, and a higher frequency (12.5⨉) Furbulence.

ColorNoise(1, Vec2(-7, 4), 0);
ColorNoise(0.5, Vec2(-18, -20), 0.8);
ColorNoise(0.08, Vec2(15, -12), 0.6);
ColorNoise 1
ColorNoise 2
ColorNoise 3
January 19, 2020

Texture diff tool

I made a debugging tool—Texture::diff()—that does a “diff” of two textures, prints some numerical metrics, then displays the two inputs and diff textures for visual comparison. The tool uses a new texture operator called AbsDiff that simply takes the absolute value (norm) of the difference between corresponding points on the two input textures. This “abs of diff” is applied to the three RGB components independently. This is a test of the diff utility on two completely different textures:

n = Noise(0.2, Vec2(), Color(1, 0, 0), Color(1, 1, 0));
g = Grating(Vec2(), Color(0, 1, 1), Vec2(0.1, 0.1), Color(0, 0, 1), 0.5);
Texture::diff(n, g);

I used this diff tool to test a change to Texture::rasterizeDisk() and while trying to come up with a closed form inverse mapping for contraction in StretchSpot. A black third panel would indicate the new code was equivalent to the old code. These colored fringes indicate a mismatch:

January 16, 2020


StretchSpot makes a “fish eye” bulge of enlargement within a given circular area of an input texture. Or, if the scale factor is less than 1, makes a zone of contraction within the circular area. The code below corresponds to the first image. The second is the same except for the signs on the dist values specifying the centers of stretch. Each is a series of four applications of StretchSpot applied sequentially, two enlarging and two contracting. The input texture is the same plaid example used below in the January 15 entry.

radius = 0.8
dist = 0.65
            Vec2(+dist, -dist),
                        Vec2(-dist, -dist),
                                    Vec2(-dist, +dist),
                                                Vec2(+dist, +dist),
StretchSpot 1 StretchSpot 2
January 15, 2020


Texture operator Wrap takes a half-plane of its input texture and wraps it radially around a given point. The wrapping is defined by three parameters: a float width that determines how much of the half plane is used in the wrap, the Vec2d center point of the wrap, and a Vec2d fixed_ray from the center that will remain unchanged by the wrap. A “strip” of the half plane (width/2 on both sides of fixed_ray) is transformed radially around center. (That is, a series of rays parallel to fixed_ray, and displaced perpendicular to it, become radial rays emanating from the center point. This is related to a rectangular-(Cartesian)-to-polar transform.) Wrap leads to a discontinuity in the direction of -fixed_ray where the two edges of the “strip” become adjacent in the resulting wrapped texture.

In the example below we see a test pattern called “plaid” and its image under two applications of the Wrap operator. In wrap1, the center is at the origin and fixed_ray points straight up. In wrap2, the center is at (0.2, 0.2) and fixed_ray points along the main diagonal (1, 1). There is a discontinuity in wrap2 along (-1, -1) while wrap1 just happens to match up and appear continuous. In both cases aliasing from point sampling is apparent near the center of wrap.

plaid = Add(Grating(Vec2(0, 0), Color(1, 0, 0),
                    Vec2(0.1, 0.1), Color(0.3, 0, 0), 0.3),
            Grating(Vec2(0, 0), Color(0, 1, 0),
                    Vec2(-0.1, 0.1), Color(0, 0.3, 0), 0.3))
wrap1 = Wrap(5, Vec2(0, 0), Vec2(0, 1), plaid)
wrap2 = Wrap(5, Vec2(0.2, 0.2), Vec2(1, 1), plaid)
“plaid” texture
Wrap 1 Wrap 2
January 13, 2020


The BrightnessToHue operator takes a texture and a hue_phase. It maps luminance values on [0, 1] to hue. Luminance values 0 and 1 both map to hue_phase and pass through all other hues in between. Here we define a gray scale pattern called “gray_gratings” and colorize it with BrightnessToHue. We see two version, with hue_phase of 0.0 and 0.5, which are 180° out of phase. So for example, those 8 spots horizontally across the middle are red in one and cyan (“anti-red”) in the other.

gray_gratings = Add(Grating(Vec2(), black, Vec2(0, 2), gray50, 1),
                    Add(Grating(-basis1, black, basis1, gray25, 1),
                        Grating(-basis2, black, basis2, gray25, 1)))
BrightnessToHue(0.0, gray_gratings)
BrightnessToHue(0.5, gray_gratings)
BrightnessToHue, hue_phase=0 BrightnessToHue, hue_phase=0.5
January 12, 2020

GP considerations and MultiNoise

Thinking ahead to use with genetic programming, I added an alternate version of the noise textures. MultiNoise has the same parameters as the other noise texture generators, plus one additional number between 0 and 1 which selects between the five noise generators. This serves two purposes. (I think, although it remains to be seen.) First, this selection parameter is subject to “jiggle” mutation, allowing the type of noise (e.g. Turbulence versus Furbulence) to vary under the control of evolutionary selection pressure. In addition, I was concerned about letting noise textures “dominate” the function set by having two many variations. This effects the choices made during GP's initial construction of random programs, which in turn influences the rest of the run. On the other hand, it may make more sense to explicitly control this by giving each GP function a “likelihood of being chosen for random program construction” parameter. If so, that value could be set lower for the five varieties of noise generators. The program for this demo texture is perhaps a little too fiddly, but roughly:

noise = MultiNoise(scale, center, black, magenta, 0.0);
brownian = MultiNoise(scale, center, black, red, 0.2);
turbulence = MultiNoise(scale, center, black, yellow, 0.4);
furbulence = MultiNoise(scale, center, black, green, 0.6);
wrapulence = MultiNoise(scale, center, black, cyan, 0.8);
auto spot = [&](float r){return Spot(center, r, black, r+0.05, white);};
MultiNoise texture
January 11, 2020


Wrapulence is my name for yet another variation on Turbulence. Here, each octave of the basic noise signal is scaled up in brightness then “wrapped” down into the range [0, 1] using something like an floor() or fmod(). The result is that the sharp stepwise changes in intensity, wrapping from bright to dark, happen “at all scales.” (Or at least at several scales. Recall that these multi-octave, 1/f fractal noise generators use 10 levels of recursion.)

Wrapulence(0.9, Vec2(-2, -9), Color(0, 0, 0), Color(1, 0.6, 0))
Wrapulence noise
        texture generator
January 10, 2020


Furbulence is my name for a variation on Turbulence. Like Brownian, each are 1/f fractal noise. Perlin's Turbulence introduces sharp features at the bottom (dark) end of the noise signal, using an absolute value to fold the negative parts of the signal up into the positive range. Similarly, Furbulence uses two absolute values, one to fold the dark end up, and one to fold the bright end down (with the scaling and shifting needed to make that work). The result is that there are sharp discontinuities at the dark and bright ends of the Furbulence signal. In this example there are sharp hair-like features in the bright and dark regions of the texture, here colored reddish blue and bluish red.

Furbulence(0.25, Vec2(-1, 2), Color(1, .1, .3), Color(.3, .1, 1))
Furbulence noise
        texture generator

Just a comparison of Furbulence and Turbulence. The inner Furbulence can be seen to have sharp features in both white and yellow. The outer Turbulence has soft cloud-like patches of blue broken by sharp black cracks.

SoftMatte(Spot(Vec2(0, 0),
               0.1, Color(0, 0, 0),
               0.9, Color(1, 1, 1)),
          Furbulence(0.1, Vec2(1, 2),
                     Color(1, 1, 1), Color(.7, .7, 0)),
          Turbulence(0.2, Vec2(-5, 7),
                     Color(0, 0, 0), Color(.3, .3, 1)))
Furbulence/Turbulence comparison
January 6, 2020


Turbulence is a variation on noise presented in Ken Perlin's groundbreaking original SIGGRAPH 1985 paper: An Image Synthesizer. Like Brownian noise, Turbulence is composed of multiple octaves. At each level, the negative-going part of the basic noise signal is “folded up” with an absolute value operator. This produces soft/rounded features in the bright part of the texture and sharp/discontinuous features in the dark parts of the texture. In the example below, the sharp “valleys” are colored in dark magenta, while the soft cloud-like highlights are colored orange.

Turbulence(0.3, Vec2(2, -5), Color(0.3, 0, 0.3), Color(1, 0.6, 0))
Turbulence noise
        texture generator
January 4, 2020

Brownian — fractal 1/f Perlin noise

This is 10 layers (octaves) of Perlin noise. The base layer is as shown on January 3. Each subsequent octave is scaled down by half in amplitude and size (doubling its frequency). Subsequent octaves are also rotated by 2.0 radians to dis-align it with the other layers.

Brownian(0.20, Vec2(3, 5), Color(0, 1, 0), Color(0.3, 0.3, 0.3))
Brownian noise
        texture generator (green clouds on gray)
January 3, 2020

Perlin Noise

This is a TexSyn generator wrapped around the basic Perlin noise() function as described in his SIGGRAPH 2002 paper Improving Noise. The parameters are a scale factor, a center/translation, and two colors.

Update: this “two point” approach was implemented on May 31: (Design note: I don't like that the noise pattern is always “axis aligned” in this formulation. I could add a rotation angle. But I am leaning toward changing to a specification with two points (Vec2s)—like used in Gradation—or a point and a basis vector to specify a whole transform: translation, rotation, and scale.)

Noise(0.1, Vec2(3, 5), Color(0, 0, 1), Color(1, 1, 0))
Noise texture generator
        (blue and yellow blobs)
January 1, 2020

Catching up: Max and Min

The Max and Min operators compose two textures together. Each point's color comes from whichever input texture has the Max (or Min) luminance/brightness at the corresponding point. These examples show the result with the same two Gratings used in the SoftMatte example. In the first image, the white parts of the vertical Grating push to the front and the black parts push to the back. They are covered by the horizontal Grating. Note that magenta is in front of blue. The second image is the same code with Min instead.

Max(Grating(Vec2(-0.2, 0), Color(0, 0, 0),
            Vec2( 0.2, 0), Color(1, 1, 1), 1),
    Grating(Vec2(0, -0.1), Color(1, 0, 1),
            Vec2(0,  0.1), Color(0, 0, 1), 0.2))
Max texture operator Min texture operator
January 1, 2020

Catching up: SoftMatte

The SoftMatte Operator take three Textures as parameters. The first is interpreted as the “matte.” When it's luminance value is zero, the result is taken from the second Texture. When the matte's luminance value is one, the result is taken from the third Texture. Matte values in between result in a linear interpolation between the other Textures. In this example the matte Texture is a Spot. The outer dark part of the Spot takes the second texture, a sinusoid Gradient of vertical black and white bands. The inner bright part of the spot takes the third texture, a “slightly soft square wave” Gradient of horizontal magenta and blue stripes.

SoftMatte(Spot(Vec2(0, 0),
               0.2, Color(1, 1, 1),
               0.8, Color(0, 0, 0)),
          Grating(Vec2(-0.2, 0), Color(0, 0, 0),
                  Vec2( 0.2, 0), Color(1, 1, 1), 1),
          Grating(Vec2(0, -0.1), Color(1, 0, 1),
                  Vec2(0,  0.1), Color(0, 0, 1), 0.2))
SoftMatte texture
January 1, 2020

Catching up: Grating

The Grating generator creates a swept stripe pattern whose cross-sectional “slice” is a periodic waveform. The parameters to Grating include:

Grating(Vec2(0.1, 0.1), Color(0, 0.8, 0),
        Vec2(0.5, 0.3), Color(0.85, 0.85, 0),
Grating texture
        generator (green and yellow stripes)
January 1, 2020

Catching up: Gradation

Having installed a modern version of OpenCV and integrated it into TexSyn, I can now see the textures that before I could only verify with unit tests.

The Gradation generator defines two colored “half planes” with a smooth (sinusoidal) transition between them. The parameters to Gradation are two “colored positions.” The line segment between the two points defines the orientation and width of the transition region. Outside the transition region the texture is uniformly the nearest of the two colors.

Gradation(Vec2(0.4, -0.2), Color(0.9, 0.0, 0.0),
          Vec2(-0.4, 0.2), Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9));
Gradation texture
        generator (red to white)
December 30, 2019

“First light” and the Spot operator

These are the first textures displayed by TexSyn captured as screen shots. They show the result of the Spot texture generator. The first one was tiny and was missing its center constant-color region. The OpenCV utility cv::imshow() is used to rasterize and display the procedural texture. The first image used a 24 bit (three 8 bit unsigned integers) RGB representation, called CV_8UC3 in OpenCV. A bug caused “full brightness” colors to wrap around to zero, causing the black center. I fixed the bug and switched to an image format with three 32 bit floating point number per stored pixel (CV_32FC3). Later I may switch to four channel images to accommodate alpha matting.

TexSyn's Texture class supports arbitrary resolution—so there is no static storage of pixels—all color values are computed procedurally “on the fly” represented as three 32-bit floating point values. The OpenCV images (cv::mat class) are used only at the output end, before displaying a texture on the screen, or writing it to an image file.

This Spot Texture has been specified to be centered at the origin, with an inner radius of 0.2 and an inner color of white. Its outer radius is 0.6 and outer color is black. Between 0.2 and 0.6 there is a soft sinusoidal transition between the inner and outer colors:

    Spot(Vec2(0, 0),
         0.2, Color(1, 1, 1),
         0.6, Color(0, 0, 0));

“first light”
texture generator
December 29, 2019


From December 15 through December 28 the basic infrastructure was constructed. This included:

For more details, see the code and the git commit history.

December 19, 2019

Designing for genetic programming

Most software libraries are, of course, intended for use by human programmers.There is a design aesthetic (“design pattern”?) that leans toward minimal functionality (where a function should “do just one thing”) and conversely duplication should be avoided. More complicated functionality arise from composing the minimal units of a library.

In contrast, TexSyn is intended primarily for use by a genetic programming system. GP is a type of automatic programming technique, driven by evolutionary optimization. My experience has been that this suggests different “best practices” for library design. This will be revisited in future posts, but here is an example to give a sense of this issue.

Imagine a texture generator called Spot, a disk of one color on a field of another color. A minimalist design might define a spot with a default diameter (say 1) at a default location (say the origin), and default colors (a white spot on a black background). As such, this minimalist Spot could have zero parameters. That was the initial approach taken in 2008 for the previous version of this library. Using standard techniques of composition of software operators, a programmer might use a Scale operator to adjust the spot's diameter, a Translation operator to change its position, and perhaps a SoftMatte operation to use the basic black-and-white pattern to modulate other colors or textures.

This suggests a requirement for context in the composition of functions when writing programs with this library. If we are going to call Spot, we will, in general, need to surround it with calls to Scale, Translate, etc. A human programmer would understand how to handle this. An automated programming system would not, or at least would need to be augmented to supply the required context. In random programs constructed by GP, without that context, we would expect to see a bias toward Spot often exhibiting its default radius and position, because it did not happen to be modified by Scale, Translate, etc. An alternative to declaring and maintaining this context, is to make these transformations part of the basic Spot definition. So for example Spot could have several parameters, such as a center position, a radius, and the two colors to use.

TexSyn will use this this approach, often giving texture generators and operators additional parameters to establish context. This makes it explicit to the genetic programming system that, for example, a Spot always needs a position to be specified because it is a required parameter to Spot. This removes the need to add extra complexity related to required context.

December 15, 2019

A new library

Today I created Texsyn, a new repository on GitHub, part of a project about adversarial evolutionary texture synthesis.

TexSyn is a library for procedural texture synthesis. It is intended for use by a genetic programming (“GP”) system, a type of genetic algorithm. The GP system performs simulated evolution on a population of individual programs, according to a fitness function. (Also known as a fitness metric, utility function, or a loss function in machine learning.) In this application to texture synthesis, the programs are compositions of functions from the TexSyn library. When executed they describe a color texture, an image.

This is a re-implementation and update to the TextureSynthesisTest library as described in Texture Synthesis Diary and used as the basis of the 2011 paper Interactive Evolution of Camouflage.

(Note: as of May 6, 2020 an incompatible change was made to improve gamma handling. For entries dated before then, the given TexSyn code, if re-rendered anew, will produce a texture that looks different from the one shown in the doc. It will generally be brighter and less saturated.)

This page, and the software it describes, by Craig Reynolds